Friday, March 8, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Before we get over the snub to the Charro Days International parade by Arturo Elias Ayub - this year's Mr. Amigo who flew off to watch the Mexican Open tennis tournament to Acapulco instead of our parade - and begin to feel warm and fuzzy that he donated 400 bicycles to local kids, we stand corrected.

In fact, it wasn't Ayub who is to buy the bicycles for Matamoros kids attending Brownsville public and  charter schools, but rather the Mr. Amigo Association.  They raked in more than $37,000 in proceeds from a Taste of La Frontera food bash alone not counting other fund raisers like program sponsorships, etc.. Since they didn't have to pay any overhead like police security, rental of facilities, or his plane fare because he came on his personal jet, they had a little pocket change left over.

All expenses were provided by the City of Brownsville saps called the taxpayers. So as a show of gratitude to the city and its fine citizens, MAA president Arturo Trevino and his fellows on the board decided  return the favor.

This year the MAA decided they had a little cash left over after the week-long party and wanted to show a little largess. The bikes, we have been told, will come out of the MAA's pocket and will purchased from the local Walmart. We stand corrected.

Ayub left never to come back, but every time we see one of the Matamoros students riding off on his or her brand-new bike, we should remember that not only are they receiving a free education compliments of local taxpayers, but also that we played small role in making them happy.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it a little bit too dangerous for them, let's say, if they have to go across International Blvd at 4:30 PM on a bike?

Anonymous said...

we must give our deepest gratitude to our local lawmakers, for stealing from legal taxpayers for providing not only "FREE" education but also now "FREE" transportation to these illegals. Where in the world do we American taxpayers get free education and free transportation for free? Filemon Vela, Vicente Gonzales, both of the Eddie Lucio's are in desperation to please the Mex. state of Tamaulipas. The question is why? Also keep in mine that Tamaulipas 's former governors, Tomas Yarrington and Eugenio Hernandez Flores are very big key players in United States Corruption. Favors come to bite you in the ass. Would it not make more sense to provide this kind of "gift" to our Veterans and their families? Another idea would be to provide those bikes to the obese and try to help them get in shape.

Anonymous said...

The charro asso need to go but permanently. The citizens are sick and tired of all this shenanigans. The poorest community in the nations donating to a third world country is beyond belief.
Our children should the the first and only priority here. PURO PENDEJOS...

Anonymous said...

Browntown is such a shit hole.

Anonymous said...

You do understand that students that live in Matamoros, Mexico need to go to school in Matamoros, Mexico; not Brownsville, Texas.

If the Mr. Amigo Association actually does provide accommodations that make it easier for Mexican students, living in Mexico and coming across the border on a daily basis, then they should resign from their positions.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the correction, because too much credit was given to Ayoub for donating anything. As for the organization donating, did the money come from your personal funds ? Were all these activities, and fundraisers done in Matamoros? There are organizations in Brownsville that could've been helped, including homeless shelters, and veterans. Help our local programs, bikes could've been donated to local schools for end of year prizes for student perfect attendance or incentives for other things. Did you forget that our community supports Charro days activities, and our school children are involved in the parades? Bola de ratas ,shame on you for taking away from one of the poorest communities, using those funds to put feathers in your cap, and not helping our own here.

Anonymous said...

The wino association is nothing but a disgrace to the community its high time to put a stop to these bozos. The city commission MUST step in and dissolve it.

Anonymous said...

Ill save my comment for 10 or 15 days.. como la vives cagando con fake news, ill gave you a few days to make more corrections.

Anonymous said...

And in 10 I will say the same get rid of those bozos and start new.

The wino association is nothing but a disgrace to the community its high time to put a stop to these bozos. The city commission MUST step in and dissolve it.

Anonymous said...

The kids from Matamoros get picked up every morning and dropped off in the afternoon on the corner of International and Washington street by the BISD BUSSES . Are they going to build bike racks also?

Anonymous said...

You see bike signs all the way to los fresnos and back and all over town how much money did it cost the taxpayers???
