Friday, March 29, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Hundreds of Central American asylum seekers - mostly family units - are flooding the Brownsville Intermodal Terminal seeking passage toward the interior of the United States to join relatives or sponsors after  being screened for their claim with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in McAllen.

Asylum seekers are being brought to the Good Neighbor Settlement House and at the bus terminal. Local volunteers are assisting them in boarding the right buses for their destinations under the watchful eye of officers with the Brownsville Police Department.)


Anonymous said...

bus stop use to be open 24 hours
with cuban invasion in 2014
COB started closing the bus station at 2100
darn cubans were showering in the sinks and begging for handouts.
brownsville only has a few buses leaving a day and they sell out fast.
its not like mcallen where buses come and go all day!
bus the illwgals to mcallen!

Anonymous said...

It's an invasion. The government needs to print more food stamps.

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough. Regardless of what we think of Trump, this is one point where I think he is right. We are being invaded and it should be considered as a crisis. What do think we should do with all these intruders. We need to support US citizens and not those who charge like a bunch of cows getting out of the corral. For once, I agree with the Donald.

Anonymous said...

Liberals getting what they want..

Anonymous said...

The new police chief was the leader of the motorcycle gang great choice for them not for us. His priority "give more tickets".

Anonymous said...

With thousands more scheduled for release, the compassion tank is running on fumes. A substantial portion of Central Ameria is now marching to the Border with bogus claims for asylum. They come with little education, unable to speak basic English and have few marketable job skills. Most will become wards of the various states and be introducted to American generational poverty and welfare.

Meanwhile they have become the great political football of our time. This is a lose/lose kind of thing. The Dems say they do not want open borders, yet deny the funds that control our border. They would rather make Trump look bad, than help their own country. There is something not right about this. I think we are being lied to....again!

Anonymous said...

What happened to "Catch and return"? Instead of catch and release? This is one of the few issues that the president is absolutely right, our country needs to do more to secure our border to prevent illegal immigration.

Anonymous said...

What happened to "Catch and return"? Instead of catch and release? This is one of the few issues that the president is absolutely right, our country needs to do more to secure our border to prevent illegal immigration.

Anonymous said...

republican operatives are organizing the caravans so they can justify the trumnp wall nothing else

Anonymous said...

While in the Brownsville mayor’s office.. “What crisis? There’s no issues. I’m delighted,”

Linda Forse said...

Xenophobia is raising its ugly head in these comments. We are a border town, and like all border towns we deal with migration. Human migration has utilized this route for centuries. This is a town of immigrants, including me. We are not unique from any other border town in the world. If you are concerned, donate, give, help. If you oppose this natural phenomenon, move away from the border, all borders.

Anonymous said...

Why should we move away? To make room for these idiots that don't understand that they can not overrun a border - como Cheech and Chong in East L.A. I will not donate to any cause such as this. We worked all our lives to have what we have and we never asked for a handout from anybody. I would not be caught dead with the LOne Star Card; I'd rather clean toilets and get a pay check then to stoop that low. And now, they deny the US citizens who have worked all their lives so they can have enough to give all the illegal aliens who only want handouts. Why does a 98 year lady want a US citizenship at her age? For benefits she will get without one day of contributing to this country. I agree with Trump and do hope he does close all the borders, to include those who do come across everyday to work and take their money back to "their" country. What the hell are they doing over here. Kick their ass out. Keep them from stealing from the donation boxes around the city, like I saw several doing the other day. Keep them out of the public library where they have hunckered down. If you are so strong in helping them, why don't you take one family in your home and help them get their papers and then get a job to pay you back!

Anonymous said...

Yes Linda Forse, we deal with migration and immigrants but not illegal immigrants. You conveniently left out the word illegal. Trump is all for LEGAL immigrants not illegal immigrants. Pleas don't confuse the two. You mention that you are an immigrant. Good for you. I'm assuming you are legal.

Anonymous said...

forget what they dont bring and focus on what they do bring. disease, illiteracy, crime...

Anonymous said...

Well said LF

Anonymous said...

LF you do understand the organized crime in mexico charges at the cheapest $3500 per person. you know 1,00 apprehensions a day times $3500 is $3.5 million for the cartels a day!
our lax laws are helping mexico build massive militias. stop looking at the humanitarian side. that thinking of pobrecitos gets us nowhere! do admire you for posting your name though

General Patton said...

ok folks so the Democrats dont want a wall ok so what are all other options then? Time to make a hard decision, come on congress members Peloosa and shoomer, AOC time to make a hard decision instead of just critizing Trump and the Republicans, Democrat Party where do we stand? Ya enuff crying and critizing, time to earn your pay, i dont hear anuone suggesting other options???? We need either a Border WALL or immigration REFORM pero YA. NO MORE BULL, BS OR Whatever

Anonymous said...

Complain about the hillbillies and remember ALL GRINGOS came from europe hungry and infected YOU ALL WHITES your ancestors were eating cockroaches and rats and one another on your illegal journey to the new world oh you forgot about that how convinient...

Anonymous said...

Close the border and suspend all immigration.

Anonymous said...

Trump should do what President Eisenhower did in in the sixties. OPERATION WETBACK ROUND-UP. IT WORKED.

Anonymous said...

Congressman Vela is a friend of the illegal immigrants not a representative of taxpayers of Brownsville or Cameron county period.

Anonymous said...

These people can come all the way from Central America to here, but need "assistance" to get on the right bus? Something not right about this.

Anonymous said...

Go back to cockroach europe and finish up your ancester's sentence at the prison they were released from.

Anonymous said...

If its white and moves BE CAREFUL DO NOT TRUST!!!

Anonymous said...

hILLBILLIES are so stupid they marry their sisters and date their mothers...

Anonymous said...

When the influx of european cockroaches arrived here they wanted the natives to get on their knees so the roaches could step on their backs and climb on their newly stolen horse.

Anonymous said...

They are coming back they were born in East L.A.

General Patton said...

THANK YOU US CONGRESS, Pelosie, shumer AOC, Vela and Gonzalez for not doing your job, lets make the valley great again, keep bringing more illegals to our wonder Magic alley. At least Prez Trump roars loud maybe not to damn clear but he does ROAR. AND US CONGRESS DEAD SILENT, oh im sorry i do hear them-wheres my paycheck they ask? LOL

Anonymous said...

He should sent his wife back to cockroach europe snarky family she came here as an illegal and work illegal and married illegal and still is illegal racist republicans. Lets see how loud they roar to sent her back do your job racist republicans

Anonymous said...

I've read some good comments and some very funny here but at March 31, 2019 at 10:07 PM this one has got to be one of the best lol really!

Anonymous said...

They've never seen a bus before

Anonymous said...

The United States has become the welfare system of both Mexico and Central America. Think about it they send their poor, and problem solved for them. Then the ones that do work send their money home, Cash remitences from illegal workers back to their home countries is the biggest industry and the biggest amount of cash flow going back to their home countries. In the case of Mexico, it brings in more money than drugs.
