Tuesday, April 2, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: For the third time supporters of former City of Brownsville Manager Charlie Cabler have placed 4' x 8' campaign signs on the lawn directly across the street from Da Mayor's house at the corner of Hibiscus and Palm (that's Hizzoner's crib in the background). 

In the past, someone, no one knows who, has removed the large signs soon after Cabler's Crew erected them there. In other cases, Martinez stickers have been placed on Cabler's sings across the city. Whoever is doing this is not helping Tony, but rather showing the petty nature of the individual. Los signs no votan, the sating goes. Does Martinez know this is happening?) 


Anonymous said...

Martinez is helping the illegals that are coming across the our borders to get the early voting from them. It's funny that the mayor is concern about the people that break the laws of the United States but is blind to the taxpayers of Brownsville to help them out with lower utility bills and only helps his friends. Vote Martinez out of office period.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who I'm voting for yet, but this doesn't help in deciding for Tony. If this is what its come to, it doesn't look good for him at all.

Anonymous said...

Is Duardo Roman's dad?

Anonymous said...

Martinez doesn't know anything. No Collusion. No Obstruction of Signage.

Anonymous said...

Cabler what a joke. His guy is a thief a liar and a very shameless person. He stepped down as city commissioner when the heat from the ambulance services were being linked to him. This is only one thing of hundreds of problems he allowed to happened under his watch. I can only imagine if he was to win. He thinks he is above the law, he once struck a vehicle while bring drunk and some how that never came out. Like I said this are only a couple of things I can remember right now. I can't believe he thinks people will forget the BS he has done or maybe he thinks we will just stupid.

Anonymous said...

I know who am I voting for and that is Mr. Charlie Cabler who I strongly believe will do a excellent job as our Mayor. He will be a hands-on Mayor who will be working on a daily basis to provide true municipal services and not showing up at city hall every two weeks for meetings. Mr. Cabler worked for the city for over forty years and knows firsthand the city's priorities and I am confident that he will execute his duties and responsibilities as our Mayor to the best of his abilities.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Tony

Anonymous said...

OK, so let's clear up a few things.

The genius @ April 2, 2019 at 6:02 PM said:

"Martinez is helping the illegals that are coming across the our borders to get the early voting from them."

Let's assume, for a minute, that the illegals that are coming across our borders had all the appropriate paperwork to register to vote in our municipal elections. It's too late to register to vote for this election. That said, I don't know if this person knows how registering to vote works, but illegals who are dropped off here wouldn't be able to vote anyway.

Anonymous @ April 2, 2019 at 8:05 PM wrote:

"Is Duardo Roman's dad?"

I don't care who you are, but that's funny right there. I literally laughed my ass off in front of the computer.

Anonymous @ April 2, 2019 at 8:42 PM wrote:

"Martinez doesn't know anything. No Collusion. No Obstruction of Signage."

Also a hilarious comment.

The tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist @ April 2, 2019 at 10:44 PM writes:

"He stepped down as city commissioner when the heat from the ambulance services were being linked to him."

He wasn't a city commissioner. He was city manager. Those are two very, very different jobs. They aren't the same thing.

Mr. Tin-foil Hat also writes:

"He thinks he is above the law, he once struck a vehicle while bring drunk and some how that never came out."

What proof do you have of this? I can say Charlie Cabler is responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs too, but just saying it doesn't make it true. Without proof or facts, your statement is pure chisme and speculation.

Anonymous said...

How much they want for that house?

Anonymous said...

If you want to think that Cabler was a great city manager, that's your right. I know for a fact, that he wasn't. There's a reason he was forced to retired and why did he received so much payout money when he retired, when regular city employees get less when they leave the city. He is a corrupt man and I hope he loses the election.

Anonymous said...

@April 2, 2019 at 10:44 PM

Cabler a city commissioner? The only thing you left out is "my idol president is the most truthful and honest person in the world", please go stick your head in the nearest cesspool fool...

Anonymous said...

It's very simple who ever is putting up those stickers are the workers for Tony Martinez. My guess it's the same people who are putting up the political signs for Tony they are young kids. Just look at the Facebook page of Tony martinez

Anonymous said...

Lots of talk and no proof whatsoever. You've got to love the age of the internet. Post whatever you want, you don't have to provide any proof, and be taken at your word because "you know it for a fact."

Anonymous said...

Tin Foil Democrats can't fathom thinking independently and critically

Anonymous said...

Cabler is a barrio boy that learned how to pretend to be a knowledge and brain boy (pretend, yes, does NOT qualify you), I got one phone call yesterday on my home line and another call on my cell to "vote for mayor Tony Martinez", funny how the area code and number are from SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS./
I do not answer numbers I am not familiar with so I didn't expect to get voice messages, but I DID!! asking me to vote for him.
I don't know Trey Mendez, but compared to those two, he looks better already.
I live in district 2 and have voted for Tetreau twice. She has been there too long. Time to go. Presas-Garcia and Ahumada both live in the Land O'lakes subdivision. They know nothing about the Boca Chica area, Portway Acres area and have not even mentioned any other area or plans for the city. I am really un-decided on the comissioner's position, but I DON'T want Jessica another term. I wonder who the lesser of two evils should I pick, between Presas-Garcia and Ahumada. I am really tired of reading "and the check", "what about the check". If he is guilty of that so are the current office holders and they will be walking out of office like they never did anything wrong. Does that mean that I support Ahumada? NO. Presas in not without controversy. She was friends with Tetreau, but I guess politics is more "valuable" to both of them. My poor town, at one point we were the jewel of the RGV, right now, we are the laughing stock of the RGV. We can't stick that to anglos (gringos), they have nothing to do with it. GREED in our Mexican heritage is what is bringing us down.

Anonymous said...

Tony's paid volunteers are doing this? pffffffff just because of thtat i will vote for mr. Cabler

Anonymous said...

How can cabler be trusted when about 2 weeks there two young men claiming to be from Cameron county and demanded who I was voting for in the mayor race. That is so not right. Again cabler is a crook. Charlie go back to playing recreational softball.

Anonymous said...

Cabler knows every trick in the book, like retiring when his scam with the fire chief was exposed. Cabler is just a front man for Brownsvilles Mr Big. Why has Mr Big gone so quiet since the Armando Villalobos case, he just dropped out of sight, and let Cabler has been the mouth peice ever since.
Charlie Cabler does not have the brains to pick at a pimple, he takes his orders on a Wednesday night meeting, that he faithfully attends when summoned to.
Charles Cabler is and always was a yes man, and this will come out with the trial of the ex fire Chief.

Anonymous said...

Cabler is a mouth peice, he resigned when he was caught in the scam of the fire chief, then got a big pay day from the City, then when the heat was off, he was told to run for Mayor so there he is following his orders.

Anonymous said...

he looks better already, knows every trick in the book, is a mouth piece, is helping the illegals, but this doesn't help, doesn't know anything, was a great, go stick your head, Tin Foil, barrio boy, politics is more "valuable", is a crook, faithfully attends.

There you have it folks, the qualifing statements said by local citizens about ALL politicians.


Anonymous said...

If there were better candidates none of all you fools would win so quit crying

Anonymous said...

@April 3, 2019 at 6:26 PM

Who asked you for your opinions estupido
