Sunday, March 31, 2019


(Click on graphic to enlarge)


Anonymous said...

Going uppity, Montoya. You're still a Mexican, bro.

Anonymous said...

What you get when far left Yankee millennials binge watch Dallas reruns on Netflix under the impression it’s a History channel documentary.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how 25% asylum-seekers can be approved. It should be either 100% or 0%. "crime asylum", something that is not internationally recognized, seems impossible to prove standing in front of a judge in the USA. Does the judge make a phone call: "Hello, is this Jorge Ramos? Are you extorting money from or otherwise threatening Jose Gonzalez? OK, thank you.".

"34 percent resolved in another manner, such as a withdrawn application" means that they cut off their ankle bracelet and never showed up to court.

But as far as ILLEGAL immigration and an ILLEGAL workforce, if you want to stop it, just start checking for and punishing employers for breaking the law. But both political parties love having the abiity to hire cheap ILLEGAL workers over Americans, so enforcement in the workplace and employer punishement is virtually non-existent. An ILLEGAL workforce lowers the wages of Americans, which the Republicans want. The Democrats claim to want wages higher, and then turn around and support something that lowers them making you wonder if they understand supply and demand, or are lying.

Anonymous said...

How about some thoughts on this academic's focus, some might call it an obsession, on racial injustices of Texas' past? It has a Brownsville link: The WAPO's How 'The Highwaymen' whitewashes Frank Hamer and the Texas Rangers By Monica Muñoz Martinez.

Anonymous said...

Is trying to get justice, for murder and thievery a racial obsession, for justice. Murder has no statute of limitations. In the past lets say 200 years ago the victims and their famalies have had no closure. Not only did the perpetraders completely and forever changed those families affected and which once counted on as very important for their future lives was over and done. Not only did the murders of land owners (mexican-tejanos later mexican-americans) advance the status of the perpetraders politically, socially and finacially but kept the victims in complete subjugation, to this day. The focus should be not only academic but legality, and justice. This lawlessness needs to be addressed and rectified. Poetic justice not even that...
