Tuesday, April 30, 2019


By Juan Montoya

As of Monday night, the Cameron County Elections Office in charge of the City of Brownsville city commission elections reported that 6,249 votes have been cast in seven days, with today being the last day of the eight-day early voting period.

If statistics bear out past voting trends, another 1,000 votes should come in today (6,249 divided by seven more or less). Unless there is a last-day abnormality, that should make the total votes cast in the early voting period close to 7,140.
Actually, there was a last-ditch surge Tuesday of 1,556. to bring the early voting total to 7,805.

And if stats (those damn stats again) reflect past trends again, another 30 to 35 percent will be cast election day, Saturday May 4, bringing the total to some 10,500 plus votes, less than nine percent of the registered voters.

Given the fact that there are 14 candidates for four positions, there is a high probability that no one candidate in each of those races will garner the required 50 percent plus one vote that would prevent a runoff.

If that bears out, fatigued voters should brace themselves for another month of campaigning by the surviving candidates for a decreasing voter turnout.

Elections Administrator Remi Garza said there are some 107,689 registered voters eligible to voter in the city commission elections, making the projected 10,500 votes less than 10 percent of the registered voters casting ballots in the municipal elections.

A wag puts it this way: Make believe that the City of Brownsville is a lifeboat and there are 10 people in it. Given that there is only a 10 percent voter turnout, this means that one person in that vote will decide who gets to share in the food, has water to drink, gets shelter, or even who gets to stay on the boat.

A low turnout effectively places the decisions in a very small group of people who gets to decide who gets the public assets and control over them.


Anonymous said...

100 Days: New city manager listened, learned and planned.
He listed to his instructions to KISS-ASS, he learned how to hide shit and planned (he hired his GF) out of 10k citizens that are unemployed...Yea he sure did LISTENED LEARNED AND PLANNED...

Anonymous said...

He is just a puppet doing the bidding of his puppet master, who is pulling his strings will only be revealed after the election.

Chief Cool Arrow said...

Run offs for sure, mayors race, dist 1 and 2 adios.

Anonymous said...

Nobody will get re-elected where you from?

Anonymous said...

We will see if yard signs or people vote ? Simply put, Brownsville folk don't give a damn, or try to understand issues and how local politics affect them. Now, where's that free BBQ plate you promised ?

Chon said...

Hey 9.53 pm, is that a fajita or pollo bbq plate? Well if its fajitas great, y pollo pos not so great. adios

Anonymous said...

How can you tell if a sign voted or people voted? Citizens are tired of all this corruption, what really makes it worst is all these so call politicians immulating the whites, out of 90k registered voters only 10k vote why? Politicians acting as whites will NEVER get the majority votes here. 10k is all they're gonna get. IDIOTAS

Anonymous said...

OMG did he really hire his GF? We are paying him enough for both of them.

I was impressed with him ...until this? tell me it isn't true

..what is it with paying/hiring the GF's ...c'mon the city, GBIC, BEDC..etc etc etc....

Anonymous said...

@ May 1, 11:09......screw you amd your racist comment against WHITES. YOU are a prejudice....and IGNORANT

Anonymous said...

at: May 1, 2019 at 5:00 PM

Always reverting to violence and insults remember you no longer have the rangers to support your violence anymore.

Anonymous said...

I think the web certain politicians have spun will have them tangled up in their web of lies, deceit and retaliation!
