Friday, May 17, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: We have argued at length over the local use of terms like gabacho and gringo with one of our good friends (a pocho at that) and he will argue with the deepest conviction that those words are pejorative and hurtful to the person or group whether the speaker is prejudiced or not. 

We counter that - as recipients of words like "mojados" and "meskins" or worse - whether the speaker is prejudiced or not, we can be afforded the use of such words in the course of making ourselves understood. In other words, used them to be understood without the intent to injure anyone's sensitivities.

Take for example, the use of the word "negasura" by local kids to refer to slingshots used to hunt small birds and animals in the past when killing the little animals was accepted and politically correct. It wasn't until much later that we realized that the word was an adaptation of a southern white insult to blacks that you didn't need a gun to kill one, and that a slingshot would do. 
Not knowing that origin - and intent- of the word, we used it innocently and without any intent to hurt anyone. Once we learned its intent, we stopped using it. 

Mexican Americans made the word "chicano" a badge of honor when it was used pejoratively toward them in the 1960s. And rural whites have done the same with "redneck" more recently. In the sign above, the bar (Chapters at 953 E Adams St.) is advertising the flour taco of fajitas and cheese at $4. We tried a gringa and it (not she) was delicious, and a bargain at that.
As Sigmund Freud used to say when he was asked about his smoking a cigar, a phallus symbol in psychoanalysis: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."


Anonymous said...

What would be the name of a ham sandwich - pocha

Anonymous said...

Meskin, Mohado, Greaser, Spic, Mic, Whop, Chink, Nigger and Gringo are all racial slurs and are hurtful per se. These are terms used by majority culturs to disrespect and minimize minority cultures.

I grew up in Brownsville in the 40s and 50s and experienced the hard fists of racism punctuated by these "G" words. Such racism can be explained, but never excused. These harmful words are thrown about in Brownsville society, as if they were harmless.

After working in other parts of the country and world, I chose to retire back to my home town. I like our history, our climate and for the most part our culture. Our Hispanic citizens are among the finest we have in this country. I both admire and respect them. However, anti-Anglo feelings and words are pervasive and serve only to degrade those who use them.

Anonymous said...

You're one of those Messkins who's never had a white woman, Montoya. LOL

Anonymous said...

Jessica spent all day looking for blind women because she is praying for the blind woman vote. If you know any blind women, please, for the love of God, have them feel around and find Jessica!

Anonymous said...

La nigasua was a weapon of choice, only choice, growing up in rural northern Starr County, until we could handle the 22, never thought anything about the meaning, but we had a lot of fun and expertise.

KBRO said...

White folks dont mind being called "gringos" by their "Meskin" friends but throw that word on an advertisement and yes - it is insensitive and hypocritical coming from the people who approved idea for a name to promote the occasion. With that said you're all a bunch of snowflakes anyway and people are tired of tip-toeing around your delicate feelings so tough shit.

Anonymous said...

bunch of hillbillys can't make up their mind what the heck they are.

Anonymous said...

@May 17, 2019 at 10:55 AM
You forgot cracker face hick redneck chango blanco hillbilly bagal stuffer white cockroach

Anonymous said...

So Bradshaw threw he lot in with Carlos Marin's larder of losers. It is like each of them brought an anchor to a drowning rescue.

Anonymous said...

a gringa's not even fajita and cheese,its pastor and cheese, arguing 'bout the wrong thing

Anonymous said...

The majority of your commentators seem to be competing to be the most disgusting, repugnant racist in town. What kind of people will do that?

Anonymous said...

Thats what blogs are abt... 8:29pm
