Sunday, April 28, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

One of the three opponents challenging City of Brownsville District 1 incumbent commissioner Ricardo Longoria says she will call on the Brownsville Police Department to investigate the defacing of her campaign signs with a Nazi swastika and horns.

Nurith Galonski Pizana, who said she was born and raised Jewish,said she will ask police to investigate the apparent anti-Semitic defacing of her signs and said that the vandals may have been caught on surveillance cameras nearby.

"I find it unnerving that a hate crime like this could happen in Brownsville," Galonsky posted on her Facebook page.

Calling it "an outrage against our community," Galonsky said Brownsville "must never tolerate hate crimes."

The defaced campaign signs are located across the street from the Central Public Library on land owned by her father Abraham Galonsky.

She said there are surveillance cameras outside the library and at the neighboring Stripes convenience store.

Besides Longoria, Michael Rodriguez and William Garza are running for District 1.


Anonymous said...

I would venture the dumb ass that did this has no concept that Miss Galonsky is even Jewish. It looks like every other tag I grew up seeing in the barrio.

Anonymous said...

Sin duda es la peor experiencia en un restaurant local. El servicio fué simplemente ignorante, falto de protocolo, sin conocimiento de servicio, descuidado; copas sucias al pedir Champagne, mesero no sabía servir, olvidó la orden varias veces, nunca llegó un platillo, todo equivocado, cero conocimiento, la comida estuvo x, todo llegó a destiempo. URGE CAPACITACIÓN! No volvería nunca.

Anonymous said...

From what we have heard that has been there for a few days now. I don’t understand how they could miss that for a few days and just know realize it. Strange

But yet I want to know why no one made such a big deal when jerry was bashing everyone else (Mexicans) trying to better our city.
Should Galonsky and Guerrero and everyone that jerry has bashed go file a police report for this hate crimes?

Anonymous said...

It was probably Cesar De Leon, the racist.

Anonymous said...

Juan do you even know how to speak Spanish?

Anonymous said...

The haters are out in force thanks to the current idiota republican president.

Anonymous said...

It would not supprise me if they did that themselves. In the world of politics, they'll do anything for votes and attention. When desperate, they will do anything to win an election.

Anonymous said...

This is just wrong. Like her or not...this is wrong.

Anonymous said...

I think its that fat lady sitting under one of those tents blocking the sidewalk...

Anonymous said...

As if the cops don't have anything to do. Now they're chasing a doodler?

BobbyWC said...

The Guerrero issue is interesting especially in light of the undocumented workers issue which does have a lot of people in Brownsville mad they are coming. So there is a growing hatred which needs to be denounced. But with Latino's being somewhere in the area of 90%+ of the population, it is not the same as being a super minority as Jewish. It is never wrong to denounce all hate, but there is a big big difference in being Latino in Brownsville, or Jewish.

I debated the Guerrero issue as to whether I should cover it. Another blogger denounced Jerry almost daily on the issue. For me this was one of Jerry's distractions to avoid the issues, so I chose to stay on the issues instead of taking the bait of Jerry's distraction. Attacking someone for being Jewish is not a distraction from the issues, it is an attack on humanity.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

In the age of Trump any kind of ethnic/racial/religious insult becomes normalized. Our highly decorated combat veteran President, with his rhetoric, enables and empowers every stripe and flavor of bigotry to rise to the surface. In a twisted sense of reality a real person (John McCain) who spent 6 years in a North Vietnamese prison camp is demonized as a traitor, while the draft-dodger in the extreme case of disingenuous wraps himself in the flag.

Anonymous said...

I would venture to say that if the culprit had been a kid, the drawings would have been different, more vulgar and graphic if you get my drift. This was done for public sympathy during the last stretch of early voting.

Rasputin said...

juan what is reader at 6.14pm rambling about? a restaurant service? That Has nothing to do with this article at lest thats what i see or prove me wrong????

Anonymous said...

More evidence of the racism that exists in this community for all people not Hispanic. While ignorance is rampant, that ignorance is often translated into racism by the actions of local citizens. The name of the game is "La Jaiba" and it is the single most played game in Brownsville culture.

Anonymous said...

When the Jefferson rock on Washington park was deface, was that racist?

Anonymous said...

Be glad something else wasn't drawn. Take it down already. It's unsightly.

Anonymous said...

Of course....its Trump's fault. Get off the Democratic plantation!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:44 pm asked: "When the Jefferson rock on Washington park was deface, was that racist?

A local blogger on his blog addressed the issue on the commentary section by saying: "Historians and the black community went back and fourth and it was decide there was more value in keeping it as a history lesson."

Anonymous said...

Quick pecking on the keyboard and GO VOTE!!!! There is no racism here never was and never has been its all in your head. GO VOTE and if you can vote all eleven white candidates LOL LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

Reality People: The reason Channel 4 news got involved was because ElRRUN wrote about it, not because it was or is a racist thing against her. Seriously there is not a racist movement in Brownsville, TX. We don't have jobs in Brownsville, TX we don't care who comes to give us jobs,if it is blacks, jews, Russians, aliens or Mexicans.

Get over it. Kids are messing with her picture because she put herself out there to make people think she cares about the little people. No one knew she was a Jew or even cares. Look at Ben Neece isn't he a Jew? Isn't Jessica T. Kalifa also a Jew or German Shepard?

Anonymous said...

The only people that are mad are the stupid racist republicans and wanna be whites like the cocos. idiot

Anonymous said...

Are you call her a dog? at 8:59am

Anonymous said...

Cheap Champagne does that to you makes you think you're rich and famous

Anonymous said...

Sent it to the sheriff he'll know what to do with it...

Anonymous said...

El Southmost runoff can't believe it I guess everybody at the island got out to go vote y el pinche southmost los piojos nunca votan
