Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Southwest Key CEO Juan Sanchez announced Monday that he's retiring from the nonprofit that he founded.

By Jay Root
The Texas Tribune

Juan Sanchez, who stirred controversy in recent months as CEO of the nation's largest nonprofit dedicated to sheltering migrant children, is stepping down, Southwest Key Programs said Monday.

“Recent events have convinced me that Southwest Key would benefit from a fresh perspective and new leadership,” Sanchez said in a written statement. “Widespread misunderstanding of our business and unfair criticism of our people has become a distraction our employees do not deserve. It’s time for new beginnings."

The South Texas native (from Brownsville) started Southwest Key in 1987 with five employees, and over the next three decades he built a nonprofit with almost 8,000 employees in seven U.S. states. 

In the last five years, the influx of migrant children across the U.S.-Mexico border became a boon for the company, which has pulled in over $1.5 billion in federal contracts in the last decade. But the boost in fortunes also brought additional media scrutiny, particularly last year.

In the wake of the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" policy that separated thousands of children from their parents — in turn swelling the population of migrant children in Southwest Key's shelters — Sanchez came under fire for a series of controversies. His $1.5 million salary was  sen as excessive. 

Allegations of sexual misconduct and lax vetting procedures at Southwest Key facilities threatened to derail its shelter operations in Arizona. Then last September, Southwest Key told the Texas Tribune that Sanchez had an ownership stake in a property that the nonprofit leased.

In December, after publishing a scathing article that said Southwest Key had "stockpiled tens of millions of taxpayer dollars with little government oversight and possibly engaged in self-dealing with top executives," The New York Times reported that the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating "the possible misuse of federal money" by the nonprofit.

When asked in September about allegations that he he'd profited from aggressive immigration policies, Sanchez said he'd been unfairly scrutinized in part because of his ethnicity.

“When you look at the size of Southwest Key, they wondered, how could a Latino have come up and built a company that big? There must be something wrong,” he said. “People cannot understand conceptually how a Latino can make that much money. People have never seen it."


Anonymous said...

He should blame the FBI and Grand Jury.

Anonymous said...

Juan n Ruben Gallegos should go to jail... ratas

Anonymous said...

He will now see how many people he gave money to will turn into witnesses against him.He is going to join Armando Villalobos for fifty years, he should go to jail for life, for what he has done to the people that he was paid to provide services for. Fifty years for stealing meat a hundred years for stealing millions.

Anonymous said...

That is the way we roll in the Valley. When things don't go your way, play the Meskin card.

Anonymous said...

If manaford got 40 months he should get 20 days makes everything even...

Anonymous said...

Since 1987 this crook has used the immigrant "children", to enrich himself. He should rot in hell, not because he is a Latino, but for GREED. Think about it since 1987 to 2019 . that's 32 years of corruption. He was backed by corrupt lawmakers, judges, attorneys who probably took bribes to cover-up this insane scheme. Thirty two years ago , who was president of United State then? Who were the lawmakers who approved and backed this scheme? Who were the judges who approved his contract? Were the Lucio's , the Oliveira's. and Filemon Vela along with other senators and lawmakers involved in this corruption? I myself am a Latina and ashamed of slime like Juan Sanchez who use the Latinos ethnic's excuse to vindicate himself of greed.

Anonymous said...

Show me the proof pinche pendejos

Anonymous said...

And why isn't the federal government closing down his nonprofit operation? They did it to IES?. Oh that's right Sanchez hasn't been indicted yet. But it's coming and very well deserved, hopefully he'll spend his remaing life in prison along with his top executives and personnel. There's nothing nonprofit about his organization it's all profit and defrauding the US government.

Anonymous said...

Don't care if they offer jobs-- I've heard they abuse their employees.

Anonymous said...

Pinche gringos,cocos y lambiscones mojaretas son pura bola de envidiosos. Se les frunse cuando oyen que uno mejicano tejano que la saben hacer bola de jotos!!!

Anonymous said...

He's making the right decision if he were a gringo he would head for the trump wall.

Anonymous said...

Southwest Key does advertising in Mexico and Central America,explaining how to cheat the system and get in to the US illegally then stay because of a loophole in policy.

This guy helps to perpetuate the problem.

Anonymous said...

What about BCFS (Baptist Children and Family Services), they do the same thing and are huge. Why are they NOT investigated? It's run by some gringo (Kevin Dinnin) out of An Antonio as CEO who's in with the politicians as well. I smell something very fishy here.... why SW Keys only? IES is crooked (Gallegos place), but I'm not sure SW Keys??? Investigate them ALL I say.

Anonymous said...

That company that makes uniforms for the government should also be investigated they got sued because they were pay the handicapped .50 cents an hour, oh no its run by a gringo they can get away with murder here in texas

Anonymous said...

This guy let his ASS get out in front him. He is and has been taking advantage of a bad situation.

I have not heard anything about it but at least he is part of the private prison scam....

Anonymous said...

The only proof a gringo needs is that he's ethnic and nothing else, and the cocos run with it.

Anonymous said...

@ March 19, 2019 at 7:26 AM

First of all &uck you very much.
Second, get off that gravy train and get a job.

Anonymous said...

Para el estupido: March 19, 2019 at 2:10 PM

Pinche gringo or wanna be white coco. The favor is returned and you and your hillbillie friends started the gime gime programs.

Anonymous said...

First of all to win in this game you must buy the District Attorney, and at least two judges.
Then you must be connected to the crooks of the City, then you are home and dry, ask Charlie Cabler.
