Sunday, May 12, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Poor Arturo Trevino. He was able to get the use of city personnel, staff, security and facilities and left the place a mess with grease stains, but he is now complaining that no one helps him clean up the mess after the pachanga for his "new tradition" Gringo de Mayo. Word is that he pocketed $1,000s from the event which was followed by a similar one in Matamoros.

We hear that a group of local residents will be asking him and his board for an accounting of the event to see whether the promised endowment and the economic award promised to the Brownsville Historical Association will materialize or will get lost in creative bookkeeping. How about Beerfest, Noche de Garibaldi, etc., or other money-making "traditions" by that bunch?

A chunk of the proceeds should go to clean up the brickwork at Market Square from the grease spilled by restaurants which donated food to the event for the $40 entry fee. Or will the city taxpayers have to fork over the cost for that, too?)


Anonymous said...

TreviƱo vato raton y chafa

Anonymous said...

Mochate guay, no te lo claves, ni los pinche gringos te quieren alludar

Anonymous said...

officials are warning residents about a disease in dogs that can be passed to humans,veterinarian, has confirmed several cases of "canine Brucellosis. Iowa officials are warning residents. Iowa is not too far away...

Anonymous said...

I don’t think you will be doing any more events there and the City better crack down on what events are permitted .

Anonymous said...

Pinche rata de dos patas!

Anonymous said...

If it looks like a rat and walks like a rat: it's a rat!

Anonymous said...

Shows what power can do and nothing we can do to stop the scamming of the so called leaders of our city, scumbags each one of them.

Anonymous said...

Turi is now saying that everybody on the Beerfest Board suck, that everyone on that board isn't posting praises and honor to him for making him a statue at Market Square for everyone to see how he by himself has turned Brownsville, TX and Matamoros around. He says that Beerfest can kiss his Mexican ass and all the Americanos pochos starting with this blog Elrrun. He blames Elrrun for making his scam a known secret not a secret anymore. Turi says that is Beerfest is not defending him and calling the powers to be in Brownsville,TX to stop all the backlash Arturo is getting. Please keep exposing these rats taking tax payers money and reinvesting in Mexico.

Thank you Elrrunrrun for being our voice and our shield.

Anonymous said...

Ive never seen Trevino as a guy with a genuine interest in promoting downtown. He is only interested in making money for himself and having big parties so he can pick up younger girls. The guy has major vices. Beware City of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

What a fuck-up! LOL


Anonymous said...

squik squi squik

Anonymous said...

Lo que debes hacer es ponerte a trabajar en lugar de andar chingando al pueblo.

Anonymous said...

Y quien va limpiar?

Anonymous said...

Let me try to understand Arturo Trevinio, he wants to charge a $40.00 fee per person to attend the event, but afterwards he wants you or the public to clean up and pick up signs for him? How does that work, isn't that is why he charged the $40.00 for o'dourves because it wasn't a meal that they supplied. They ran out of food and it was only samples they served. You didn't get a meal, you stood in line for about 20minutes to get 4 tacos and or some chips with soup and a slice of avocado.

This guy expects the general public to pick up after themselves after he got everything for Free? Hey I want to do an event. Who in the City of Brownsville, TX can I call to make thousands of dollars in one night with no insurance requirements, no clean up charges and no taxes. All CASH. Just like Arturo Trevinio

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to all those gringos dressed as piones from st. joe? Who ever is in charged of renting these event places should get fired immedietly. Is that the new city manager's girl friend he brought from up north that's renting these places???

Anonymous said...

Arturo For Mayor!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Not even a garbage collector maybe maintenance at city event centers! I hear they need one over at St Joe

Anonymous said...

"St Joe Maintenance Co. LLC" specializing in removing grease stains and bodily fluids from bricks, tiles and ceramics...

Anonymous said...

Mi casa es su su casa just don't use the toilet go to the nearest stripes...

Anonymous said...

Dial *** *** **** and talk to Sra Grasosas

Anonymous said...

Y quien va limpiar???

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I passe by that place and it stunk up my bike my tiny shoes and my clown suit.

Anonymous said...

These idiotas don't even vote son puros mojados and the gringos will not vote for a meskin so why all that sucking up to these idiotas...
