Wednesday, March 13, 2019


By M.T. Hernández

 Twenty years ago I was in New York having dinner at the home of a famous anthropologist who had invited two students from Mexico City to join us. 

Image result for juan nepomuceno cortinaHe did not tell them what I was studying, and somehow they began to talk about how silly and backwards the people from Monterrey could be. That’s when we told them that my work was on Nuevo León. They were surprised and apologetic. 

I decided not to argue with them about their views on norteños. They had been hearing those stories all their lives. For me, it was more important that I had recently learned that Monterrey was the richest city in all of Latin America and that it had the highest education levels in Mexico.

My encounter with the “chilango” students reminded me that stories can get twisted and deformed. It also motivated me to find out how historical information circulates and changes as it goes through time.

For the past year and a half I have been trying to learn everything I can about the Rio Grande Valley. A while back I decided to write a book about the history of the Valley, using the life of Juan Nepomuceno (Cheno) Cortina as a centerpiece. 

Early on, I mentioned this to someone who had studied at UTRGV and was told, “he’s a murderer!” That was not the last time I received that response.

Yes, it’s true, he killed a number of people and burned ranches of people who supported the men I call the “Robber Barons of South Texas.” 

In fact, many of his own family were ashamed of the person he became. As Juan Montoya has mentioned in this blog, Cheno’s own half-brother, Sabas Cavazos, reportedly loaned Porfirio Diaz $50,000 so that Cheno would be taken to Mexico City and locked away.

I have found in numerous conversations with people in the Valley, many do not know about Cortina, and if they know about him, they hate him. 

There are a few exceptions; college professors, museum staff, and students who studied Mexican American history in college. Besides this group, you could say Juan Montoya and Rodolfo Walss, M.D. (author of Pride and Dignity: The Saga of Cheno Cortinas) know the most about Cheno. The late Praxedis Cavazos Sr. might have known even more because of his family connections. I regret not having known him.

(And he had many family connections. He was related by blood and/or marriage to most of the "pioneer" land-grant families and newcomers who married into them. The De la Garzas, Cavazos, Trevinos, Oliverias, and the De Leon, De los Santos clans were all related to Cheno. See genealogy graphic. Click to enlarge.)

It is true that Cortina was a very complex person. He did some really bad things. He embarrassed his mother by marrying a widow eleven years older than he was. Yet, he also had a great deal of courage, and was not afraid of the consequences of his actions. 

His takeover of Brownsville, on September 28, 1859, shocked the entire United States. He was seen as so powerful that the famous Robert E. Lee was sent to fetch him. Lee was never able to find Cortina. After several months of chasing Cheno up and down the Rio Grande, the future Confederate general went back to Virginia.

Image result for juan cortina graveMany of the bad things that are said about Cortina may be true. Yet, he was also a brilliant military tactician and a superb horseman. There were many men like him in the Valley at that time, but they were probably killed to soon to be noticed. 

It is really important to remember that he was responding to the continuous violence and loss of land his people faced when the Valley became part of the United States after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848.

So who gets to write the history of person or a place?  Is it those who have more facts?  Is it those that have the secrets?  

The things is, we really don’t know exactly what happened 120 years ago. I’m hoping that by sifting through records in different archives I will find something. Or maybe a long lost relative will turn up with some stories. Too bad the dead can’t speak. 


Anonymous said...

Como chingan con contina porque no sacan la mierda de los kings, dunns, springman, kerlin (el que se robo la isla)y otros gabachos que chingaron a los mejicanos. Los rinches que mataban a los mejicanos sin ninguna razon nomas para quitarles los ranchos y sus tierras.

The Texas Rangers Killed Hundreds of Hispanic Americans During the Mexican Revolution
Texas Rangers killed hundreds – if not thousands – of Mexican-Americans within the state between 1915 and 1919. Now a Texas history museum is recognizing a forgotten part of history.

Anonymous said...

You base a book on bandit Juan Cortina to tell the story of the valley? Who'd buy that shit?

Anonymous said...

Interesting piece! The sum of it was he was a murderer, thief, an embarrassment to his family and a general overall bad guy. But damn he could ride a horse and had good tactics.

So why is this guy writting this nonsense? Perhaps a better question would be, why are we reading it?

Anonymous said...

If cortina was gringo he would be considered a great man.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hernandez, thank you for contributing your article to this blog. Wishing you the best of luck in your pursued of local history. Knowledge of history has great value in any society.

Anonymous said...

