Friday, April 12, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: He was simply known as Boni for Bonifacio (last name unknown), and he was a bartender extraordinaire who started his hospitality career in Matamoros watering holes and then crossed over the river and took up his craft in downtown locales. Over the years, Boni served with singular style, not only making you feel appreciated as a customer, but also making many friends along the way.

About three months ago Boni suffered a mild stroke while tending bar at the Sportsman Lounge (before that it was at El Barril, El Capitan, Carta Brava, etc.) and was rushed to the hospital. He was treated and released and, against the advice of medical personnel, returned to work the following day. He succumbed to a more serious stroke event that day that resulted in a coma which lasted the better part of two months. He was removed from ICU, sent to a resting home, and hooked up to a respirator. He was fed through the tube in his throat.

Then, miraculously, he regained consciousness and he was removed from the respirator and is now undergoing physical therapy. Through it all he has had the support of his sentimental mate and his family. We probably won't be seeing Boni behind the bar again, but throughout the ordeal, friends and customers he got to know over the years have visited him and helped him overcome his condition. We wish him well and hope he has a full recovery.)

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