Friday, March 1, 2019


(Ed.s Note: If you grew up in Brownsville, you will have either marched or watched the Children's Parade each Charro Days. For some people, it's the parade to watch. All the public and charter schools participate in it, and parents and family crowd the sidelines to watch their kids prance by swaying to the sounds of traditional Mexican tunes. Whether you agree with the Charro Days concept or not, when it comes to the kids, that all goes out the window. Saludos a todos los chavalones!)


Anonymous said...

Que lastima que falto la senora Zendejas! Le hechamos mucho menos en todas la actividades de nuestro hijos. Su Corazon era de los ninos. Nadie se compara a ella.

Anonymous said...

While the parades by the children are great and the schools work hard each year to prepare the children, the Elizabeth Street parade route is now too short for the parade. At present you have a gaggle at the Sam's Stadium Area for the start and due to the number of schools, floats, and politicians running for office and politicians in office, there is a gaggle at the other end as groups end the parade and try to meet with family and friends to leave. Time to recognize the problem and change....not this bullshit of "That's the way it's always been'.

southmost kid said...

Great memories, back in Victoria Heights elementary-we danced el son de la negra back in 1970-1971, with Mr. Francisco (Pancho) Saldivar, ah what menmries

Anonymous said...

They should change the route to Alton Gloor

Anonymous said...

At least the children will have something to remember in years to come, and are rewarded for their hard work.

Anonymous said...

Please post pictures of Tito. Esta bien buenote.

Anonymous said...

@March 1, 2019 at 7:18 PM
Should have stayed in school and learned how to spell (and write) but its ok you got your message across.

Anonymous said...

Mr, Saldivar was known as "Paco" not Pancho but he was a center of attraction in all parades and they walked the whole parade route, not riding in fancy borrowed cars and advertising their political schemes and false faces. We all worked hard to represent our schools and our teachers made sure that we put on a stellar performance. Even when we marched in a line, holding on to each other at the elbows, our lines were suppose to be perfect. We were not made to buy all these expensive costumes for one day use but instead were dressed in simple rancheritas costumes our grandma's made for us and the boys wore blue jeans, a red sash and a cowboy hat, and with boots if we had any.
Maybe that is why we enjoyed those days so much. Now it only means early dismissal and a day off and bet the kids don't even know what Charro Days is all about because it is not a topic tested on the STARRS.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to BISD and Fine Arts Administrator Mrs. Kathleen Jimenez - an EXCELLENT JOB! BISD kids are the best, they are very talented and bring out the best in Brownsville. They are so proud of what they do - let's celebrate the kids and ALL the GREAT STAFF at BISD.

Anonymous said...

To many Angelo's dressed up as Mexicans

Anonymous said...

The Charro Days Asso should be kicked out and leave only the children's parade and change the date to July 4th.

Anonymous said...

Why celebrate a charro??? The old gringos who started this shit are laughing at ALL of us...

Anonymous said...

