Friday, May 24, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Remember when mayoral candidate Charlie Cabler's supporters would complain about Tony Martinez's supporters obscuring their signs or placing stickers on his placards? Well, now Trey Mendez's supporters are saying the same thing about Cabler's overzealous volunteers who have taken to placing Cabler yard signs in front of their candidate's all over town. It's a piddling matter in the larger scope of things, but we reached out to Cabler's camp and they disavowed the acts and say they are instructing their workers and volunteers to cease and desist their misguided actions. We'll see.) 


Anonymous said...

A que pinche Montoya. Ponte a chillar a moco tendido, guey!

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show the dirty people that support Cabler. Cheaters never win! Go Trey!

Anonymous said...

Adela is a wicked witch and you reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

How do you know it was Cabler's supporters and not somebody else to make him look bad? Do you have any proof? I don't buy that, I voted for Cabler and he will most definitely get my vote as well as that of my family and friends. We need a full time Mayor, with experience and knowledge to get the job done right. He doesn't need to worry about running a private business's and will focus 100% of his time on his duties and responsibilities to deliver true municipal services.

Anonymous said...

We need somebody that's not embarrassed to use HIS real name JUAN not a fake

Anonymous said...

Charlie doesn't need to run a private business because he retired financially secure from COB, directly or indirecty.

Adela is the same as Sylvia and Prici. Juan, check out the story about dictator SPA moving qualified people from BISD posts and replacing them with friends who are not qualified. Nor only are parents and students are scared about the schools closing but so are the employees who don't know when they are going to get hit with a pink slip or a reassignment. She wants to have the administration top heavy so she can control. I hope Dr. Hatton has learned so much about BISD that she can't wait to be free again - Adios BISD.

Anonymous said...

I cheated on you as the City manager, and I will cheat on you as Mayor, I used to get my orders on a Wednesday night, now I get them by phone and email.
Get out and put your X by my name Scumbag Cabler, then I will get the Jackass Jason Hilts hired as a consultant at $250k and two credit cards. "Vote for me".

Anonymous said...

Charlie Cabler is a sleazy thief. "Dime con quien te juntas y te dire quien eres". The ambulance conspiracy , Building additions on his house without permits. getting kickbacks from construction companies. The obvious stupidity of accepting to purchase the All American City flags. He also has plenty of skeletons in his closet. Child Protective services investigations, Spousal abuse, Bankruptcy.DUI crashing into a building at one of his daughter's wedding and got away with it. all was probably removed from the records. "No puedes tapar el sol con un dedo". The crimes and misdemeanors have just gotten worse but his buddies at the police station cover up well. many police officers aren't afraid of his intimidtion ,know about all his misdeeds and will be bringing them out. More to come.

Anonymous said...

"La Jaiba" drives politics in Brownsville and Cameron County. The candidates depend on their supporters to be stupid and express their loyalty by destroying and "jumping" in front of the campaign poster line. Dirty politics is what our candidates depend on.

Anonymous said...

Los gringos van a votar por juan that's a mistake

Anonymous said...

Voting for charlie what has that other candidate done, open up a pizza where only the rich and famous can go. I go to cable park almost every weekend a family place.

Anonymous said...

Why is he so embarrassed to use his real name JUAN does he regret being a mejicano? Will NEVER vote for this wanna be white coco.
