Saturday, March 30, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: At the petition of some of our readers, we are running this article on the over-achieving A.S. Putegnat Elementary athletes of 157 and 1958 first posted last year. Enjoy.)
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Manfred del Castillo never dreamt he would become a decorated coach.

His career in education with the Brownsville Independent School District began at Canales Elementary in 1953. By 1957, he had a list of titles – Assistant Principal/Physical Education teacher and coach at A. S. Putegnat Elementary school.

In 1956, head Brownsville High School coach, Bob Martin, (who once coached Tom Landry at Mission High School) was convinced that in order to win championships – he would have to form sport programs at the elementary and junior high levels.

It was then, that the Brownsville Soft-shoe League was born – all elementary schools participated in football, basketball, softball and track. 

“Sports gave the kids something to do after school – which led to successful experiences,” said coach del Castillo.

This was the era when television was taking its first steps into the American living room, allowing for the first time, for youngsters to witness live images of sporting events. With this, the crave to participate in sports grew.

It was the able coaching of A.X. Benavides that set the foundation and tradition of winners –  which Manfred del Castillo took over in 1957.                                                                                                            Manfred said, “I was very fortunate to work with outstanding athletes who on a daily basis demonstrated a consistent passion for the game.”

As the football season started, the boys from Putegnat were making history – every time they stepped on the field, the odds were that they would win.

The kids proved to be too much for the opposition –  taking the championship flag in grand style, but not without the uproar of foul play that came from the other side of the tracks.

“The kids were obedient and well disciplined, something that they carried on to the field – which helped them to become winners,” explained del Castillo.

“We were undefeated, and nobody scored on us” declared running back Jose A. “Cricket” Gutierrez.

In 1924, Norte Dame, had the Four Horsemen – the Hispanic-barefooted boys from Washington Park had one more horse than the Irish, they were: “Cricket” Gutierrez, Johnny Garcia, Carlos Cisneros, Lorenzo Torres and Joseph Valero.

All participated in every team sport, which in 1957-58, helped Putegnat take the crowns in football, basketball, softball and track. An accomplishment that no other Brownsville school matched.
The following is a snapshot of the many outstanding athletes from that era that walked the halls of A.S Putegnat: Tommy Lozano, Marcos Serrano, Efrain Hernandez, David Solis, Armando Gonzales, Ismael Juarez, Joe Diaz, Celso Sanchez, Tomas Canul and Richard Moreno.

The Softshoe program was discontinued after 1960, but not before Putegnat had taken 12 out of 16 championships. Was it the threat of dominance and/or the discomfort of the losers the reason Bob Martin stopped the program? Some said that it was. 

Manfred will tell you that he did not do it alone, “help was always around the corner.”

While that might be true –  it was his hard work and dedication – which produced winners on and off the field. Manfred del Castillo retired in 1989 after a 36-year career as a teacher and principal with the Brownsville Independent School District.


Anonymous said...

Putegnat Elem was the #1 school way when a lot of us were students there because we had a very strong principal, Mr. D. M. Denton and a great bunch of "mean" teachers who really loved us and taught us with passion. Those "mean" teachers, like Miss Froyd, Miss Raquel Pena, Mrs. Nina Watts Hablin, Mrs. Esperanza Betencourt, Josephine Castaneda, Celia Alegria, Yolanda Gonzales, Ruth Cavazos, Mrs. Josephine Foster, Mrs Anne Ginn, Mrs. Antonia Garcia, Miss Campbell, Mrs Mascorro, Miss Helm, Miss Dora Mora, Miss Esther Flores and many more taught us life lessons and values with strong principles and held us accountable. Those were teachers and because of them, many of us succeeded in life. How many of us ever thanked them for what they did for us. Mr. Del was a super hero to the boys then and many still remember him so why don't you go by his house and get together with him and recall all the memories. He still lives at the same place on Billy Mitchell and Central so drive by one day and give him a hug.

