Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Given the fact that there are 14 candidates for four positions, there is a high probability that no one candidate in each of those races will garner the required 50 percent plus one vote that would prevent a runoff.
If that bears out, fatigued voters should brace themselves for another month of campaigning by the surviving candidates for a decreasing voter turnout.
(Meanwhile, across the street from Mayor Tony Martinez's house...)
A wag puts it this way: Make believe that the City of Brownsville is a lifeboat and there are 10 people in it. Given that there is only a 10 percent voter turnout, this means that one person in that vote will decide who gets to share in the food, has water to drink, gets shelter, or even who gets to stay on the boat.
A low turnout effectively places the decisions in a very small group of people who gets to decide who gets the public assets and control over them. In some countries, people die for a chance to cast a vote. Veterans died in wars to give you that right. Walk over to your precinct and exercise your right and privilege to decide your own future.
I have and vote for NONE of the incumbents todos una bola de RATONES.
I don't know why is it so hard to comprehend Brownsville is the POOREST CITY IN THE NATION(demoncrat control THAT'S WHY) in the state of Texas who has the 10TH LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE W O R L D (Republican control THAT'S WHY)!!!!!!!
The port is next need to replace everybody we need to clean house.
Venezuela is a republican country!!!
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