Saturday, April 6, 2019


(Click on graphic to enlarge.)


Anonymous said...

Hope all those people in the picture vote for you. Cause your going to need them and more to beat Jessica(TITS)Tetreau.Tetreau may be a dumb blonde but there are plenty of dumb asses voting for her.

Anonymous said...

Jessica is extremely caring and she is against corruption and knows that abuse of power has hurt many in our community. Any canidate that has the endorsement of the DA is DOOMED!! Caty you would have been better off not being endorsed by the likes of those corrupted endorsers

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the Brownsville Fire Department does not discriminate against transgender looking people. It’s hump day .

Anonymous said...

CORRUPTION at its best ! then again a thief is being endorsed. Suits her well

Anonymous said...

mirror mirror on the wall can you tells us who will win in this district 2 race? pat, caty or ms tittys? anyone but that blondie ms tittys please

Anonymous said...

About the Fire Dept I heard they were hiring providers

Anonymous said...

To the misogynist @ April 7, 2019 at 9:49 PM,

If you're going to be a knuckle-dragging sexist, you should learn how to pluralize "titty." It's "titties," not "tittys."

Anonymous said...

The one on the right has my vote

Anonymous said...

Jessica for the WIN!

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for the gentleman Caty. He has the balls to fight for us!

Anonymous said...

Opps I mean the second on the right

Anonymous said...

April 8, 2019 at 8:40 AM
is it this tittis or those tittys better ask the PHd professor on this or these blog. Ms Bader will be grading all this or these papeles or papelotes - idiot if this is femine or masculinee? Please google blogs

Anonymous said...

Who are they never heard of them. If they are in Browsnville, they need to be investigated
