Last week, The City of Brownsville added some new parking meters on an unused bus driveway.
But the way the city workers went about it, some local residents say that in trying to save a penny it may have been dollar foolish.
The driveway once led to the Greyhound building on the St. Charles Street entrance. Like any typical driveway, curbs are not needed. But now, having the parking meters there, a concrete curb is necessary to protect pedestrians. It shouldn't, they say, take a degree in engineering to figure that out.
Apparently, the city's Engineering/Traffic Director, Carlos Lastra opted to bypass the process of constructing a new sidewalk and curb and instead, he had his traffic workers install a section of 2- inch high, yellow speed bumps. Any vehicles trying to park there can easily drive on top of the plastic speed bumps, and wind up hurting someone.
That would not easily happen with a conventional roadside curb.
The residents say it's obvious that the city decided for a quick shortcut without considering the safety of pedestrians and the exposure of the city to legal liability. Will the city will properly fix the problem before someone gets hurt and sues the city?
The offensive "Mickey Mouse" curb is located at 1100 E. St. Charles Street. There are over 900 on-street parking meters, and all have standard size concrete curbs. The city, ideally, should have had the bus driveway removed and replaced by a standard sidewalk and curb.
And just is case some may think this is much ado about nothing, one can see tire marks on the top and the other side of the speed bump. Included is a photo of a meter adjacent to the cheap curb the way it should be installed with a standard sidewalk and cement curb.
So what else is new here? Instead of planning the cob solution is "stick a blinking light". No sync of traffic lights, traffic jams everywhere, traffic lights always red can't get a green light no where. He should have the same fate as that pot hole guy "YOU'RE FIRED"...
Who gives a shit?...
The person who wrote in a prior post that"Carlos Lastra has a professional license and Esparza didnt." Would love to hear from you now! lol Putting Mickey Mouse bumps! What a joke! The Engineering/Traffic Director should be fired.
What a dumb a$$! He should go back to school! What's next? Plastic Mickey Mouse streets! lol Carlos Lastra is way over his head on running the traffic department. The department should be transferred to the Public Works Department. Give it to the new PWorks Director that will be hired soon.
juan the good thing is the City of Brownsville has deep pockets so not to worry.
Where the hell did he get his degree? At the Mickey Mouse club? lol Does those bumps at least glow in the dark? Jajaja
Stop shiting on poor Lastra...It's wasnt his idea. It came from Arnold Garza and el pendejo de Jose Mares Jr.. But at the end of the day, Lastra shouldn't had listen to those two fuk ups!
Regardless its his call and he blew it when is this going to change? Dumb asses all over the place. Maybe the cob should hire the newly crowned chess teams to run this dept. He needs to go.
They might have put a taxi stand or more wheel chair accressible parking spaces.
They have plenty of parking in the this area. The regular parking spaces go without any cars parking.
Give the disabled a break and maybe get some Taxis a free spot.
no pasa nada
THINK!? With what?
The COB needs some schooling from McAllen to learn how a city should be managed. McAllen is a breath of fresh air.
Y aquien va limpiar???
Check who owns a company that sells those bumpers and you get your answer.
I wonder if this Carlos Lastra guy will be reprimanded for this. Odds are he won't and that's why our standard will never be like in McAllen!
nimas los jodidod y los winos van al centro
a tony no le importa porke perdio
If you think you are highly educated and capable of doing a better job then apply for the job. Actions speak louder than words. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.
I wouldn't be here if I was "highly educated"!
If he is so higly educated then he needs to go somewhere else where no common sense is not a requirement.
@8:38 The solutions of many cities is getting rid of City employees that aren't capable of doing their job correctly. This guy, Carlos Lastra has two assistant Directors under him.Every Directors in the city has only one assistant or none. He is only a puppet that has never implemented a single idea of his own. His staff don't respect him as a boss and is a pushover. He also has a write up in his record. I might not be capable or have the education to do that job, but I do know there are more people that are more educated and have the leadership to run the department like it should. Hopefully, this administration will clean house and hired people who are capable of doing their job correctly.
If they fired the pothole director then they should fire this dummy he shouldn't have ANY problems finding another job he's so highly educated.
Stop the hating on this guy! It's not his fault! He trusted his morons workers and they failed him. He was very busy on city business and thru the cell he gave the ok. He is a very good Engineer Director and the city of brownsville needs more guys like him. So, please stop hating on him and go hate on people like Trump!
Incompetence he should leave or get fired just like the pot hole guy. The library should be next...
Why does the city need engineers? To do What? And he has TWO assistants? For what?
One Engineering director and two assistants! With three heads and you get a Mickey Mouse plastic curb? WTF! Hopefully, this new management investigate why there's two assistants! One has to go or get demoted.
ALL THREE have to go the city will most likely save close to a million bucks. Hire one with a GED and the other two with HS diplomas.
So what is the next big project all THREE city engineers have? How to switch on a traffic light?
Solar panels? Forget it too advanced for these bozos, they're still using zippo lighters
What new mangement team? The first thing he did was bring his girlfiren from up norht. He learned quick. 5k local citizens unemployed and he hires his gf.
@7:08 More info please! If you know something include details or don't comment.
If you all are so unhappy working for the city of Brownsville then just get a new job.
Working for the city is just like not working no supervision, no responsibility really nothing to do coffee breaks all the time, you can use your cell anytime, post to the internet any time no body cares,just show up and pickup a check every two weeks. WOW Why would I want to quit.
Call the daily it was front news call them if it bothers you. PENDEJO
What? Its like working in a candy store and everything is free so why would I quite idiota
You don't quit cause you couldn't handle a real Man's job anyway. You all a bunch of lazy ads whips. Prepare. Yourself for when they tell you you have no job pendejos
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