Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

An agenda item that would have awarded the contract for commercial waste collection to Republic Service was not approved by the City of Brownsville Commission at Tuesday's meeting in the wake of a judge signing a Temporary Restraining Order filed by Brownsville GMS, a competitor, in district court.

The Brownsville Herald reported that on Monday 445th state District Judge Gloria Rincones signed the TRO and ordered former commissioner Cesar De León, commissioner Jessica Tetreau and a representative from the city to give testimony by deposition on or before May 17.
The item was included in the consent agenda section of the meeting, but was pulled out after the city learned of the order  by the court.

The award of the $50 million-plus five-year contract was challenged in the 445th District Court and visiting judge Robert Pate, from Corpus Christi will schedule a hearing on May 20.

GMS, the current vendor,  has continued to handle the city's commercial solid waste contract on a month-to-month basis under the terms of the 2011 contract since October 2016.


Anonymous said...

The NY Times has Donny Trump's tax summaries? From 1985-94 and an analysis of them. Basically, he was in worse shape than most thought, even before the downturn.

It still astounds me that anyone ever thought he was a billionaire. Billionaire real estate moguls don't need million dollar reality television deals to stay afloat.

Anonymous said...

The rats were smelling the cheese eh cause the rat trap is waiting for them.

Bobby WC said...

The hearing according to the docket is on the 20th, assuming no one objects to Judge Pate. Remember he oversaw Jessica v COB

Anonymous said...

They are waiting for Cabler to become Mayor the GMS will keep the contract.

Anonymous said...

How can a gringa from New York city come down here to operate the Brownsville Literacy Center, and teach "US" how to celebrates our community-participants’ culture and our heritage? We must be really stupid...

Anonymous said...

Rusteberg recognized by Vela so who's next billy ther kid?

Anonymous said...

May 8th, 6:20am - Your so racist bro. Necesitamos menos gente como tu.

I don't know if you haven't notices but we are in pretty bad shape with poor leadership and among the poorest in the nation.

Anonymous said...

Why can't we choose our commercial trash company ourselves as individual citizens? We get to select our electric providers. Why not Open up the market?

Wouldn't this relieve the city of having to be involved in this BS contract process.

Other cities with open markets include Laredo, and Houston. In those cities if a company fails to pick up the trash on time or their prices are too high the consumer can just pick another company. Instead, hear in Brownsville we are forced to accept whatever company pays off a commissioner or city manager the most.

Let the Free market control.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a lost case and has been for many years. The dumb-fucks voters of this county and the city of Brownsville are to thank for. These dumb fuck democratic party voters would vote back into office the former corrupt convicted sheriff conrado Cantu, Our former D.A Villalobos and District judge Abel Limas back into office, and the democratic party would problby endorse them. Move up north in Gringo country ,cuz these fucking border voters just love the corruption.

Anonymous said...

Now someone else has to pay off the judge.

Anonymous said...

May 8 7.11
That still might happen if Cabler is Mayor

Anonymous said...

@May 8, 2019 at 10:08 AM
Este pendejo is stuck in a cesspool and is looking for the toilet Ha Ha Ha Ha "Bro" Ha Ha Ha
