Tuesday, April 23, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: He discussed selling delinquent tax property to himself in executive session and then voted to seal the deal in open session despite the impropriety of the act against the law.

He also fought to keep the Memorandum Of Understanding between the city PUB and private energy company Tenaska for the construction of a $500 million natural-gas, electric plant and hiked electric costs by 36 percent secret from the ratepayers.

Now, in what is clearly a place where candidates or their supporters are prohibited from campaigning or displaying campaign signs or materials, Emperor Hizzoner Tony Martinez parked his mobile campaign sign (the royal blue Jeep above) well within the prohibited distance from the polling place.

Martinez, who knows better, acts just like Joe Rodriguez did when he was running for reelection to the board of the Brownsville Independent School District.

Rodriguez would stand just outside the doors of the Central Library and greet voters s they arrived telling them"Hay les encargo," a brazen solicitation of votes.
doors of the Central Library.

Alas, it did "Coach Joe" no good and he lost. Will the same thing happen to Tony despite his bending of the rules?)


Anonymous said...

Just do as I say, I am the only wolf in sheeps clothing, don't do as I do, just do what I tell you.

Anonymous said...

Some of these politiqueros are going to be run-over they stand as close as possible to the traffic lanes on central blvd in front of the library. Where is the police??? This is getting our of hand.

Anonymous said...

How can they stand the smell of dog shit from veterans park and they stand there all day.

Anonymous said...

Time to boot him out of the office, way too much harm already done. Millions of taxpayer monies wasted on purchasing overpriced and worthless properties that only benefited the sellers. It is high time to vote for a person that will make a difference and in my humble opinion, that is Charlie Cabler.

Anonymous said...

Even Emperors lose their heads at some time or another.

junkyard dog said...

The picture of joe rod looks like his is taking a piss, lol

Anonymous said...

Coach Joe lost because signs win in illiterate Brownsville. He had no signs literally a hand full compared to Tipton and her big financial backing, and the race was super close. It takes money to put signs up. Brownsville knows Tipton had all of Atkins’s money bag friends support her campaign to keep the majority vote at BISD. Signs win in illiterate Brownsville. Charlie Cabler is the real reason the city is a mess. Tony couldn’t dictate to Cabler when he was CM as he didn’t know what he was doing and it was not for him to get involved in those operations either. At least the majority of the alleged real estate will go to UTRGV and to help with the presence of a University in Brownsville. We need a real university and not the advanced high school TSC is. Everyone knows the majority of the students that end up there are BISD’s bottom of the barrel with that majority not able to read or write. The advance high school Trey and his cronies run will go under soon with dual enrollment already helping deficient BISD students get a Mickey Mouse 2 yr degree or certificate coming out of their high school. Also, Helen Keller died years ago. There are no miracle workers to make these students college ready at TSC. Just ask UTRGV and the quality that UTRGV is getting. Trey and the Lily fiasco, high tuition compared to the entire state, and bad student deficiencies coming out of BISD also make Trey a loser for Brownsville. Brownsville and UTRGV’s best bet is Tony Martinez. Lobbyists need to lobby in Austin to get rid of dual enrollment and then lobby the DEPT of education. Go back to AP classes with a cap on transfer credits until curriculum quality changes in the lower levels. Lobby for better K-12 curriculums free of all these standardized tests that take away from student learning so TSC can actually be a community college and not some advanced high school.

Anonymous said...

Antonio y Juan are one and the same DO NOT RE-ELECT ANY ONE.

Anonymous said...

@April 24, 2019 at 6:40 AM

A case of the REDASS

Anonymous said...

When are the Fed's going to step in, it is lock up time, this is when they start to pounce on the corruption idiots like they did to Armando Villalobos.

Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez is an arrogant asshole just like his hero, Barack Obama. As such, Tony sees himself above the law and will park his jeep anywhere is damn well pleases. After all, he is the "Royal Mayor" of Brownsville and his royal asswipe can do whatever he wants and spend from the coffers of the citizens as he desires, with no recourse. Hopefully the voters are tired of funding losing causes (Julieta Garcia and Casa de Nylon, for example) and will vote for either Charlie Cabler or Trey Mendez in the ongoing mayoral elections.

Anonymous said...

@April 24, 2019 at 6:17 AM

Caught lookin' donde esta????

Anonymous said...

La bandeja tray spell backwars spells martinez remember that
