Saturday, March 30, 2019


(Click on graphic to enlarge.)


Anonymous said...

Hey, Juan, I thought Trump was gonna lose the election? Didn't you tell me that?

Anonymous said...

What happened to U. of Houston in NCAA Tournament, Montoya? LOL

Anonymous said...

The best you can do is post a biased cartoon, at that, for this event? Get off your Anglo-kissing horse , Juan aka "Yuan"

Anonymous said...

@March 30, 2019 at 3:05 PM @March 31, 2019 at 11:06 AM @March 30, 2019 at 3:43 PM

You can now collect your check for your republican friends fool...

Anonymous said...

The entire, Trump and the Russians cooked the books in the 2016 election and Hillary is our rightful President, just blew up. The Trump haters have invested two years of anger, hate and animas, in that narrative and they just can't back down now. They will continue to hate even after their basic argument proved to be a bogus hoax.

Human nature is so predictable and so dishonest!

Anonymous said...

You stupid fucking Valley know Mexicans are too stupid and too corrupt to govern themselves.

Anonymous said...

All that corruption came from cockroch europe and spread like white fire now its all over. Inept hillbillies gringos and corruption go hand in hand. Serial gringo corruption all over the eastern coast and now spreading to the west coast. Make America corrupt

Anonymous said...

All gringos are hillbillies they are so stupid they marry their sisters and date their mothers FOOLS...

A Real American!!! said...

Yes sir! Our President Trump was exonerated! Life goes on and the democraps are never happy!
