Monday, March 25, 2019



Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with the Barr report is it gives superficial cover to every internet dolt spouting nonsense on Facebook for three years.
Barr's letter does nothing to change the fact that Trump is the subject of 12 criminal investigations. It doesn't change the fact that Russian meddled in our elections in favor of Donald Trump. It doesn't exonerate Trump on charges of obstruction of justice.

This is a great day for the morons who are driving our politics.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does the Barr report change the fact that you are a whining little bitch? Why don't you quit bitching and win an election? Puro pinche llorar!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Juan, you reported Trump going to jail? How's that going?

Anonymous said...

Hey why isn't anyone talking about the fiasco at Porter High School? The softball team just forfeited all their games because the athletics Director Carlos Uresti did not do his job on getting the transfer papers on an athlete that was 19 years old and no UIL availability left. This is an embarrassment to the school and the athletes there who count on their AC to do things right. I don't see how Principal Solis has allowed this cheating to go on without any discipline. She has to be removed with Uresti. Enough is enough. If this was another school like Veterans or Hanna it would have made the front page of the Herald.

Anonymous said...

So, I give an in-depth review of political candidates on another post and they don't get approved, but a whole list of off-topic shit on the mayoral candidate mailer post gets approved? Trump and Porter Softball on a mayoral race post. Outstanding.

Anonymous said...

So many times the comments don't related to the article but I guess that is a way of getting quieted down information to Juan so as to make note of it.
Juan needs to do more investigating reports to print on his blog for the Herald will never print it until after it shows up in El Rrun Rrun.

Anonymous said...

Y el cheque que?

Anonymous said...

He needs to hire Inspector clouseau and Colombo.

Anonymous said...

La bandeja no gana se cree gringo LOL

Anonymous said...

It's all about businesses, what about the real issues like street maintenance and proper drainage? Let's set the priorities straight.

Anonymous said...

La bandeja thinks he's going to win so he don't care. All these candidates added together equals to nothing again we end up on the loosing side when is this going to end????

Anonymous said...

Vote Tony Martinez!! He knows what he's doing and it isn't his fault el controlling Cabler was a bad city manager that dragged Tony's name through the mud. Tony has done a lot for Brownsville and aint an inexperienced puppet like Trey. Trey is a lawyer who went along with the board when he knew better and he let a frivolous lawsuit occur of 13.1 million dollars. He is a lawyer and he did not have to gift the ex TSC President that amount by his bad decisions.

Anonymous said...

Voting for Charlie Cabler, he is more than capable of running city goverment effectively and efficiently. He is a down to hearth person that really cares about people, especially, the most needed. It's not rocket scientist to figure out how did he worked tirelessly for more than four decades starting from the bottom and raising to the top speaks volumes. Mr. Cabler is not the type of person who is running for Mayor for personal gain. Our families and friends are eagerly awaiting early election to vote for him. Way to go Mr. Cabler, we thank you and your family for taking this enormous responsibility but lest assure that we will back you up 200%.

Anonymous said...

Is he going to be our first joto mayor ?

Anonymous said...

AT 6:56
Sorry to disappoint you but there's been other(s).
