Thursday, April 11, 2019


(Click on graphic to enlarge.)


Anonymous said...

What you have to decide is, who is the most corrupt person going into the election, and who will be the the most successful corrupt person to be elected.

Anonymous said...

Following McAllen is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

what's he saying "NOTHING" like father like son so it seems...

Anonymous said...

Casa del Nylon reference is deceptive and Trey knows it. Go ask Ben Neece, Juan. Lying Trey!

Anonymous said...

He should be comparing brownsville to San Benito instead of McAllen. McAllen kicks Brownsvilles ass in everything.

Anonymous said...

Nice MAILER tell us something we don't already know, please elaborate the more than $ 13 million ways you propose to fix this issues Mr. ATTORNEY

Linda Forse said...

I got Trey's mailer and actually read it over. These are real issues that need to be addressed. Trey is doing a "trey-mendous" job of shining a light on the elephants and sacred cows that have been in Brownsville for years and which nobody has yet to acknowledge. The fact that Trey is not afraid to point out the faults of Brownsville shows some chutzpah on his part. Well done!

Anonymous said...

What does his campaign mean by "Leading By Example"......he gives no example(s), just implies that he has done something. WHAT?? The sign is right in that "Brownsville Deserves Better", but is he the "Better"????? He offers numbers and by those numbers implies that he will make a positive change....but, again, only implication, not statements of what he wants to do. We need some specifics. Tony Martinez gave specifics and produced nothing. Come on Trey....tell us what you plan to do for us.

Anonymous said...

To the Martinez' Trolls:

You know you're fucked. You work for a useless candidate that has hired you to post these comments. You're not from Brownsville and only comment here when hired. Stop making stupid arguments, you're only making your candidate look desperate and stupid. I got the mailer and voted twice for Tony in the past, but not this time around. .. Oh and by the way, the mailer has a back piece that clearly explains what Trey has to offer, so quit bitching you, moron.

To Cabler: Stop being a worthless pusy!

Anonymous said...

McAllen rules, Brownsville is a fool! Trey doesn't know what a broom is for? He is just another lawyer who will just do nothing for the taxpayers but for himself. You will be sorry if you vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Make promises not statements. We all know the numbers and the games.

Anonymous said...

Y Lily Terecero APA? Ya se te olvido?

Anonymous said...

Could it be that a candidate for Mayor knows what the hell he is talking about ? Tony, no way, Charlie, I'll live with, but it's Trey Mendez for me.

Anonymous said...

Good data to give us an idea on what Trey actually intends to work on?
Get your platform out before we go vote with our final decision, Trey. Oh, and by the way, take a picture with attire that would make a good first impression and get rid of those blue jeans. We are tired of seeing blue jeans representing Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Its either cell 1 or cell 2 or cell 3 take your pic. This is the choice we have. NO VALE MADRE!!!

Anonymous said...

Trey Has a history of making some really bad decisions. He voted to fire Dr Tercero instead of buying her out of her contract. That cost brownsville taxpayers 13 million ( with interest running every day). Bad leadership by Trey on the TSC board and the mayor caused brownsville to loose 75 percent of our university classes to mcallen. I don’t think either of those two has been a good leader. Give caller a chance.