Wow, these comments impress me, they contribute and advance the discussion of Jaun Cortina. Thanks you for keeping it classy.

KBRO said...

Another Cortinista to make the treacherous backstabbing bandit into a hero

Anonymous said...

El coco would rather create heros of gringos that killed and murdered his own kind.

Sdls said...

Me. Montoya Thank you for your continued posts on the life and times of Juan Cortina. I can tell you my family lore made him out to be the Mexican Robin Hood who dared to stand up to the “man” who had robbed his family of their land. Was that his driving force? Perhaps.

Regardless, Good or bad I love my family’s rich history and roots in Brownsville so thank you for your posts I do enjoy them. Signed: Serafina De Los Santos // Great Great granddaughter of Feliciano and Librada De Los Santos, great granddaughter of Prajedes De Los Santos Sr. And Granddaughter of Prajedes De Los Santos. I look forward to your future research.

Anonymous said...

I know a few relatives of Cortina and they are all great friends, but we have these cocos that think they are white and try to glorify the gringos by putting down their own race. History can never be changed it is what it is and what these pinche gringos are.

KBRO said...

The trouble with Cortina and those who glorify him is that they cant simply say he was both hero and murdering treacherous racist bandit. That is the truth. Instead they make it about his "race" and hatred for whites which is all he was about just like those who defend him. Coco power.

Anonymous said...

Cocos will NEVER be gringos so get over it. Glorify your idols that murdered your race. They don't like you and they never will. Your idol republican president wants to sent you back to mexico even if you were born in the good old usa.
Maybe you want to volunteer and go back on your own to make your good buddies happy?
As a good gesture you should, since they are your idols and don't want to offend them...
Idea start a caravan back to mexico and become a here in their eyes...

Anonymous said...

Who writes history? Look up some of the books published. Look at the publisher and writer. Research the individuals who own the publishing companies. Where they grew born, the city, state, their parents profession, political party relations, religion and non profit organizations affilations. The same with writers? Their is plenty public information on the web that can provide information that can provide facts to allow anyone to see correlations to business owners, families and even behavior patterns. Questions are what happened to all the Mexican American Ranch owners, the Spaniard Americans that were farmers who owned operated 1000 of acres? Where did they go? Where are the records? 1900s till now 119 years is really not ancient times that its seems odd that nothing can be found? Seguin was the primary location for Texas Rangers correct? Didn't the Rangers kill Mexican Americans? We all have the ability to find the facts of history ourselves. Together with others who want same answers with well organized plan can be more efficient in finding the answers. Look around do you see new politicians, real estate development groups and energy companies. I do, have you taken the time to do a legal public search on those companies. Similar process as above stated. Have you taken the time to inquire if any of your local news papers or news stations have been purchased? Likely yes and complete similar research. The auto dealerships in your town do they happen to be owned by or part of a auto group from san antonio or Austin? If yes which is likely research again. You will be suprised buy there is pl2 of facts to support relationships that will lead to a theory that can will be proven fact. The truth is thwre, but at this time no one had had the courage to expose. There are many like us who want the truth exposed. With more individuals involved with well organized set of objectives, timeline all can be completed more promptly to provide what is missing in history. It's not their because the ones who are against deeper research know what is horrors will be exposed as they are likely descendents or sheep of this movement that is still active today. If you buy all the news papers and news stations that are available in your area you control the news, can shape views of public to conform to your agenda. Look up all the new construction of highways that are for future projects or support growth. While this being done are the businesses located on those new construction locations affected purposly to be forced to close to then sale land/commercial property at a low discount? While all along this being done to drop prices for the real strategy of buying land for almost nothing to create new developments that benefit the businesses and their families since the 1900s. The same ones who keep the real history from being taught in schools.yes, anyone ever look at recent aquistions of companies who specialize in government contracts? An auto group owner in Texas owns a large share of some of the largest. It's all there in time the truth and the real history will be exposed because it must. Ownership info of land is public information, go to your county assessor website. Business entities ownership is public which may be obtained from texas secretary of state website. Public search its all there, San Antonio New Braunfels Leon Springs Austin Seguin plenty of history there to be found. Think for yourself and uncover what history your looking for we all have the ability to see learn alone or as a group. I don't need anyone to tell me I'm wrong or right if I see facts for myself. FACTS WILL BE EXPOSED evemif a new newspaper has to be created. Keep digging for the facts as what is currently taught/written when you find out who is and what association they have are
False and doing so strategically as the truth horror.
