Friday, March 8, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

On November 6, 2018, San Benito voters approved a $40 million bond proposal that will allow San Benito CISD to build a state-of-the-art performing arts center, an aquatics center, and an indoor multipurpose athletic facility.

At the time, the SBISD website said that the district's administrators and trustees extended their most sincere appreciation to the voters of the community for "embracing the district’s vision, goals, and plans and planned to have updates on the next steps for these projects. 

"Stay tuned!," they said.

We'll it's been a while but here's where things stand.
Orlando Lopez
Michael VargasThe bond issue was passed through the leadership of Orlando "Papas" Lopez, the Place 4 trustee of the SBISD and de facto leader the majority which includes board president Michael Vargas. 

So how did Hidalgo County get its grimy paws n the $40 million in debt to be generated by future taxes on San Benito taxpayers? Lopez works in Weslaco and leads the majority that saw fit to make former Hidalgo County commissioner Joseph Palacios projects manager to handle the bond money.

It wasn't long before the SBISD employee health insurance was handed to Yvonne Ortegon, who just happens to be the married to new Hidalgo County commissioner David Fuentes. Why she doesn't use her maiden name in her business is left for you to figure out. Pa taparle el ojo al macho, maybe?

Vargas, in turn, is the CEO of the Economic Development Corporation of Pharr, in Hidalgo County.

Illustrative of this new arrangement was the fact that when SBISD had its fundraiser gold tournament it was held the Tierra Santa Golf course at Weslaco.

Want to take a wild guess? See how many Hidalgo County contractors wind up with the contract awards. It only makes sense.

Has Hidalgo County hijacked the SBISD $40 million bond issue? Many people here are looking at these relationships between board members and Hidlgo County "fixers" and can't help but come to that conclusion.


Anonymous said...

Is it Papas or Puñetas? Orlando “Papas” Lopez is getting paid from this deal... and for giving Yvonne Ortegon the insurance contract. Mulch ark Vargas got the cushy job in Pharr for the same reason. Thank you for exposing this.... there is more to come from the dumb duo of Papas and Vargas.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t this story be covered by the old relic with orange hair in Mcallen?! He lives over there and all crooked politicians get a pass.... nothing to say from the demented blogger. He just steals stories from Brownsville bloggers.... and has nothing to say from politicians from his neck of the woods. VATO inútil!

Jose F. Rodriguez said...

Their investments are starting to pay off !!!

As Deep Throat famously said: "Follow The Money!!!"


Anonymous said...

McAllen has all the money, bro.

Anonymous said...

San Bene has not changed much, at one time there was, the rat, Oscar dela Funente, etal, now a new crop of rats are being bred. How sad, perro pendejos, nunca apreden!

Anonymous said...

Parece que ese arroz ya se coció! .....Aaah, raza!

Fake News said...

It never ends. Take a look at FAKE SB history, (just from reading the SB newspaper clippings): Fake Indian tribes almost stole the SB airport. Fake water plant scheme. Fake power plant at the airport. Fake museums on the Rescaca. Fake Chinese investment. Fake hotel and convention center on the freeway. Why doesn’t the SB newspaper have this story??
This new scheme has to be connected to bigger fish. The aforementioned clowns-in-residency are not bright enough to put this con job together. San Bennie needs a larger gene pool! Where are the Feds when we really need them?

Anonymous said...

Papas e Vargas sounds like a rock band.

Anonymous said...

Ananymous 10:51am...aka Orlando Papas Lopez

Laugh it off Orlando, or papas, whatever you want to call are right though, “el arroz ya se cozio” if the arroz is your ass. Everyone knows that David Fuentes is your business partner....and you voting to give him and his wife business from San Benito tax dollars is a no no papitas. Do you not think the feds know about this? La papa ya esta frita.

Anonymous said...

I just hope they make good on their promise and put the children first by building a state of the arts performance building that focuses on our students. They better not be focusing on accommodating the staff on this building or planning an event center. That is not what the community voted for.

Anonymous said...

I meet that Orlando Papas guy at Weslaco, he works for KNAPP MEDICAL CENTER, I was a patient, and he did not strike me as being an honest and ethical person.... very sad a health institution like KMC can associate it with a man like this.

Forrest Gump said...

san benito ponganse truchas porque se los van a co___, Hidalgo county has many crooks and thiefs-thats all i got to say about that. fg

Anonymous said...

John Sossi is in the mix somewhere.

Anonymous said...

agree with 4.27 am, sossi is just another fink/rata too.

Anonymous said...

john sossi is another crook, sin verguenza, noo paga el child support,

Anonymous said...

Bigger rats or Taquaches in Hidalgo county than in Cameron County. lol

Anonymous said...

What is sad is that she is employed by Texas Río Grande legal aid. I hope the feds freeze their accounts and audit them maybe she will need their representation. David ran his campaign against “comadrism” didn’t take long to become a Rara con dos Patas!! A wolf in sheep’s clothing!!
