By Juan Montoya
The Son's Story
I never knew you, Dad
And in the dimmest fogs
Of Time,
You were a pang I felt
When mother heard you died
I was there inside her
When she heard,
She has said
I never knew you
Nor you me
But I am you
And you are me,
They say I look like you
And many times over my days
I have compared
I have compared
Your picture with my face
At times I feel
Like someone's there
Behind my shoulder
Looking o'er me...
And though we're set apart
By time and space
You give me strength
And though we're set apart
By time and space
You give me strength
I never knew you
Nor you me
But I am you
And you are me
The Daughter's Tale
I do remember you, sweet Daddy
I do recall the man in green fatigues
Who made a swing for me
And carried,
And played with me,
And played with me,
And lullabyed me off to sleep
You have grandchildren now, my father
One looks a lot like you
And I see you
When I see him
And I am you
And so is he
The Widow's Memory
So many years have passed, sweet thing
Since you, sea bag in hand,
Walked out that door
So much has passed...
And more
I cared for our two children
And they grew straight and strong
Like the pecan and oak we planted
In our yard
I raised them as I promised you I would
Watered with your precious blood
And yes, I must confess, my tears
Watered with your precious blood
And yes, I must confess, my tears
And though I did as you had said
To meet and know others, as you said
It never was the same
How could it be?
I'm part of you
And you of me
On this day know
That nothing was in vain
The land, our land
Sometimes still struggles
But we're free
Know that your children
And our grandkids
Will flourish in this plot of earth
That you kept free
You fought for US
You died for US
So we could be
You're part of US
And of you, we

Thank you for sharing those heartwarming, endearing poems with us.
God Bless America and thank you to all folks who have served in all our military branches..
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