Tuesday, March 5, 2019


By Juan Montoya

City workers were sent today to the Casa del Nylon on 13th and Adams streets to survey the structure where they found a collapsed section of aluminum awning apparently as a result of age and the recent high winds from a violent norther which struck the city.

The workers were looking for the aluminum trim which had apparently been blown off and fallen,  but no one knew where it was. A passerby speculated that on of the many scrap iron and cardboard scavengers might have seen the piece of heavy aluminum and hauled it off to sell it.

Image result for tony martinez, brownsville, casa del nylonThe building has been vacant since the city bought it from local real-estate owner Abraham Galonsky and his partners for $2.3 million, an amount that was authorized and approved for the sale of $13 million in Certificates of Obligation by the city commission.

The fact that Da Mayor Tony Martinez's law partner Horacio Barrera negotiated with the city on behalf of owner Galonsky - who happened to be his neighbor - gave the questions and complaints legs and validity.rapidly lost

The appraisal, which Martinez still defends, listed properties on Alton Gloor, the frontage road off U.S. 77-83, and even Wildrose Lane as "comparables," although the appraisal itself said the price reflected the proximity of the Gateway Bridge as its biggest value.

But being as it is, surrounded by vacant properties frequented by the  city's burgeoning homeless population, that assertion loses credibility.

Some commissioners had complained that Martinez assured them that the University of Texas System was ready to plunk down good bucks to keep the University of Texas at Brownsville in the downtown area. Then, after the UTB administration said "thanks, but no thanks" the questions started in earnest.

Since then various purposes have been suggested for use of he building, including EMT training and firefighters, storage for city property, and lately, a so-called one-stop information center for city departments.

So far, nothing has panned out and now pieces of the building are falling on the sidewalk like window glass panes from the El Jardin Hotel, another eyesore a couple of blocks down  on Levee.

Martinez is now running for reelection, but that Casa sale hangs around his neck like an albatross.


Anonymous said...

Sensationalism at its worse! Fake news, Montoya. You exaggerate, bro!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's an old building, but whoever buys it would remodel it! Are you just fucking stupid, Montoya!

Anonymous said...

Where's Caty?

Anonymous said...

Your a worthless sack of Mexican shit, Montoya!

Anonymous said...

The sack of shit is you at 1:55 trying to emulate your papa racist republican sack of shit for president

Anonymous said...

Looks like the mayor's dogs are out Montoya.Only if your a pendejo would you agree that that the mayor's purchase of that building was a good deal for the tax payers of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you hit a raw nerve Montoya, keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I support Montoya raising the issue. Guys, this is your tax money, not anyone else’s.

Anonymous said...

You mean La Casa Del Fraude, the City paid $2.3 million when it's actual value was appraised around $850,000. Let's not forget the other worthless pieces of properties that the city bought under his recommendation like San Fenando building, Gutierrez warehouse, Cueto building, ratnest buidling next to Los Reyes cafe, mother of perpetual home and the list goes on and on. Do we really need another four years of mismanagement of tax payers monies? I don't think so, anyone but him, period.

Anonymous said...

tiny's buildings are old and crumbling like his jeans

Anonymous said...

I will do nothing until I get to go with the Jackass Jason Hilts and Gilbert Salinas to Columbia for some more Black Magic

Anonymous said...

@March 5, 2019 at 8:36 PM
Your forgot the whore house...
Definitely the worst mayor EVER!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can not believe that Tony would have the audacity to run for re-election!
But maybe he doesn't read The RrunRrun, the only place where people actually express their personal opinions. People should have the gut to go stand at a public forum at the city meetings and bring all these things up, but then they control and sit you down if you speech does not relate to any of the agenda items. Letters to the Editor are the next best thing, but since you have to sign your name, people shy away. Mayor Martinez does need a new pair of blue jeans, as a previous blogger suggested, but all of us need to start "putting on our panatalones" and voting to get rid of these people who are doing us harm. That is why people do not bother to vote, cause when vying for qualified candidates, it is so hard to find one. "De todos no se hace uno!" is what I say.
All they do is start fights and personal vendettas come alive when and even before they win. "Plaito de Perros y Gatos!"

Anonymous said...

I understand that la chiquiada is going into the elctric scooter rental busines. She already has set up the bikes lanes. Electric scooter are not allowed on the sidewalk so what's the next best solution? BIKE LANES!!!
Check it out jm...

Anonymous said...

Eight years of total neglect on providing true municipal services like strret maintenance and improving drainage issues. This city commission only focused on buying unnecessary and overprice real estate and building needless and useless bike lanes and trails. Time to get rid of these inept city officials, so let's get out and vote and exercise our constitutional right.

Anonymous said...

shows how much you know - the building will be used as a business incubator.

Anonymous said...

The newly hired puppet was forced to come up with an idea and given two weeks. Nothing new here...

Anonymous said...


noun: incubator; plural noun: incubators

an enclosed apparatus providing a controlled environment for the care and protection of premature or unusually small babies.
an apparatus used to hatch eggs or grow microorganisms under controlled conditions.

We'll have a bunch of crying babies after the election "GOOD JOB".
