Wednesday, March 27, 2019


From The Brownsville

Yes, the Cameron County Justice System is inept, corrupt. Tell us something we don't know. 

From the phony "Operation Bishop," where District Attorney Luis Saenz pretended to fight crime by closing down eight-liners, then selling the confiscated machines to a company represented by Carlos Masso, to Sheriff Omar Lucio covering again and again for Lieutenant Gus Reyna, damaging one county vehicle after another while getting kisses blown his way by Lucio.

None of this dumbass bullshit by ethically-challenged politicos killed Maria Elizabeth Tipton. Sheriff Omar Lucio did not strike her with his much-larger-than-needed county vehicle and leave her for dead in a FM 803 ditch.

Even District Attorney Luis Saenz' cowardly handling of the prosecution of the mother of a Cameron County Sheriff's deputy, who left the scene of a hit-and-run and then sent her son to the door to answer BPD questions, was not the killer.

Marisa Govea Hernandez killed Mary Tipton, striking her with her white Volkswagen, then leaving the scene without rendering aid or even reporting the accident. Mary lay face down in a ditch for three days before discovered by a construction worker walking along FM 803.

Mary's husband, Ralph Tipton, said BPD Detective Clipper was at first very supportive of the investigation, then inexplicably changed his mindset after being reassigned to work cold cases. Yes, maintaining employment makes men turn into cowards.

Yes, there is evidence of malpractive by McAllen Attorney Oscar Alvarez, hired by Ralph Tipton. Lawyers react just as BPD Detective Thomas Clipper reacted when confronted by pressure from his "superiors." They cave.

The bottom line is that Marisa Govea Hernandez must take personal responsibility in the death of Mary Tipton.

Perhaps, you're tired of Ralph constantly bringing up the death of his wife, the shoddy investigation by the Brownsville PD, the pitifully poor prosecution of Hernandez by our District Attorney.

Ralph makes you uncomfortable. You think he should just move on. Constantly bringing up the past won't bring Mary back, you tell yourself.

You may even want to give Ralph some pushback. After all weren't he and Mary separated at the time of her death?

But survivors of innocent victims have anger and that anger doesn't go away after a few months or even years. They go to bed angry, wake up during the night angry and, when morning comes, nothing has changed.

Sometimes, if you're a police chief, district attorney or sitting judge, they get in your face, even raising their voice, not totally respecting your office or stature. Now, you're angry, even possibly losing your much needed objectivity.

It's a nightmare they are living, gawddammit, these survivors! Some, like Jerry Richman, the father of first grader Avielle, murdered at Sandy Hook, just can't take the pain anymore!

Ralph sent me 10 pages of information yesterday, the same documents he said he left with City Manager Noel Bernal and, also, someone he thinks is in line to be the new police chief. I'm reading through the pages, taking notes. I will put this story out again, as I did in 2016.

If it makes you uncomfortable, I don't really care. And no, it won't bring Mary back. Nothing will.


Anonymous said...

The scumbag Rene Oliveria knows who is who in this zoo, that is why he will walk or he will Talk,his butt off.
Coruption, corruption, corruption, the more they covered up the more people are involved.

Anonymous said...

Cameron county as usual juan, no VALE MADRE TODA LA BOLA DE CABRONES, perhaps Mr. Tipton should file a civil lawsuit against the mom govea hernandez to get some compensation.

Anonymous said...

What does it take to see that this is Coruption from many different departments, with all the District Attorney on top of the list. He should go before the next election.

Anonymous said...

Old news. Gimme new news!

BobbyWC said...

One, the insurance companies liable have already paid out the max coverage on the policies. Two, while the evidence was there that Judge Bañales intentionally gave an in correct spoliation instruction to the jury to insure the defendant was found not guilty, Saenz as part of the criminal enterprise did not appeal.

First, Judge Bañales is subject to unlimited objections as a visiting Judges. The lawyers in Cameron county judge need to automatically file an objection to him and he will never make another penny in Cameron county as a visiting judge.

This reality needs to be spread through the region.

There is overwhelming evidence of DA Saenz engaged in a criminal enterprise to protect certain people and wrongfully prosecute others. Because it is an ongoing criminal conspiracy limitations will not apply.

But the victims want someone else to do all the work and spend all of the money. So Saenz walks. At the victims in the tax office had the courage to file complaints. Hopefully they will win.

But we begin by taking away Bañales income. In a spoliation instruction if the same testimony can come in without the tape in this case, then there is no basis for the spoliation instruction and Bañales knew that. He did it to insure she was found not guily. Everyone on that tape was free to testify what would have been seen on the tape and under the rules the DA would not have been able to object other than as to hearsay.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

So what do you want from me, bro?


Anonymous said...

They say that the scumbag Rene Oliveria wants to give
Free Muff dives before he goes to trial, just in case he has screwed the wrong jury member,he dose not care about race and he will give seconds on request.

Anonymous said...

The culture of corruption exists in every element of government in Cameron County. Power and money corrupt and local officials and, even employees of government are corrupt. Big money corrupts some, but just a little bit of money can corrupt also. Power corrupts the same way. Luis Saenz and Omar Lucio are big corrupters, while city and county employees use their own little bit of power to corrupt. We don't just accept corruption, we demand it.

Anonymous said...

Blimp, you Blogsquatter, no one cares what you think, shit.

Anonymous said...

Juan talk about county judges DA etc why did Cameron county hire a lawyer to defend Judge Mike Trejo concerning his mess in LaFeria?

Anonymous said...

What a joke writes comments then post against his comments look at the timing.

Anonymous said...

Its ok RITA keeps counting...

Anonymous said...

The scumbag Rene Oliveria is crapping himself now that he knows that Lucio is not in control of the jail.
