Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Cameron County Elections Office started mailing the city election ballots for military personnel today, two days before a hearing before a visiting judge where City of Brownsville District 2 incumbent Jessica Tetreau will ask that one of her opponents be removed from it.

"We have to do it today according to state law," said an elections staffer.

Tetreau filed a lawsuit through her attorney Rick Zayas to prevent Catalina Presas-Garcia from appearing on the ballot claiming she had violated state law by signing the petition forms despite the fact that she had not personally collected the signatures from the voters.

Tetreau's lawsuit does not allege that any of the signatures were fraudulent, only that by signing the statement under the list Presas-Garcia was asserting she had personally collected them.

In her lawsuit, Tetreau said Viro Cardenas had told her that a voter had told him it was William Kingsbury who had asked her for her signature, and not the candidate.

Visiting Judge Robert Pate has scheduled a 10 a.m. Friday hearing to consider Tetreau's motion to remove Presas-Garcia from the ballot.

Presas-Garcia has asked that the motion be denied siting state law that - among other things - states that a candidate cannot be removed past  a certain deadline.

Specifically, it states that "“(a) An application for a place on the ballot may not be challenged for compliance with the applicable requirements as to form, content, and procedure after the day before any ballot to be voted early by mail is mailed to an address in the authority's jurisdiction for the election for which the application is made.”  


Anonymous said...

Caty is flying on fumes, bro.

Anonymous said...

If Tetreau gets re-elected it will be another sad day for Brownsville. I agree that people deserve who is elected. A dumb candidate like Tetreau is elected by dumb voters and voters who choose not to vote. She has no business in politics. All she knows how to do is pop out kids and be on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

We really never hear about military votes during elections. Do any of them really count? I served in the military and was deployed a number of times. I voted using an absentee ballot, but have no idea if my votes were ever counted. It is like one voting station during the Obama years where every single vote went to Obama. While I can't say it was not true....what is the chance? I just believe that all my votes while in the military were just lost.

Anonymous said...

As the world turns

Anonymous said...

Miriam, your husband is NOT helping,,,, your getting moved back to patrol soon, don't fight it, just accept that your not special and the only reason your there now is because of your ex-boyfriend Dale.

Anonymous said...

By the looks of this ballot, this city is doomed to continue to self destruct while The rest of the valley continues to grow and prosper. Browntown works as well as your shitty reCAPTCHA .

Anonymous said...

@11:33, Who cares if Caty is flying on fumes, she should be on the ballot just like the other losers in this race and lets see where it ends.And if Caty is flying on fumes, Jessica shouldn't worry and let the people of Dist.2 decide not a freaking judge. Plus all the other candidate did the same thing nobody even cares about that. Let the voters decide.

Anonymous said...

Caty, you got our votes, no one but a dozen votes.

Anonymous said...

So let’s see....our choices are Dumb, Drunk/Thief and Dumber. What a dilemma to pick the most qualified.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how it is that the city attorney was able to get involved on behalf of Jessica? Doesn't anyone question these types of actions? Are the citizens of brownsville not worthy of answers!!

Anonymous said...

City manager was smart to make such a slick move to wait for a police chief. Like we couldn't figure out he was just buying time to see who wins elections. Tetreaus boy sauceda already promised the extra day off.

Fernando H. said...

I lived in Rio del Sol for many years, now I'm in heaven watching over Brownsville, please get your shit together Jessica.

Let the Voters Decide not the court system.

Vote For Caty better choice for Brownsville !!

Anonymous said...

Anyone but the car wash lady.

Anonymous said...

The conspiracy theorist at March 20, 2019 at 12:15 PM said:

"It is like one voting station during the Obama years where every single vote went to Obama."

Where is your proof of this ever happening? Is it one of those stories that "they" said happened? And why wouldn't your mail-in ballot have counted? Why do people always feed into these wild conspiracy theories with no proof whatsoever?

Just like Brownsville's conspiracy theorist in chief, BW-C or the other asshat DP-M who likes making shit up about Brownsville while writing from his dark, dank corner of McAllen, telling these ridiculous stories with no proof whatsoever is irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

Cut and Dry. Da law is da law.
