Friday, April 5, 2019


BROWNSVILLE Texas, (April 3, 2019) – Keppel AmFELS, marine property and offshore shipyard,
strategically located in the Port of Brownsville and the Gulf of Mexico, in partnership with the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, is pleased to announce the expansion and growth of their business operations.

Established in 1990, Keppel AmFELS has built up a solid track record and capabilities in the construction, refurbishment, conversion, life extension and repair of a complete range of mobile drilling rigs and platforms. Keppel AmFELS is strategically located in the Port of Brownsville channel, with easy access to the Gulf of Mexico.

Keppel AmFELS has expanded its marine segment to include a wide variety of vessels ranging from LNG Bunker Vessels to dual fuel container vessels for the Jones Act market. Keppel AmFELS
currently has over 600 employees with several hundred more to hire by 2020, next year.

Simon Lee, Keppel AmFELS President, stated, “Working together with the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation has provided us with a great opportunity to continue our growth. As a result, today, we are the preferred offshore and marine shipyard in the Gulf of Mexico, backed by comprehensive facilities and a highly-skilled workforce. 

These qualities have enabled us to deliver premium rigs on time, within budget and safely, placing Brownsville on the global map for world class offshore and marine solutions.”

Brownsville Deputy City Manager, Helen Ramirez, AICP, stated, "Brownsville is experiencing momentum in its path towards attracting new market sectors, which is great for our economy and job creation,

Will work closely with ISD and Technical College to prepare an example of this great business climate that is allowing existing and new companies to innovate and flourish in Brownsville, thereby demonstrating that we are prepared for strong economic growth!"

Mario Lozoya, GBIC Executive Director, said, “GBIC is working on strategies to develop a stronger and relevant workforce in Brownsville. Initiatives such as ‘We Grow Our Own’ are connecting major employers with local schools and students. Resulting in the creation of high paying jobs and social mobility for our citizens.”

Losoya said that Keppel AmFELS has committed to create 700 new high-demand and high-pay jobs in its new ship-building function. He said the GBIC will work closely with local ISDs and technical colleges to prepare the workforce.

GBIC, is the type A economic development arm for the City of Brownsville, has a mission to promote and increase the economic and industrial competitiveness of the region. For more information visit the website at


Anonymous said...

Re: Mueller Report

The Republicans have forced the disclosure of classified information when they targeted Democrats, so the precedents should be followed. No detail should remain unpublished. They thought it worthwhile to publish all the details surrounding a failed investigation of Bill Clinton, finally settling on prosecuting him for lying about a consensual sexual affair. Meanwhile a traitor goes free, damaging our country and the world every day.

Anonymous said...

if the jobs are so high paying why do all the amfels workers live in matamoros.
they should make it a requitement for them to live and spend in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Puros transas que nomas quieren mochada.

Anonymous said...

They don't even support the taquerias, frijolerias y tortilerias doing business here. MAMONES...

fernel said...

This is a fact working in the port of Brownsville at Amfels
they treat you and work you like slaves.

Anonymous said...

Are they Amfels direct, or through Judge Alejandro, it is him that made the money while his manager went to jail..

Anonymous said...

You have to be in the Cabler Wednesday night crowd to qualify. Another one of The Jackass Jason Hilts scams.

Anonymous said...

They bring racist repubican gringos to kick ass, after two days they quit and leave. Que, que no entiendo ingis.

Anonymous said...

Is the i am not a robot fixed just like the coming election???

Anonymous said...

Amfels was allways a scam even though Cabler and Hilts, how the Fed's let Alejandro go is beyond comprehension he must have sang three times the nuns chorus, he certainly ran with his tail between his legs.

Anonymous said...

they have few full time employees
most are seasonal and contract
they hire foreign workers with
work visas to pay them less

Anonymous said...

McAllen doesnt have no skilled workforce
we thrive on commerce and business
take a hint Brownsville
it cost to much to train and maintain skilled labor
you need investors and leaders with hind sight

Anonymous said...

McAllen is a shithole but they use a lot of fabreze and candles

Anonymous said...

"I has a dream" that a traffic light was after me

Anonymous said...

"I had a dream" I couldn't go downtown because there are a lot of crosswalks!!!

Anonymous said...

"I has a dream" I dreamed I was on a bike and hike trail HORRABLE!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know million dollar checks are that big.

Anonymous said...

you need 16 people to carry one?

Ben Dover said...

What a bogus event! About all the port will hire is a bunch of undocumented immigrants with false papers. Remember the scam that a front company pulled a few years back with providing fake papers to the port workers?? Same song, second verse.
Note that the picture includes the Workforce Cameron’s guru and Trump Man, Pat Hobbs. I’m amazed he has survived so many scandals at TSC, TSTC, and now at workforce while spending most of his days playing golf. I wonder if he lies about his golf handicap like his friend Orange Man Donnie?

Anonymous said...

But it is true ask the Jackass Jason Hilts and Gilbert Salinas they are masters in the scam game, and Lazoya is catching on fast. The BEDC and GIBC should be invesagted before they scam another Million dollars for a Columbian whore.

Anonymous said...

This is terrible. The most POORLY written press release I've ever seen.
I'm giving this to my little brother to edit (he's taking a state assessment tomorrow).

Who writes this stuff? Who edits?

Come on Brownsville we deserve (and are paying) for better then this!

Elected leaders our city deserves better.

Anonymous said...

Estos pinche gringos se esconden por donde quiera they suck up to the mexicans for handout-welfare, and they complain about immigrants and want to built a wall pinche gueyes

Anonymous said...

Another organization? How many does the city have and who pays them is the director making over 100k like the other acronym? Why does the city have planners, and the county? This really sucks. Bunch of cronyism organizations that's what the ALL are.
