Wednesday, April 10, 2019


By Juan Montoya
Every time that individuals and media representatives have asked to see the Memorandum Of Understanding between the private energy company Tenaska and the
City of Brownsville for the construction and funding of the $500 million, 800 MW gas-fueled electric plant, they receive a letter.

Image result for tony martinez, rrunrrunThat letter came from the legal firm Davidson, Toilo, Ream and Garza of San Antonio. The letter tells the recipient that the City and the Brownsville Public Utility Board and Tenaska feel that the information contained in the MOU was considered proprietary and contained would reveal industry secrets to Tenaska's competitors.

Now, according to the April 4, 2019, campaign finance report filed by Mayor Tony Martinez, that firm was one of four donors that forked over  $5,000 each to keep him mayor.

Since 2013, the firm made that case in its argument to the Texas Attorney General when the PUB asked for an opinion on its release. As a result, the ratepayers do not know the specifics of the obligations the city and Tenaska agreed upon.

As it is, only a few persons in the city have read the MOU and the utility's board has only allowed some city commissioners and board members to see a copy but will not allow copies to be made and distributed to the media and the public. Mayor Tony Martinez, as the city's top elected official, is an ex oficio member of the board and was one of the main proponents of the City-Tenaska MOU.

Martinez rammed through the MOU with Tenaska and convinced the rest of the city commission to approve utility rates increases that have been in place since 2012, more than seven years ago. Then when people started why the plant had not been built, the PUB board explained that the MOU contained a clause that gave Tenaska the option of delaying construction until it had found clients for their share of 600 MWs of the 800 MW it will produce.

It's convenient that the portion of  the MOU that gave the company that option was revealed, but not the rest of the document. Here's the "deal" that Martinez pushed through back when.

Electric: Up 35 % since 2012
Water: Up 19 % since 2013
Wastewater: Up 6 % since 2013
Amount raised with higher rates: $100+ million
Year it was to be completed: 2016

Cost of the plant: $500 million
P.U.B. share: $325 million (PUB: 65 %)
Tenaska share: 175 million (35 %)

Share of electricity:
PUB: 200 MW (25 %)
Tenaska: 600MW( 75%)

SOOOOOO….Tenaska is paying 35% and getting 75 % of the electricity if the plant is ever built. What a deal!

The two Hunt brothers (Ray and Hunter l. Hunt) are heavyweights in the energy industry. Their website indicates that: 

"Hunter Hunt is CEO and president of Hunt Consolidated Energy, LLC, and co-CEO of its holding company, Hunt Consolidated, Inc. He oversees the operations of Hunt Oil Company, Hunt Power, and the other energy activities of the Ray L. Hunt family of Dallas, Texas. 

"Hunt Oil Company was founded in 1934 by H.L. Hunt and is one of the largest privately-owned energy companies in the world, engaging in exploration and production as well as LNG. Hunt is also engaged in refining, development of energy technologies and developing renewable energy projects.

"Hunter Hunt has led the efforts to expand the energy focus of the Hunt affiliation of companies to include the electric power industry. He established Hunt Power in 1998 to develop and invest in entrepreneurial opportunities in the electric and gas utility infrastructure industries."

It's obvious Martinez is in the pocket of the the LNG and energy companies and the $5,000 contribution by the big-city law firm can be interpreted as a kickback to Da mayor's campaign for their share of the Tenaska pie at the expense of PUB residential ratepayers.


Anonymous said...

Just like he has done for the past 8 years! Always putting his interests before the best interests of Brownsville.
Enough is enough, it’s time to go Tony!

Anonymous said...

The Mayor and all the commissioners should be voted out of office based on this issue alone people need to go vote.

Anonymous said...

Boy it is so OBVIOUS that Sylvia Atkinson is behind all your bashing of Mayor Martinez! Why you ask, well it is because Sylvia Atkinson is after power! Let’s do the math; She works hard to control BISD as a board member, she works hard to control TSC as an employee who has the majority of the TSC board members in her pocket and now she want to get Trey in as Mayor in order to control the city government.
Now if you print this it means you are looking out for the community, if you don’t it proves my theory that Sylvia Atkinson is behind all the bashing of Mayor Martinez and she along with Trey are paying you.

Anonymous said...

I told you so many times when I spoke about this mess up deal at the public forum. I question it and question it time and time again but the mayor and the city commissioners didn't care. So now paid the price of stupidity taxpayers of Brownsville. This mayor needs to go, Charlie Cabler for the new change in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez again proves he is a lawyer and for sale to the highest bidder. Thank goodness those people can't vote and we can. It is time to get rid of Tony "Barack Obama" Martinez and his "get rich schemes" that never seem to pan out. It's money that Tony will put in his pocket when he loses this campaign.

Chon southmost said...

juan i am confused, on this deal with tanaska-canasta power plant, who is obligated with Tanaska? is it the City of Brownsville or the Brownsville PUB? Because either one, both are funded with taxpayers monies or public funding so in essence shouldnt the agreement be public records? Just asking or maybe perhaps we should address the Texas PUC to inquire why we should be paying all these extra higher rates for the last 5 years but we dont have a power plant yet? Should we go ahead and wait another 5 years? just asking?????

Anonymous said...

Bye Felicia.

Anonymous said...

The city commissioners and PUB board owe the citizens of Brownsville a refund for past 5 yrs of rate hikes.,we want answers Brownsville tax payers own PUB someone needs to tell all the idiots at city hall!! All commissioners need to go along with Tony "grandma"mayor pinche draft dodger

La Abuelita de Tarzan said...

juan i writing a compliant to the PUC-Public Utility Commission in Austin to compllaint about these 30% higher electrical rates for the last 5 years and NO NEW Power Plant. Ya estubo suave.

The Brownsville Beacon said...

@ April 10, 2019 at 1:56 PM

What proof do you have that Sylvia Atkinson is pulling the strings behind the scenes for Juan Mendez III?

Is there actual proof, or are you just floating one of your conspiracy theories?

Anonymous said...

The only person making a fortune is the plastic surgeon doing the nose jobs. The Pinocchio reverse nose job is the most popular one.

Anonymous said...

La bandeja no va hacer nada cabler no va hacer nada what's one to do? It's a lose lose situation. Bring in the feds to run this city and investigate everybody

La Abuelita de Tarzan said...

for those of you who are serious about filing a complaint about these high PUB Electric rates with the PUC of Texas, here is the address, Public Utility Commission of Texas, PO Box 13326, Austin, Texas 78711-3326 or by email at or call 1-888-782-8477. tan tan

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Atkinson controlling Trey? No mames. Estas estupid.

Anonymous said...

Voting for Trey, thanks for making it crystal clear Martinez is an LNG sellout

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tell the mayor he is not suppose to salute the Mexican flag.

Anonymous said...

Early voting is only ten days from now, I'm voting for Charlie Cabler he is the most experienced of the other two candidates put togheter. I know if he is elected, he will do an excellent job as Mayor. He has a lifetime of public service, that itself speaks volumes of his commitment to provide true services to the community. Street maintenance and proper drainage will be a priority, go Mr. Cabler, we will be with you all the way.

Anonymous said...

Public service with pay and a good one (over 150k a yr) at that, if it were volunteer work w/o pay now that makes sense.
