Will the fur fly at the school board meeting Tuesday?
This Tuesday, an item on the agenda of the Brownsville Independent School District board meeting calls for "Discussion, consideration and possible action on restructure leadership on the Board of Trustees. (Board Member Request - EC)."
When asked by Perez whether it constituted a vote of support for inclusion of the item on the agenda, Perez-Reyes confirmed it saying "Absolutely" at 4:43 p.m.
Currently trustee Minerva Pena is serving as president of the board, Dr. Sylvia Atkinson is vice-president, Dr. Prisci Roca-Tipton is secretary and Philip Cowen is assistant board secretary.
Do Castro and Perez-Reyes have a majority on the board to restructure the leadership on the board?
And was Castro's item on the agenda the catalyst that spurred the recent brouhaha that resulted in n incident report by Pen to the Brownsville Police Department alleging inappropriate behavior by Castro with an alleged BISD male student st s local bar and grill?
The latest wrinkle in that controversy is that reports indicate that it was Castro himself who brought the bar incident to the attention of the director of Human Resources who - in accordance with board protocol - reported it to the interim superintendent who in turn notified board president Pena. She - the dutiful ex DPS desk duty trooper - also according to BISD protocol, is said to have filed the incident report wiht the cops to cover the district' liability.
It turns out now, sources say, that the student in question was not a minor. And eyewitnesses say that on the same evening, before Castro went to the club in question, he had been seen socializing with Perez-Reyes and board counsel Baltazar Salazar at another bar and that Salazar was footing the bill.
When Castro went alone to the other bar after the pair left him, he wandered over to the other bar and grill where he was visited briefly by Michael Rodriguez, one of the candidates for District 1 who visited with him and departed before the alleged encounter between Castro and the other man occurred. Apparently, it was this encounter that was reported to the BISD, and later to the BPD.
When Castro went alone to the other bar after the pair left him, he wandered over to the other bar and grill where he was visited briefly by Michael Rodriguez, one of the candidates for District 1 who visited with him and departed before the alleged encounter between Castro and the other man occurred. Apparently, it was this encounter that was reported to the BISD, and later to the BPD.
The meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the BISD main offices.
Castro is bad news for BISD. grow up, pendejo!!!!
Headline: "ARE" Erasmo, Laura......
Dale gas EC no te dejes puras vivoras and make them ALL work 12 months a year just like everybody else. ESTAMOS CON TIGO
You made the correction! Good for you.
Si, si hermano, estoy contigo.. CULO!!
Why do I feel like I am reading an episode of La Reyna Del Sur? Starring Erasmo Castro as Epifano Vargas the corrupt politician trying to pass himself as a man of the people. Ugh disappointed in you castro
Power, thats the thing when these folks get elected, i want more power, God help us, looks liek a turn over of power at the nex BISD meeting. Oh well doesnt help out the kids with their education.
Puras pinche vivoras embidiosas vivoras con dos patas de marrano y uno o dos pendejos PONGANSE A TRABAJAR HUEVONES.
And they wonder why charter schools are gaining on them. Parents decide where their kids go to school, not students. The Brownsville community is losing faith in BISD; starting with the board.
Please share the link to the meeting. We all want to view the BISD fiasco.
-El Guardian Del Pueblo
Bring your popcorn to the meeting at BISD tomorrow where the circus will be on hand once more with la Atkinson being the ring-leader and Minerva the lion she manipulates with a chair. Where is Philip Cowen in this? He knows so much and is so proper; he should remind them all about his SB1566 that he feels he knows all about. Did you see where Cowen has an agenda item he inserted so that he can become the representative to TASB? Modesty is full-blown, right?
Going back to check all the policies that have been changed and/or added recently by selection of board member interests. I like that Salazar will have to show just how much he works for BISD to earn the amount of money that he gets for one meeting a month. What in the world do Rendon, Ameel and Lopez Cornejo want from the district - filling grievence over grievence when they so desire? I heard Elia Cornejo want a school coming up in the Southmost area to be named after her???? Yes, we are all about children at BISD. No charge at the circus tomorrow but show up early to get a good seat.
He may not have been a minor, but id he was student, then that's wrong anyway.
Elizondo ain't going away
There is no lesser of the two evils, the SPA faction is out for themselves, they think that whatever is good for them is good for everyone else.
The E.C. faction got lucky and got elected as a joke.
Both factions will destroy what is good about the BISD, in the end the few good teachers and the students will suffer because the powers that be can profit from thier elected positions.
BISD jumped the Shark a long time ago.
Just go to the private schools better everything
Power is bad, corrupts, just ask Trumpoline at the white house
(She-the dutiful exDPS desk duty trooper-)
I saw her directing traffic after an accident, on Coffeeport and Paredes, in about 1995. The memory is absolutely laughable. To the point that it's probably why she never progressed past her desk job.
blogger at 1:49, was Minnie Winnie wearing her Porter Belle uniform or was she wearing her Tito Mata Shorts that fit right into her crack and left nothing to be imagined? She is really something, right? Today I lost count of the many times she played with her hair at the board meeting blowing it over Dr. Hatton's face. When people went to take their driver's test and they saw her lingering outside, they would drive pass and not come back until her day off. She was horrible then and she is still horrible.
Hey what happened at the circus tonight. Erasmo se rajo! Le tiene miedo a la Sylvia. They couldn't wait to get back in the conference room and pig out on the expensive food they buy for them to eat. They often ask for shrimp from Capt. Bobs! I bet they don't throw that away like they do when they bring them chick-filets. I wonder if Balta was going to get into the swing of things in the back and start throwing punches at Cowen. He was pissed.
Their first test is how fast you can write up a traffic ticket the last is traffic control.
I agree about school boards impacting where people want their children to go, but what is not mentioned is the droves of good teachers leaving because of the sorry ass principals running some of our high schools! One of those principals has been nick named "Hitler On The Roof"! Running schools with an iron fist is not the way! What do you expect when most appointments are political! This is where blogs and local news reporters should be filing FOIA requests to see what principals have lost the most teachers and which principals have the most active and inactive grievances! This is where the meat and potatoes of the problems at the BISD are coming from! What happened to investigative reporting?
(She was horrible then and she is still horrible.)
They need to get rid of him he's bad news that's what he get for closing all the schools
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