Sunday, April 28, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Las Imaginistas and the Somos Juntos movement inaugurated their resistance with a parade Saturday from Washington Park to Market Square in downtown Brownsville Saturday. THree women head the collective, as elf-described group that is "a socially engaged art collective based in the Rio Grande Valley."

The trio has "worked together and independently attacking a wide range of community development issues including immigration, housing, women's rights, racial justice and education who attack civic problems at the local, city and state level. With residents, activists, planers and educators they are building today towards a better, co-created, equitable tomorrow."

The group - wearing "Hacemos La Cuidad" T-shirts, - marched from the park to the marqueta and then held events including "Voices of the City" "Performance and Book Launch" and Model Unveiling," "Ribbon Cutting and "Keys to the Future." )


Anonymous said...

"Market" is "Mercado," Montoya. Know your own language, guey!

Anonymous said...

A que pendejo, know your language you dumb fuck, it is buey, not guey. Pinche pendejo!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville belongs on the Mexican side of the wall.

jmon said...

Güey (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈwei]; also spelled guey, wey or we) is a word in colloquial Mexican Spanish which is commonly used to refer to any person without using their name.

jmon said...

So is la marqueta, guey

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Norma (Gallon de Agua) Gallego is going to be the new Super?

Anonymous said...

Un guay or hey or way en la barrio is considered un pendejao pinche gringos don't know shit from their ass.

Anonymous said...

Ya no pueden andar sin paraguas mamones... hay me cala el sol!!!!

Anonymous said...

Guey is the largest and fastest growing last name in the hispanic group. Its the biggest family name to date. According to a republican poll released by the wh and fox news...

Anonymous said...

That guy with the giant guitar is going "WHAT AM I DOING HERE?".

Anonymous said...

Are they selling cotton candy algodon de azucar?

Anonymous said...

Van pal quarter moon they brought their own band.

Anonymous said...

I guess they couldn't get too many people together hummmm...

Anonymous said...

Pancho el chueco y Sus Tacuaches very famous bario band

Anonymous said...

The video people are from fox somebody called them that one of the caravans had arrived.

Anonymous said...

