Friday, April 26, 2019


"It is the policy of this board not to pursue the merger. We continue to discuss this ad nauseum...It will obliterate the local control for Brownsville. We are being asked to give up the autonomy we have to control the destiny of our community." Mayor Tony Martinez in a letter October 2017 to TxDOT  District Engineer Pete Alvarez.

By Juan Montoya

After years off fending off the efforts to merge the Brownsville Metropolitan Planning Organization with those of  Harlingen/San Benito, and that of Hidalgo County, City of Brownsville, Mayor Tony Martinez - running for reelection and for his political life - is now painting himself as the champion of the merger in his  campaign propaganda.

Conveniently forgetting that he was the major obstacle to the merger despite protests from his MPO board, Martinez is now crowing he led the efforts to form the merger.

But it wasn't until City of Brownsville Commission members threatened to vote him off the board and joined Cameron County in passing resolutions in favor of the merger that he had to cave in.

If one reads Da Mayor's Facebook posts, it is clear that he is using the MPO merger as a cudgel to attack his challengers, but this is the

"Some people talk about being a full-time mayor,  but this is the real work that it takes,," Martinez posted, taking a jab at former city manager Charlie Cabler's "full-time mayor" motto.

His claims were immediately rebutted by readers like Juan Ramos (at right), who reminded Martinez of his opposition to the merger.

Even though estimates provided by Texas Dept. of Transportation District Engineer Pete Alvarez in previous MPO meetings showed that the city would receive additional millions in funds for projects such as the East Loop in southeast Brownsville and the second causeway to South Padre Island if the merger occurred. Martinez has been adamant about losing local control.

(Click om graphic to enlarge.)

As can  be plainly seen, it was not Martinez who led the city commission to enter into the MPO merger that will bring millions to local projects that will address long-standing problems such as the East Loop which has been on the books for at least three decades. 

That project will divert over-sized loads of hazardous materials from populated areas - most particularly International  Blvd. with schools, churches and neighborhoods and the Southmost barrio - and construct a loop from Los Tomates Bridge to the Port of Brownsville.

In the photo below, an 18-wheeler that transports highly flammable liquids barrels past J.T. Canales Elementary School, and Porter High school lies just a few blocks up International Blvd.

If Martinez's wishes had prevailed, that project would have left that situation stagnate, belying Martinez's reelection logo of "Brownsville Forward." 


el pope benedict arnold said...

Juan that trailer with placard 1202 means highly flammable liquid,usually gasoline or ethnol. Mayor Tony Tamales Martinez is such a hippocrit, hHE WAS AGAINST THIS MPO MERGER ALL THE TIME, now all of the sudden he is all for it. Banos de puresa, pinche cool arrow.

Anonymous said...

Well, Martinez probably going to try to mess things before the next mayor takes over.

Anonymous said...

A day late and a dollar short!

Anonymous said...

Self serving greedy bastard!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Even the gringo mayors weren't that stupid VOTE HIM OUT

Southmost kid said...

Juan not a big deal with these oil tankers and dangerous cargo trailers because they have for decades been traveling along international blvd aka 18th street since i was a young and attending Faulk jr high. Robertson tank lines, Texas oil transport and many others would travel from the port of Brownsville to mexico cross the bridge and turn back. And yes there were many accidents along the way. Many people killed, Now 50 years later its a big concern? This one was one of the main reasons the Port of Brownsville wanted to built the International bridge to nowhere to divert these heavy type of traffic away from International blvd. but because of con artist $22 million went down the tube or toilet. Please get your story straight.

Anonymous said...

Its has always been a big concern but people like YOU never complain and as far as accidents one is too many. Please re-read the article and consider taking a course in english reading. Might help!!!

Anonymous said...

We need boot everyone out runnng for reelection. We have had enough, we need new leaders who truly cares about our community.

Anonymous said...

Precisely, If you are run out of town, act like you are leading the parade, bro!

Joe Esquire said...

No pos WOW big concern now and how convenient just before the election but for the past 8 years Nada, Naranjas. Looks like the Mayor really doesnt have any priorities except make money for himself. He should change the name of his law firm to ; Dowe, Cheatum & Howe. lol.

Anonymous said...

BISD has always built schools next to major thoroughfares even elementary schools how stupid can they get??? Ever heard of neighborhood schools PENDEJOS...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the mayor should hop on top of one of these very dangerous tankers during his defeat of his bid for re-election parade.

Anonymous said...

Most of the schools were already there before the thoroughfare was there.
The real problems are the ones on Alton Gloor. And now, maybe Veterans!
Hey what happened to all those patrol boys that used to control traffic at our elementary schools and that Baby Sally figurine standing in the middle of the street with Lupe Limas standing behind her for protection over by 8th and
Tyler at the San Francisco School.

Anonymous said...

Porter, Veterans the ones on alton gloor (abt 3 or 4), 18th st. Hey lupe limas was a good police officer, a litte strange maybe but an ok guy...

Anonymous said...

WOW now there are parking meters on the I am not a robot? How's RITA doing???

Anonymous said...

For years during his tenure as Mayor, Tony Martinez was unwilling to participate in a regional MPO....probably because he sought to be in control. But his failure and the local popularity of the Regional MPO probably caused Martinez to give in....thinking it will give election support. Unfortunately, Tony is not wanted as mayor any longer. Tony will lose big-time because he has no leadership or management capability and he has caused the city to go backwards during his tenure. Vote for anyone but Tony Martinez!

Anonymous said...

Y los pot holes que? built more bike trails buy the el jardin, finance more uppiddy cantinas downtown, buy another whore house, and it goes on and on and on VOTE HIM OUT OUT OUT.

Anonymous said...

Tony may be right about the MPO, just like we lost the university when it became UTRGV and all the med school and main classes moved to Edinburg. He has a point we could lose control of funding and it all goes to Mcallen/ Edinburg. I agree with him on that.

Anonymous said...

Lose control of funding what about the generator, the nylon casa the whore house the bike trails need more control???

Anonymous said...

I heard that the contract for the invisible generator was worked out in one of the local bars up state and they more than likely drank all night and at who's expense. What about those banners for downtown that too was worked out at a bar in NYC. Just move the commission meet to gobbelheads next time seems apropriate.

Anonymous said...

DRINKS ON THE HOUSE seem the call of the day who cares the dumb taxpayer is paying for it...

Anonymous said...

Maybe he sould have purchased one of those shacks over at matamoscas when they closed el zumbio down and displayed over at that fancy flea market as a reminder of the past pleasures.

Anonymous said...

The mayor’s Facebook page is only open during his campaigns. After that it is shut down to prevent any interaction with people.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't speak spanish he went to St Joe... can't interact with 90% of the citizens here.
