Thursday, April 25, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun,

After months of public criticism, embattled City of Brownsville Public Works director Santana Torres has been removed from hiss position.

Santana TorresTorres, who was fired last week, was director of public works since 2008.

Rumors are that he got canned for getting too many potholes complains, and that certain employees using city property for personal use.

People have constantly complained about all the potholes in the streets of Brownsville. On the other hand, the philosophy emanating from the city commission is that having the best bike routes in the Rio Grande Valley is more important than fixing potholes.

Torres was short a couple of years to reach 20 years of city service, but since the length of time required for retirement under TMRS policy he'll retain his benefits from the city.

Concurrently, Assistant City Manager Art Rodriguez was demoted back to his former position as Health Director.

Image result for Art rodriguez, COBHis last day as Assistant manager was last week. Rumors are that he wasn't pulling his weight (no pun intended) as an Asst. City Manager. The rumors at the City of Brownsville Rumor Mill was that Rodriguez was vetted and strongly appointed by then former intern City Manager, Michael Lopez, for the position of Asst. C.M.

 Lopez is the same guy who years ago tried to make remove municipal court employees and place them under the city manager, but was stymied when then Chief Municipal Judge Ben Neece threatened legal action in the courts.

Trying to have a head Administrator (Robert Baez) in charge of municipal judges didn't fly. Why Rodriguez got sent back to his former position is being kept hush/hush.

Heads, apparently, are rolling and they won't top rolling soon.


Anonymous said...

Someone has to be the fall guy, he is just the tip of the iceberg, will he sing or take the fall.

father guido said...

Prayers were finally answered thank god

Anonymous said...

What about that GED guy over at the library making over 80k a year and a director. Ooooh he's white so sorry...

Anonymous said...

What's good for the goose is good for the gander but in this case there is no gander just gringos

Anonymous said...

I would be shaking in my boots, if I were Oscar "watching the ceiling" Salinas, Robert "te mochas" Luna, Ramiro "Do Nothing" Gonzalez and Jerry "GED" Hedgecock. Unqualified people that Cabler hired are starting to be removed one by one.

Anonymous said...

Sacrificing one of many will not satisfy the masses. Way too many incompetent people have been hired because of their contacts and relatives in the COB. Time for a complete overhaul of the City's personnel manual, plus a review of every departments staff to determine if they have qualified personnel.

Anonymous said...

I hope Art "La Marrana Negra" Rodriguez enjoyed his days as acting city manager. This guy is hated and not respected by his own staff trust me, I work for him.

Anonymous said...

Is that guy that travels all over the country to visit flea markets does he pay for his travel or do "WE" pay? Is he related to that "I've been here 50 years"? If related was he hired before or after he quit? Need to investigate remember he was assisted deputy dog that means he hired his own family if related...

Tarzan said...

good thing that 40 plus years guy at the finnace dept retired last year si no out the door too. lol

Anonymous said...

There's got to be some consequences to all this illegal hiring need to stop once and for-all. Indictments and jail nothing short.

Anonymous said...

@1:59 What about the "auditor" who never had an auditing course or accounting class in his life? Another crony. All the CPA's in fincnce? Oh, there are none. Never had never will.

Anonymous said...

Amazing the “ crap” the city of Brownsville hires to head important departments. They are all low energy lazy bums collecting a nice paycheck. Compadrismo at its best. They don’t even look professional or responsible. Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

The former HR director was demoted but kept his $86,000 a year salary, why?

Anonymous said...


How about cleaning house at the Planning, Grants, and Public Library Departments? There are a lot of incompetent people working i these departments! There are people just taking up salary space! Also, how about those innovation specialists? Look into that Juan! Cut out all middle management! #DrainTheResaca

Anonymous said...

@1:59 You fogot to add City Engineering Director, Carlos Lastra...he was given the Traffic Department without knowing anything about traffic laws or traffic signal lights. Good person but not cut out to run any department. I'm sure his days are numbered.

abuelita de Tarzan said...

Torres a volar the wila

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You attend college to get a degree with a better pay that's the norm all over the country. EXCEPT IN BROWNSVILLE TEXAS. The city of burros hires GED's as directors and High School diplomas as engineers, planners and libertarians.

