Thursday, May 16, 2019



Anonymous said...

I see just Mexicans riding the firetruck. Where the white women at?

Anonymous said...

Those were the glory days of Brownsville. Now, under control of Hispanics the city is under "La Jaiba" management.

Anonymous said...

My how things have changed! Today, Mexicans run the town and some might say they have run it the ground. Brownsville, according to the last U.S. Census has the lowest income and lowest education rate in the entire country. Let's not forget the filth on our streets and the corruption in government. Makes a fellow proud to be brown does it not?

Anonymous said...

De racistas a payasos...

Anonymous said...

I've seen worst just head on out to the appalachian mountains and that's not talking about that cockroach europe where all hillybillies came from. Pulguientos y cubiento en mierda.

Anonymous said...

Ants and crickets are symbols of the gringos they destroy everything in sight that's what happened to this town when the ants and crickets attacked it.

Anonymous said...

The racist republican trump is sending brand new equipment he thinks its a boat penjejo...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Esa placa puras ratas put it next to that rock at the park...

Appalachian Mountain Hillbilly said...

To Anonymous "May 16, 2019 at 1:59 PM"
I will have you know that I am one of those Appalachian Mountain Hillbilly’s that you speak of. I can assure you that we are not cockroaches and we are educated. I personally hold two Master’s degrees and hold a respectable position. Those Hillbilly’s you speak of have great love for those beautiful mountains that Lord Jesus blessed us with. So don’t judge a book by its cover and I won’t judge you on your poorly written comment.

Anonymous said...

Is that jimmy the gay on that truck.nickname was "la putita" in Academy

Anonymous said...

The mayorship lost its luster and integrity after Emilio Hernadez took over as Mayor of Brownsville. Same goes for Sheriffs dept, once the raza takes over, se chinga y se chingan todo.

Anonymous said...

This is a blog not a formal piece of your ass. So educated you don't know the differance pendejo. Pinche hillbilly

Anonymous said...

90 years ago Mexicans lived in Brownsville, but under
Another label: Cheap Labor Animals, today slowly
But steadily anglos: Cowens, Neece, Galonsky,
Gowen, are grabbing the power back, to gentrify Brownsville
From Mexican Politicians

Anonymous said...

Lower than animals are the white cockroaches spcecially from cockroach europe.

Anonymous said...

You mean bluster estupico the last one was el mueblero

Anonymous said...

Now, under control of Hispanics the city is under "La Jaiba" management. My how things have changed! Today, Mexicans run the town and some might say they have run it the Makes a fellow proud to be brown does it not?ground. The mayor ship lost its luster and integrity after Emilio Hernadez took over as Mayor of Brownsville. Same goes for Sheriffs dept, once the raza takes over 90 years ago Mexicans lived in Brownsville, but under
Another label: Cheap Labor Animals The mayorship lost its luster and integrity after Emilio Hernadez took over as Mayor of Brownsville

Just read all these comments are from gringos bashing local citizens.

Anonymous said...

How how the "gringos" have it wrong. Under Mexican leadership this town has become one of the richest, cleanest and best educated towns in Texas, if not the United States. We are the leaders in clean politics and good governent. Dumb ass gabachos just can see the facts in front of their eyes.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:43pm the only thing holding back this wonderful city is the cockroach gringos from europe. Blind idiots

Anonymous said...

Well ifs official all the southern state are rank last on everything income, education, corruption, obesity,povery, and incarceration. THIS IS HILLBILLY COUNTRY BE PROUD OF YOURSELF ESTUPIDOS...

Anonymous said...

Well ifs official all the southern state are rank last on everything income, education, corruption, obesity,povery, and incarceration. THIS IS HILLBILLY COUNTRY BE PROUD OF YOURSELF ESTUPIDOS...