Anonymous said...

To: March 30, 2019 at 7:47 PM
Wow! Someone who thinks like I do! I went to Resaca Elementary one of the oldest schools in Brownsville behind Putegnat. I too grew up, and was educated by strict mean teachers who as a kid I hated, but now as an adult can appreciate, and understand that they wanted the best for all of us.
So... Thank you, Mr. Garcia, Mrs. Guerrero, Mrs. Santiago, Mr. Martinez, Mr.Shears, Mrs. Gomez, Mr. Gomez, Mr. Coronado, Mrs. Renteria, Mr. Mascorro, Mrs. Ybarra, Mr. Soto, and all Resaca staff down to the janitors who were wonderful people.

Anonymous said...

Coach del Castillo was a great role model and a beautiful person

Anonymous said...

@March 30, 2019 at 7:47 PM

You must have been there 10 years to have known all these GREAT TEACHERS and I agree with you at that time and still today there are a lot of great teachers "here" IN BROWNSVILLE TEXAS.

Anonymous said...

All my family attended Resaca Elementary. I was there in the 1950s and recess was my favorite part of the school day. Had good tough teachers

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful era

Anonymous said...

I remember the day began with all the kids in front of the school saluting the American Flag...The Pledge of Alligence to the flag was part of the daily routine. Afterwards, we all marched to our classrooms, where we had a photo of George Washington in the back of the room. Long live A. S. Puteganat

Anonymous said...

I attended Putegnat only one year, the sixth grade. Participated in after school sports, softball and basketball in late 1950s. Mr. Del Castillo was an energetic and dedicated coach.

Anonymous said...

I saw Jose Cricket the other day at the public library. A great guy who was part of the Palo Mia from La Putegnat

Anonymous said...

Putegnat had the best athletes in all the city elementary schools. I loved all my teachers

Anonymous said...

What happened to elementary competitive sports?

Anonymous said...

Great images!! Thx Juan

Anonymous said...

Those of us who remember so many teachers from Putegnat, do so, because all the teachers were part of our lives and we knew to respect them at all times.
They were all involved with us and knew our names and would lend us pieces of chalk to make our bebeleches on 8th street and give us mesh Christmas stockings filled with goodies when we left for the Christmas Holiday. Even the Christmas tree was raffled off or given to a family that did not have one, and we donated the ornaments we had each brought from home. Our teachers showed us how to be good kids and as we now meet for our class reunions, we see just how well we are all doing because of what those teachers did for us. And, yes, BISD still has the best teachers, but some have elected not to go above and beyond the call of duty like ours did.

Anonymous said...

Somebody forgot Mr. Saenz he took us everywhere and help all of us. If I were to choose the best teacher I would have a hard time but Mr. Sanez was amd will always be special. I came from Resaca school and also went to Annie S. Putegnet than to Clearwater and after that Cummings and BHS. What a ride...Thanks BCISD...

Anonymous said...

OH! Yes I forgot Mr. Saenz because I could not remember his first name but I recall it was Edward. He was a true model for the boys alongside Mr. Del Castillo and Mr. Joseph Egly. We all went to Clearwater when they moved the 6th graders over there. Then we went to Cummings until some had to go to Central in 9th grade, but those who stayed at Cummings were really a close-knitted group who still hang around together and know each other like best camaradas. School was fun then and we were not tested as much as they are now. Some of us got double promoted because of our end of the year California Test that was so popular. Good old days like those will always stay with us. Go Annie Scanlan Putegnat Panthers! #1 all the way!

Unknown said...

Mr. Ed Saenz was the most memorable teacher of my entire life. He was a disciplinarian (does anyone else remember the Black Widow?) yet very kind and thoughtful. He expected accountability from all of us. I wish I could thank him today for all he did for me way back when. If we had more teachers like him this whole world would be a better place. I was glad to have had him as a 5th grader in 1970-1971 at A.S. Putegnat School.
