From Save our Flats
The land known as the flats is adjacent to, and north, of the SPI Convention Centre. It is part of Andy Bowie Park and is the only public bayside beach.
The area is a popular area for families with young children due to its shallower waters, kayaking, fishing, jet-skiing, kiteboarding, and windsurfing. It is the only publicly accessible area to the bay suitable for windsurfing and kiteboarding. Many travel agencies promote the water sports that this area provides.
The proposed area for development is immensely important for many bird species throughout the year. Over 50 bird species annually use this area. It is not unusual to count over 600 black skimmers resting on the flats.
The proposed area for development is immensely important for many bird species throughout the year. Over 50 bird species annually use this area. It is not unusual to count over 600 black skimmers resting on the flats.
During spring and fall migration it is a critical stop-over site for feeding and resting shorebirds that travel 1000’s of miles to and from northern breeding grounds. It is the only site on SPI where this type of bird aggregation occurs.
Piping plover and red knot are federally threatened species while reddish egret and peregrine falcon are state threatened species. Snowy plover and Wilson’s plover are in serious decline.

Ecotourists from around the world come to the Rio Grande Valley and SPI to see our waterbirds and shorebirds, a significant economic benefit. Surveys of bird use and environmental impact studies should be conducted immediately before any development plans proceed.
Da port Juan Da port I heard they have paper shredders all over the place. Time for some changos and their puppet to go.
Everytime I drive by that place I never see anybody... maybe ONE gringo trying to catch a jaiba, but a bunch of them flying kites I think its somekind of a signal to somebody.
Money, money, money that is all that matters, the flats will soon be forgotten like the rest of the coast line.
Don't worry about the coast line the LNG will take care of that...
That's why we need change at the port money money and more money.
Ok, read between the lines!!! "Family Entertainment"? If it is already a public access and the only one avaiable to bay, then why are they taking it away from our families???? Someone is getting paid for their votes!!!!
Use it or loose it simple.
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