Texas House of Representative, District 37
AUSTIN-- House Bill 4726 by State Representative Alex Dominguez (D-Brownsville) has passed the Texas Senate and is headed to Governor Greg Abbott to be signed into law. Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. (D-Brownsville) sponsored and passed the bill in the Senate.
This is the fourth bill filed by Dominguez - a freshman representative - that has passed both chambers and is headed to the Governor's desk. House Bill 4726 creates the Cameron County Flood Control District, which would construct and maintain improvements and other infrastructure to address flood management county wide.
"In Cameron County there are currently five (5) drainage districts, but their territories leave a significant amount of the county unaccounted for, much of which is in low-lying coastal areas," Dominguez explained. "The goal of the flood control district is to supplement the current drainage districts to protect our citizens and land from flooding."

“Cameron County Commissioners’ Court prioritized the Cameron County Flood Control District and Representative Alex Dominguez championed and secured passage of the District this legislative session. We applaud his efforts on this important legislation along with the efforts of Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. and the rest of the Cameron County delegation," Treviño said.
"This new entity will enable the county to plan, construct, operate, and maintain important drainage projects for many years to come, allow us to protect property, as well as enhance our quality of life in communities where a drainage district does not exist today.
"With this funding vehicle we will be able to partner with federal, state, and local entities to leverage funds that become available for flood mitigation purposes. We ask for favorable consideration of HB 4726 from Governor Abbott.”
Playing the strongman is a trick dictators have used to keep the people in line . Putin wrestles alligators or rides bare chested on horseback, little Kim scans the sky with binoculars like he's some military expert. People eat this shit up like it's caviar. Trump knows this works with his base, they even say he's not done any of the things he promised but at least he's fighting for me. Except that he's not. He's giving tax breaks for the rich. It may work with his ever dwindling base, but everyone else just laughs at his impotent threats.
Nobody is a better Twitter Toughguy then Trump. A 6 year old girl with a skinned knee can't whine as good as our "President".
Hey, I know! Let's build a big city on top of HISTORICAL RIVER FLOOD AREAS! Then let's bitch every time it floods! That's what those nice little lakes you call resacas are, the HISTORICAL RIVER FLOOD AREAS. Then let's get Fed money to pass around to various cronys!
suck it up hillbilly at 9:04pm
You mean we never had a flood control bill? With out this bill they could not plan construct operate and maintain drainage projects? Sounds incredable
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