Tuesday, April 30, 2019


BROWNSVILLE, Texas — The South Port Connector Road Project received environmental clearance on April 24, 2019 from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Pharr District Office, advancing the project to the construction phase.

The project is part of the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority’s (CCRMA) East Loop Corridor plan. When complete, the South Port Connector Road will span two miles and will connect Ostos Road at the Port of Brownsville with State Highway 4.

(Ed.'s Note: But while the East Loop - which will remove hazardous cargoes from International Blvd. in the heart of the city, along schools, churches, and barrios, has been waiting for more than 30 years to be built, the connector, which will serve billionaire Elon Musk's SpaceX, has become a reality overnight.)

The project will enhance the port’s intermodal connectivity, further facilitating domestic and international trade throughout the Rio Grande Valley.

“The Port of Brownsville is a valuable asset to the Texas economy and a major economic force in the region,” said John Reed, Brownsville Navigation District Chairman.

“Infrastructure improvements such as the South Port Connector facilitate our efforts in strengthening the port’s position as the main hub for domestic and international trade in South Texas. Working collaboratively with Cameron County and CCRMA contribute greatly to the success of joint projects like this.”

The South Port Connector project is the result of a strategic collaboration between the port, the CCRMA, Cameron County and TxDOT – all working in unison – to create positive investment opportunities in the region.

“Cameron County and this administration are committed to working with our partners at the Port of Brownsville to ensure that we continue to build the proper infrastructure to attract industry that will provide jobs and a better quality of life for all,” said Cameron County Judge Eddie TreviƱo Jr.

“I thank the Texas Department of Transportation, the Port of Brownsville and the CCRMA for working on getting the environmental document cleared. The engineering plans are 100 percent complete and funding is in place, paving the way for the construction of the project to proceed. This important project when completed will provide additional access for future development at the port.”

The project will improve traffic accessibility to the Port of Brownsville by providing another entry and exit to and from the port. It will eventually offer direct access to commercial lanes at the Veterans International Bridge.

CCRMA Chairman Frank Parker Jr. stated, “the CCRMA is glad to be a partner with Cameron County and the Port of Brownsville on this very important infrastructure project. The CCRMA prepared the environmental document and coordinated the environmental clearance with TxDOT. This is the first phase of the overweight corridor and we are very excited to have received environmental clearance. We look forward to getting this project under construction in the very near future.”


Anonymous said...

Mexicans - always bitching, even about progress. smh

Hurache Joe said...

Juan another crazy multi-million dollar deal. Toll road? does it even pay its way? i have seen all these big trucks use the side roads in order to avoid paying and yes what about the mexican trucks that use the toll roads how do you get them to pay?????? Nos pos WOW -things that make you go MMMMM

Anonymous said...

Not a toll road. 2nd connector from port to boca chica and future free road (east loop). Smart locals using federal funds to build a project.

Anonymous said...

The toll roads are financed through bonds, not taxes... its like complaining about Wal-Mart or Stripes issuing bonds (debt) to finance the construction of new stores... que te valga V!!

Anonymous said...

SpaceX is a joke and never coming. They just robbed the city out of money. Who needs rockets shifting the ground and possibly causing tsunamis and the pollution that having SpaceX will bring. It isn’t gonna work for South Texas and neither will LNG. Get ready to move out of The Valley and never visit the polluted island with these to companies in South Texas. There is no reason to make toll roads in the poorest part of the nation either.

Anonymous said...

The Wannabe road Rockefeller Cowen has his fingers in the pie somewhere praying that his cheating Charlie Cabler will become the next Mayor of Browntown, the Wannabe Road Rockefeller Cowen has grandures of sitting in the toll booth collecting the coins saying "One for you two for me", and I will see to the payout.

General Patton said...

As one reader mentioned, this project does not address the hazard cargo issue that has been haunting International blvd AKA 18th street for the last 50-60 years. Hwy 4 LOL only goes to Boca Chica beach, so yes this is a road for SpaceX, George Jeston and Company only, there will be no benefit to the General public. Waste of Taxpayers or federal money however you want to put it.

Anonymous said...

Screw the students screw the citizens screw everybody but let's just cater to that pot head gringo...

Anonymous said...

And what ever happened to that other bridge to nowhere that was a project of Raul Besteiro and Ed Lucio, Jr? Where is the money and why were they paid for doing nothing. Will it happen again with this East Loop Bridge that was in the making even before I was born? Who oversees the finances for his long lost project - and meanwhile, we are just waiting for a horrible accident at Porter or Canales with these Mexican trucks without muffles, skin thick tires and speeding with each other for a place in line at the bridge. Not until someone is killed, will we be serious about completion of this project. We already lost a young boy about 3 years ago at the corner of North Frontage and International who was runned over by a truck who did not make a complete stop before turning right and ran over him on his bike. And to top it off,
some idiot had the audacity to come steal the White Ghost Bike that had been placed as a memorial at the scene of the accident. What ever became of that? Quien sabe? Under the rug like the Oliviera case, the Atkinson sealed indictment, Joey's hand in the hospice cookie jar and so many other horrible acts in the Brownsville act.
