Saturday, May 18, 2019


1. Charlie Cabler
2. Trey Mendez

City Commissioner At-Large “A"
1. John Cowen
2. Jessica Puente Bradshaw 

City Commission District 1
1. Nurith Galonsky
2. Ricardo Longoria Jr.

Early voting for the runoff election will be held from June 10 through June 17, and if you want to vote in the election but are not a registered voter the last day to register to vote is May 23. Election day is June 22.


Anonymous said...

So Bradshaw threw her lot in with Carlos Marin's larder of losers. It is like each of them brought an anchor to a drowning rescue.

Anonymous said...

Some poster here mention that the gringos are taking over and mentioned the ones that are in the run-off. Will the ones running announce they are not part of the racist commentator that wrote that statement??? We need to know!!!

Anonymous said...

But steadily anglos: Cowens, Neece, Galonsky,
Gowen, are grabbing the power back, to gentrify Brownsville
From Mexican Politicians

Anonymous said...

I am voting for Ricardo Longoria. He has betrayed his District ( he is part of the corruption and lies to the people at District I) but what he can we do.

The people close to his street went to protest the installation of a cellular tower and we won: all the commissioners said NO TOWER !

There is a tower but to me is imaginary: It is tall, white and in constant repair....but it is not there.
My vote is for Ricardo Longoria. He told us "NO TOWER"

Anonymous said...

Longoria will bite the dust.

Anonymous said...

Its either one of you or one of the other. The other raised your light bill what will they do next? Raise your property taxes? Lets keep our own we already know him...

Anonymous said...

@ May 18, 2019 at 11:19 AM
Such a rousing endorsement. "Let's just hug this turd.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Let us vote for Longoria. He never respected the people and you could see his smirk when the people went to speak (it was on TV) in front of the commissioners. But, he is one of our own. We know where he lives.

Anonymous said...

Now that Martinez is finally out! Let's not make the same mistake and vote for Charlie Cabler. I cannot stand that guy. He never did anything for the city employees, but did help give raises to the upper management. On Thanksgiving/Christmas we would get stupid email from him. On birthdays we would get a stupid bday card...And sometimes the card would arrive to you days after your bday. He would walk by in front of you and not even say Hello. He was a lousy city manager and he will be the same as Mayor. We need new young blood to lead us to a better standard of life. Brownsville is a beautiful city and we need someone who will change things for the better. Vote for Trey Mendez! He won't let you down.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville voters are pathetic and deserve what's coming to them. higher PUB, higher taxes and not a dam thing towards progress. oh well the voters got rid of Martinez ,however didn't finish the job with the incumbents.

Anonymous said...

Lets see as far that ,I can remember, its been the Mexicans democratic elected officials that have and continue to embarrass this city and county.

Anonymous said...

@May 18, 2019 at 2:11 PM

So you like to hug turds. No wonder you're not voting for longoria. Pendejo


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the biggest turd of all YOUR RACIST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT. MAMON at May 18, 2019 at 2:11 PM

Anonymous said...

@May 18, 2019 at 10:00 PM

"embarrassment" must be talking abt your camote racist republican president.

Anonymous said...

Trump 2020!

Anonymous said...

Myself and my entire family will vote for Charlie Cabler again. He is the most experienced and qualified to run the city efficiently and effectively. As city manager, he was prevented from doing his job due to politics but now, if elected, he will be on the other side where he will be able to make decisions without worrying about losing his job. He will not need to worry about runing a private business, he will be a full time Mayor and that is exactly what the citizens of Brownsville need, a full time Mayor who will not be there for personal gain or those of close friends. Go Charlie, we are with you 200%.

Anonymous said...

@2:30pm "As city manager, he was prevented from doing his job due to politics" That's funny! Because it was politics that got him hired as City Manager. He had no experience to be a city manager. He was just a police officer (commander) . He didn't have balls as City Manager because of politics and I see the same will happen as Mayor. Me and my family will not 200% vote for this balless candidate . Voting for Trey Mendez!

Anonymous said...

Well ifs official all the southern state are rank last on everything income, education, corruption, obesity,povery, corruption and incarceration. THIS IS HILLBILLY COUNTRY BE PROUD OF YOURSELF ESTUPIDOS...

Anonymous said...

Would NEVER vote for a coco wanna be white. Embassed to use his real name JUAN JUAN JUAN that's your real name

Anonymous said...

Nurite is working like she wants to win:
1.goes every where (meetings, De Ayala bakery, barrio kitchens)
2.places people with signs by the entrance and exit of Southmost (around 7:30 am) As we go to work we see Nurite's name.
3.Her picture is posted by The Mchale Report with funny headlines
4. Came to my home on a Saturday afternoon !!! Southmost has so many dogs roaming the streets but Nurith is brave.

Nurith: a lawyer, a female, a daughter loved by her parents..... Her father is posting the political signs (Yes, the old father is posting the signs himself around District I .....)

Keep it up Nurith. My family is voting for you.

Anonymous said...

I was there when Longoria and all the commissioners said NO to the cellular tower. (now, they are all gone !!! only Longoria remains) What do you mean they went against their own vote? What happened?

The case No is: 235-2017022-S and it was to allow a wireless communication facility in Dwelling "A" for a 1.14 for Acacia lake Gardens Subdivision Block 8, located near Impala Dr.

I think the Commissioners said NO but the city and the lawyers from Sprint had a prior arrangement that the commissioners and the Major did not know about....

This is how the city is run.....the rulings of today affect the future but they forget to inform the current commissioners.

They sent a letter and I went to the meeting....but it was already a done deal. The letter is sent to a certain area so the whole neighborhood is not aware of what is going the owner of the lot was friends with the city administrators. Something like that.

Anonymous said...

Expect higher electrical bills, less services in the southmost area no improvements on streets, lighting. buying over priced property from his daddy. La casa nylon valued at 800k sold for over 1.8 million. That's what so important make money money money

Anonymous said...

Lets see there is Charlie, la bandeja, John, Jessica, Nurith and Ricardo looks like only one mexican is running. Am I in West Va. or Maryland?
