Thursday, May 9, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Our good buddy city commissioner Ben Neece says he is pushing for evening tours of the downtown district so visitors can see and hear the riotous, pandemonium of red-headed parrots as they go about the noisy business of nesting for the evening. That is just before dusk and you can hear them before you see them as they fly from treetop to palm tree top pushing out grackles and other bids. In this film sent to El Rrun-Rrun, you can hear them as they take over the tree besides the Immaculate Conception Cathedral. Click on full screen to get the full effect.)


Anonymous said...

Those parrots are destroying pecan trees, orange trees and other fruit trees. Not counting the farmers crops taking a hit from these illegal birds that have been brought to these for the past 100 years. Many parrots were let go or free because it was illegal to bring these birds from Mexico when immigration officers were closing in this smugglers. There was parrot market and big money bring parrots to the valley. Problem birds and very noisy too.

Anonymous said...

They come to my house too. Near Las Prietas. As a matter of fact, one or two of those little guys, looked quite familiar.

Anonymous said...

I hate red head parrots

Anonymous said...

Those sound to me like Green Parakeets, a species that is common in Mexico and points south. They are believed to have made their way here without human help. Red-crowned Parrots, endemic to Tamaulipas, except for the Valley population, are also thought to have made their way here on their own. They gather, much like the Green Parakeets, in the evening at Olivera Park. The Red-crowned Parrot flocks are augmented by a variety of escaped or released parrots that are not native to the area. Both the parrots and parakeets do eat fruits and nuts but it is unlikely that they do any harm to the trees.
As to the allegation that they destroy farmer's crops, I would be very interested in hearing exactly what Valley commercial crop these birds are damaging. I have never heard of any and doubt if they do.

Anonymous said...

Go to wal mart on alton gloor at abt 5 or 6pm and you'll see about a million crackling crapping on cars customers and anything that moves good luck. I stopped shopping there I rather go to the mall.

Anonymous said...

The live up to 50 years and love to eat avocados pecans and gringos.

Anonymous said...

I think the parrots are a beautiful addition to our city.

Anonymous said...

How can anybody hate these wonderful creatures? Their presence in the Valley is an attribute, not a detriment. Sure they eat the mostly rotting sour oranges and china berries - who else does? Their loud cries twice daily are an awakening of the senses, not a racket. Their unified flying formations are an art, not a distraction. What's next? Chachalacas?

Anonymous said...

I had a red headed parrot that I taught to whistle wonderful Bob Dylan tunes,

Anonymous said...

Ya Pat!

Anonymous said...

Did it also play the harmonica?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it could whistle the Brownsville Coruption song(Help me cook the milage for the commissioners) I am Charlie Cabler. Whistle away.

Anonymous said...

Cookie for the birdie (oops I meant kick-back)

Anonymous said...

Y quien va limpiar?

Anonymous said...

Red parrots only whistle tunes, but they can't play the harmonica. Los pericos cocos si. T

Anonymous said...

is he gonna eat dam seeds or whistle dixie pinche perico pendejo
