Friday, May 10, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: The first graduating Class of 2019 that started four years ago after the Texas Southmost College-UTB separation held its commencement today at the Jacob Brown Civic Center. Slightly more than 100 UTRGV graduates from Brownsville took part in the ceremonies. The moms in the audience were treated to a mariachi serenade. UTRGV President Guy Bailey, the first ever president of school spoke to the graduates and thanked the entire community for welcoming the UT System.)


Anonymous said...

Congrads to all the Graduate, well done

Anonymous said...

The separation between utb n TSC was the best thing for both institutions

Anonymous said...

"Camille Playhouse puts on first all-Spanish production", they've been here over 50 years and this is the first time??? Is this racism or what!!!

Anonymous said...

@May 10, 2019 at 5:55 PM
And the city and its citizens...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does anyone ever flunk out at UTRGV?

Anonymous said...

Only at UT Austin

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Does anyone ever flunk out at UTRGV?

May 12, 2019 at 10:35 AM

YES- Lazy kids that give professors 20 excuses per week.
I have a friend who teaches at UTRGV and her biggest complaint is students wanting to turn in late work at the end of the semester.
Whoever thinks that UTRGV and TSC students never flunk out of "13th" grade; IT IS NOT THE professor who flunks the student; it is THE STUDENT who thinks he is still in HS and that the principal will make the teacher pass him or mommy will make you do it. SOME professors will do it, MOST will FLUNK YOU OUT.

Anonymous said...

10:36 am. Utb Tsc had a 15 percent graduation rate. 85 percent never graduated and left in debt. For this, Juliet Garcia was selected as a world leader by CNN. This went on for 20 yrs.

Anonymous said...

Only at UTAustin.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the all the grads. Excellent work

Anonymous said...

Mismanagement, maladminister, misconduct, misgovern, mishandle, those figures are wrong. Racist republican fake news. NOTHING ELSE...

Anonymous said...

why was the graduation at the jacob brown isn't that part of TSC property. Usually UTRGV has graduation ceremonies outside on the lawn on their property.
just saw it advertised on the utrgv website few days earlier but no commencement program either.

Anonymous said...

What counts here is that you got your degree nothing else.
