Saturday, May 4, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: It turns out that despite the fact that the city pulled out all the stops and went all out to help with his Gringo de Mayo fundraiser event in memory of the late Jeff Lewis, local convenience store mogul (and Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation member now) Arturo Trevino is still griping about the Market Square venue.

In the screenshot dialogue above with Ruben O'Bell he makes it clear that he is not pleased with the lighting and lack of electrical outlets available. He complains that he actually had to spend some of the organization's money (perish the thought!) to pay someone to work the electricity and buy some equipment. If there was some other place with a roof and with air conditioning, he says, things would be much better. Can we suggest the gym at St. Joseph Academy? But wait! The brothers there would probably want to get paid for using the gym and having to put up with the traffic.

As it is, many local restaurants and businesses had to endure the rerouted traffic and loss of business to let Arturito stage his money-making gig. The Spanish phrase "limosnero y con garrote" seems very apropo for this gent. He even mentions El Rrun-Rrun's name in vain. Te va a pegar un relampago, Turi. 

Next time he comes up with another of his "building new traditions" money-making schemes to be subsidized by the city someone should remind him not to badmouth his benefactors, the people of the City of Brownsville who paid for all the  venues he takes for free, and for granted.)


Anonymous said...

Montoya, You were there on Thursday and Friday at Market Square, The Friday event was somewhat of a bust. But Thursday it was packed with all kinds of people from Brownsville and that organization made a killing. Gringo de Mayo made a killing not only with the beers sales but all around. So this little thing your doing trying to keep these events from happening it isn't working.Join the fun Montoya and stop being such a whiner.

Anonymous said...

Beer sales, the word of a true alcoholic! What a freakin shame. Looser! Beer sales! ha ha ha ha
BEER SALES! No tienen vergüenza. Nothing to be proud of. Seriously, Beer sales? No manches!

Anonymous said...

I was there bunch of lies the place was empty both days what a waste of city resources but clowns are clowns can't take that away from them.

Anonymous said...

Is this what st joe is producing for the community? Winos, mamones y pediches...

Anonymous said...

The padres at st joe should tell these clowns to stop using st joe as their ticket to free goodies. Let alone the name (st joe) associated with winos alcoholics and freeloaders.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same guy who brought the “Mr Amigo Arturo Ayoub” the guy who no one knew except Treviño, and who bailed out on the citizens of Brownsville before the parades took place? Ya Treviño, deja de robar a la gente, ten vergüenza, o que no te enseñaron a trabajar decentemente?
