Friday, April 5, 2019


(Ed,'s Note: After we posted the little available information  on the chase and arrest of two drug smugglers when the event occurred Wednesday afternoon, we started receiving photos taken by mall-goers that showed the object of the persecution by local cops and Border Patrol.

As can clearly be seen, the two men in the white pickup were carrying a sizable amount of what appears to be marihuana and loaded for bear with a H&K P2000 and at least nine magazines and hundreds of shells (in baggie). That weapon turned our to be a stolen loaded pistol registered with the Department of Homeland Security.

The agents also discovered the pistol that was stolen on Oct. 28, 2018, and is registered to DHS, along with nine fully loaded magazines with a magazine in the pistol and a round in the chamber, along with 103 loose rounds in the center console.

Fortunately for everyone, the arrests were executed without a shot being fired, But it makes you think twice of letting the kiddos spend the day at the mall when things like  this are going down. Doesn't it? Thanks to our readers for the photos.)                 


Anonymous said...

Make sure Filmon Vela, Vicente Gonzalez, Chuy Hinojosa, and the Lucios take a good look at what is REALLY going on in your neck of the woods. Mexico is aware of this and does nothing.
Who in the border is allowing this corruption? Manipulating a border patrol agent is easy, taking over a wall would be a little more noisy and visible and would not be good business for the above leaders. Like district attorney Luis Saenz says," if you don't mess with the cartels, they will leave you along". Admitting the cartels are running an enterprise in Brownsville and near by cities.

Anonymous said...

Not a Glock pistol. Photo to bad to identify brand, but not a Glock.

Anonymous said...

Start with Tony Yzaguirre

Anonymous said...

HK P2000

Anonymous said...

made in brazil

Anonymous said...

OK. a loaded H&K? who did it get stolen from i would like to know. As a federal officer, i never left my loaded weapon unattended. How do you get a gov't issued gun just stolen? Not good
