The 2019 graduation ceremonies will be a bittersweet memory for a woman and her daughter.
Although none of those present at the graduation ceremony for students at the Brownsville Early College High School may have been aware of it, they had to overcome many obstacles, including personal family tragedies and an overzealous administrator intent on enforcing her personal dress code.
Then, to add insult to injury, one of the board members at the graduation ceremony showed up wearing a comic-book character's medallion.
Then, to add insult to injury, one of the board members at the graduation ceremony showed up wearing a comic-book character's medallion.
On a personal level, the woman's husband had left the household for a younger woman and the load of caring for her fell upon her daughter, who was taking college courses at the BECHS at the same time.
While the mom struggled to recover from her health and personal ordeal it still proved a difficult time for both of them.
Throughout that time, her daughter stuck by her mom's recovery. So when the girl asked her to help her to add some colored highlights to her hair for the high school prom, the grateful mom gave her permission to do it but it resulted in unsightly blue and purple highlights that principal Aimee Garza-Limon found objectionable. Several times, they said, Garza-Limon ordered the girl to remove the highlights.
Yet, despite spending more than $100, the color would not budge. The principal's persistent objections to the girl's hair lasted into graduation morning when she called her out about it on graduation morning in front of her peers.
The woman's mother said the principal told her daughter she would not allow her to walk in the graduation ceremony if she didn’t put her hair up to cover the highlights. Upset at the persistent scolding, the mom confronted Ms. Garza-Limon and tried to explain to her everything they had gone through to reach the moment of her graduation.
Confronted, the principal did apologize to her daughter, but that hardly made up for the unnecessary tears and distress they had endured, the mother said. With the lighting at the ceremony, it was barely even noticeable.
"During the ceremony, I was disappointed to see that there was another student with colored hair and nothing was said. Then I noticed that board member Erasmo Castro was disrespecting the collegiate regalia by idiotically donning the Marvel Doctor Strange Eye of Agamotto Replica Necklace as part of his regalia."
Now, she asks, why was her daughter subjected to public ridicule in front of her peers and forced to adopt the whims of the principal while others weren't, and a board member chose to appear at this once-in-a-lifetime event wearing a comic-book medallion?
"This is blatant disregard to be a role model in our community," she said. "After all we had gone through I feel the students and their parents deserve a little more respect for their achievements."
Pesima, pero pesima imagen para el distrito este sr. castro. una pena como padre de familia ver a este sr. en el strado entregando diplomas a nuestros hijos.
Fatboy Erasmo Castro es El Pendejo del pueblo! Dumbass needs to get his shit together. So ashamed of this episode and the way Castro behaved. He should resign immediately!
This is also blatant disregard to Avengers Endgame and Dr. Stephen Strange, who sacrificed his life so that Tony Stark could go on to figure out time travel and ultimately defeat Thanos.
Blatant disregard to established norms. A graduation ceremony is not the proper venue to his ridiculous buffoonish appearance in an intent to appear to be relevant. He should apologize and explain his childish behaviour.
Its what you get when you elect a MR
Seems the administrators in BISD are either power mongers (fascists), who want to demonstrate their power at graduation by making demands at graduation that would never have been made during the school year....because of concern of "public scrutiny", not about the student by what the public and higher ups might think. Have we lost all "common sense" these days. Seems BISD folks seek to indoctrinate, not educate.
Erasmo is a "DICK"! He wore the gaudy piece so he could stand out in the crowd. He wants all eyes focused on him. Classic "DICK"!
Erasmo is the classic wannabe. But he looks like a dead flounder, ese guey! Vales verga, pinche vato feo!
And he is still dicking around in the run-off.
What's idiot, this what you get when stupid people vote.
The stupid medallion was given to him by his commadre..bitch..laura Perez reyes...
At the Pace Graduation, as Erasmo walked in, it seemed to me that he made a
gesture by turning to his right and spitting. Gross! Yet, the idiots on the stand cheer him more than the other board members. Something is wrong! I am surprised at Aimee for being so "stone-age" and should have remembered when and how she grew up. Speak with both and come to a compromise and go back and remember when at Porter Hight School, a guy, who is not being honored for writing books crossed the stage wearing nothing underneath his gown and the principal just laughed. He also allow the detention officer to bring in a student who was in jail to walk across the stage. Todos hijos de dios, todos hijos del diablo.
Much Ado About Nothing
Much more important things to get worked up about like medical issues financial issues leave poor Erasmo alone.
He meant no one harm.
He likely had many many more light hearted people who enjoyed his humor.
Get less worked up about minor things and attach BISD property taxes.
Al Princeso se lo lleva la chingada al saber que Michael Rodriguez, AKA El Brazotes De La Southmost Facebook Page, is now Erasmo Catros', AKA Marrano De Mont,e BFF, (Best Friend Forever. El pinche politics makes strange bedfellows,
Fack u Montoya!!
Well that's strange....
That idiot was what the voters wanted.
Folks becareful what you wish for, you might just get it, oops we already got it-erasmo castro good grief.
Erasmo, did you ask your Dad if it would be proper to wear this childish figurine? You promised you would never do anything to embarrass your Dad, beside all the other things you had already done to do so. This is a moment when the children are due all the respect for their hard work and you are making a mockery out of it - the so-called role-models!!!!!
He's not to blame its all inherit I know his dad, he went to la folca y era un chango (payaso in a good sense) like father like hijo
What is he showing these kids? that its okay to dress like this in important events?
Aimee did the RIGHT thing. Students are supposed to follow code of conduct and idiot parents encourage their children to disregard rules and regulations. The mother's sad story does not negate her responsibilities to raise her daughter to follow rules!! STUPID stupid ppl
Tell me how y’all really feel...
This article is beyond ridiculous and comments, too. You have nothing better to do. LOL
At least the fucker didn’t pass out drunk with food all over his face like the last time.
Just to it erasmo show some spirit its time to act natural and not uppitty show these huevones you represent US not them. bola de envidiosos
We need change at bisd all these stuck up teachers with their degrees think their shit don't stink DALE GAS ERASMO
Ese mole in the hole can't get over that hew lost to you give it up you lost estupido go get a life DALE GAS ERASMO...
Erasmo said...
Tell me how y’all really feel...
well I could write a book but these few words would suffice...
I voted for you now I regret it...
I saw you as a force of change but now I see I was wrong...
It is sad you let some of your voters down...
I don't want you to parade halls and crave for the popularity you probably lacked before but I would like to see you actually do something worthwhile...
Consider this my break for your support for your lack of respect for the profession...
Consider this the beginning of you failure to get reelected...
I supported you I voted for you and I even was laughed at for supporting you...
As Roberto Duran said NO MAS...
Now you tell me how you feel... nada
which defines you very well
Shows you erasmo how some of these stupid teachers feel they are but a few and they are the ones that cause the most damage get rid of all of them put all of them to work FULL TIME 12 MONTHS JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE
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