Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

No one knows who did it, how much was stolen, or how long it has been going on, but a vague press release by Cameron County District Clerk Eric Garza confirms that someone has been stealing money from an account in that department.

Sources not with the Cameron County Auditor's Office or the District Attorney's Office say that the lid has been shut tight on details in the case, but that auditor Martha Galarza alerted Garza and that he, in turn, filed a complaint with DA Luis V. Saenz's alleging "discrepancies" in one account.

They say that the account belongs to a credit card issued to that department, perhaps the district clerk himself, and that someone used it to charge up unauthorized purchases around the county. When contacted, Garza told media reps that the case was in the hands of the D.A. and that he had nothing further to say on the matter.

It is unknown why Garza did not refer the matter to the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept.

Garza told a reporter that he was on his way out of town and would not comment any further.


Anonymous said...

Eric Garza lost control of his office months ago and things are only getting worse. Electronic pleadings are misfiled, notices are not going out, and his office refuses to address the growing problems. Eric seems to have gone from a very attentive Clerk to having no idea what is happening with his staff.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the miss appropriations of funds with the DA credit card?

Anonymous said...

I smell a vendetta or some type of retaliation for something that went down that pissed a certain someone off! No worries! Remember certain ppl are for sale if the price is right $$$.....and they can make things go away! I guess that is why certain cases just disappear never to be mentioned again!

Anonymous said...

The Jackass Jason Hilts has been stealing from his credit card for over 17 years, and is still doing it today.
The Jackass Jason Hilts passes his own credit card receipts since he fired the CFO for whistleblowing on his theft, and made himself President. He is protected by the payments he has made from the back handlers he got from paying Titan Tires. No one has the balls to investigate his credit card theft daily for household expenses.

Anonymous said...

Otra pinche rata.

Anonymous said...

Eric has surrounded himself with too many friends and not enough workers ..lines have been crossed and favoritisms has shown his head however Eric is a decent man of values .. he needs to clean up his house and hire competent employees not friends of friends .. The department was the shits before he took office .. so cudo to Mr Garza for trying to bring the office up to date

Anonymous said...

There should be a department set up to monitor the rampant abuse of the credit cards in all city run business. This has been going on for years and years, this is not the first time that we have been told of Jason Hilts and his abuse of his credit card. There must be some kind of accountability for the expenditure of the credit card use, in Brownsville.

BobbyWC said...

Eric has been a good clerk. I think he is too trusting of his staff. It is time he cleans house. Eric is as honest ad they come. I hope he addresses the problems fast

Anonymous said...

Eric es arastrado y no tray nada en el wayin. Se la pasa madriandosela todo el dia.

Anonymous said...

To the guy who can't seem to get his tongue out of Jason Hilt's ass @ March 7, 2019 at 2:02 PM, you should really know the difference between city business and county business. Those two aren't the same thing.

As far as the Garza apologists and defenders go, you're all wrong. He should, at the very least, resign his position. If he doesn't, he should be fired for gross incompetence. When something bad happens on a naval vessel, the captain is the one who takes the blame and relieved of command. If Garza is the captain of this ship, he should take full responsibility for his actions. If he has surrounded himself with friends rather than people who know what they're doing, he should go. If he has not been supervising his subordinates, he should go. Being a nice guy isn't an excuse for being incompetent at your job and asleep at the wheel.

That said, knowing the "good 'ol boy" system down here in Cameron County, he'll probably be promoted.

Anonymous said...

"Garza told a reporter that he was on his way out of town and would not comment any further."

I wonder if he'll even come back. Maybe he'll submit his resignation via email or text.

Anonymous said...

this never happened under Aurora

Anonymous said...

Just like the city, promote the incompetent and give them a raise. That's why they stay and can't let go. Even elected officials.

Anonymous said...

agree with 3.02 pm, it was never discovered under aurora, cuz she knew how to hide things, ask elvira

Anonymous said...

2.02 pm we need pete gonzalez (been here 40 years) back at city hall to check on all these city credit cards, oops oh well he was there during all this time i forgot, but i guess he didnt get the memo, lol

Anonymous said...

@March 13, 2019 at 1:44 PM

That house mouse is counting his money sitting on the toilet.