Anonymous said...

@April 25, 2019 at 6:05 PM

Its not compadrismo its call cronyism. The gringos don't want you to use that word so they planted a religious word to see how many hispanic pendejos would use this word. There seems to be quite a few estupidos and the gringos keep making fun of all those pendejos...

Anonymous said...

The correct word is compañerismo compañerismo compañerismo cronyism

Anonymous said...

This new City Manager, my hat is off to you Sir!!! Removing trash such as Art Rodriguez and Oscar Salinas is outstanding management on your part. You are mindful and watchful and doing your job as you want others to do theirs. However, Rodriguez should not have been moved back to the position of a department head, he is absolutely a liability and disgrace to our City. He is selfish, lazy, and self-centered with disregard to his staff, city policy, and ethics. When he left EMS before he was going to get fired, he shredded legal documents, his personal city file/records, etc... He as demoted, fired and humiliated staff that stood out better than him or would disagree with his evilness and illegal/unethical workings. As for Oscar Salinas, same applies with that of Art Rodriguez, neither should remain, employees of our city, especially earning $250,000.00 year between both of them which include their salaries (because neither are hourly employees), insurance, retirement, travel expenses, etc... In short, with that $250,000.00 the city could hire 6 to 8 employees and improve our unemployment status, work production, etc... Keep up the Good work Mr. City Manager!!!

Anonymous said...

Esos dos gueys son pura “caca”. Que lastima para Brownsville que merece mucho más mejor!

Anonymous said...

Oscar Salinas the "THE SHORT ALBANO PIGLET"!!! Oh how he wanted to be like Lydia Gonzales but turned out to be Charlie's ball-licker and ass-wiper LOL

Art Rodriguez, who speaks like he squeaks. Everyone knows that he speaks softly so no one can hear how stupid he IS!

Browntown Concern Citizen said...

Juan does the Current Planning Director constanza miner have a degree in planning? I thought she was a grant writer and then all of the sudden was promoted to Planning director? Does she even have city planning experience at least or was the promotion by default because there was no one else there in that dept., to promote? Just wondering

Tarzan said...

juan read on line in some website that constanza Miner previous city of brownsville job was director of trash bins dept???/ WTF is wrong at the City of brownsville ????

Anonymous said...

Complain about the new CM bringing in a GF when this city has 1000's unemployed citizens, then complain about hiring non-degreed personnel to jobs that require a degree say like the GED at the libray and maybe many more...

Anonymous said...

Art Rodriguez and Oscar Salinas actually get JOY and self-satisfaction on hurting others, especially hurting those that are SMARTER, STRONGER, and ESPECIALLY IF LIKED BY OTHERS. These two worthless employees of our City "La Albano Piglet" and "La Marana Negra" should be given their walking papers now! Send them to the mud pool since they both are pegs!

Anonymous said...

Y el GED at the library que??? He can't stop los politiqueros from setting up tents at the entrance of the library. He tooooo need to go. Maybe the city should pay his college education at our dime... Check it out Juan maybe they are already doing that????

Anonymous said...

City of Burros COB

Anonymous said...

@12:33 "You fogot to add City Engineering Director, Carlos Lastra...he was given the Traffic Department without knowing anything about traffic laws or traffic signal lights. Good person but not cut out to run any department. I'm sure his days are numbered."

I may be crazy but you are calling out a person in the City that not only has a degree but also one of the few that have a Professional License and is qualified to be placed in that position. Not to mention he is replacing a Director that had no reason being a Traffic Director in Robert Esparza.

Anonymous said...

@9:48...Mr.Lastra can barely run his own department. He is very weak as a leader and has no balls. I'm an eyewitness and I know what I'm talking about. Mr. Esparza was not perfect, but he knew how to run his department. He was there for over 40 years... He musta been doing something right to be there for so long. Having a degree doesn't mean anything, if you don't have the leadership to run your department. Anybody can be a Puppet like Mr. Carlos Lastra. You can take that to your bank! lol

Anonymous said...

WOW how many 'I have been here 40's and 50's years' still working at the city of burros"

Anonymous said...

Professional license for what? El loco Brown had a teaching certificate and he was the director of public works and airport director and planning director. He held classes at the civic center daily.
