Monday, June 10, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

He denies it "100 percent."

And a law enforcement source in the Brownsville Police Department says that the only existence of any kind of documentation to show that something was amiss with an encounter between Brownsville Independent School District board member Erasmo Castro and an alleged student is in an incident report passed on to the cops as an unconfirmed rumor.

For days now, the talk has been swirling around Castro, but so far the only possible source of its origin has been an alleged incident report passed on to police by BISD board president Minerva Pena. Pena, a former Texas Department of Public Safety trooper, apparently thought there was something to the rumor and chose to err on the side of caution and passed it on to the police.

As the story goes, Castro was supposed to have been drunk and then as the retelling went, the story kept getting better. The most sordid part also says that some sort of kissing and fondling between the two was involved and that it happened in a local club.

As we said at the start, Castro denies it as did some of his fellow board members. That type of rumor has dogged Erasmo for some time now. When pressed for proof, these rumors characteristically fade away. We urge discreetness (discretion?) in such matters on everybody's part.

(To the grammar nazi: Noun. discreteness (usually uncountable, plural discretenesses) The state or quality of being discrete, separated or distinct.)

Everyone, of course, is entitled to their preference, so this may have been something someone thought they saw. Until there is solid proof in the form of a formal police complaint, it can only be viewed as a vile rumor against the now not-so-portly BISD board member.


Anonymous said...

Shame on you Erasmo

Anonymous said...

Why didn't the tiquetero (so call trooper) investigate a teenager in a bar???

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena should be arrested for that hairdo!

Anonymous said...

Oh NO, this cannot be true? BISD is selling tacos at the campuses.

Anonymous said...

The dude does come off as being extremely gay. Of course, just my humble opinion.


Anonymous said...

The rumors aren’t without basis. I myself have been friends with Castro in the past and can say that this does not surprise me. A drunk Castro is an unhinged Castro without any sort of inhibitions to stop him from overstepping his boundaries. Take this story with more than a grain of salt. If someone comes forth with evidence, perhaps others may too step out and something can be done.

Anonymous said...

This is wrong on so many levels. The sordid details are stomach turning. There should be multiple charges ranging from contributing to the delinquency of a minor and sexual misconduct with a student by board member! What will the DA do? Nothing he will continue to put his constituents children in harms way!

Anonymous said...

Common traits of pedophiles:

Usually an adult male

Often appears to be hard-working and family-oriented

Tends to be better educated and more religious (on the surface) that the average person

Tends to be well-liked by parents and children; a pedophile teacher is often one of the most popular teachers in school

Ways that pedophiles generally target their victims and allay suspicion:

They actively seek children who are quiet, needy, or have problems at home

They also lavish attention on children they don't abuse, to build a sense of trust by parents and other students

They find ways to be alone with children; for instance, music teachers or coaches often are in a position to give individual attention to students. In one case, a pedophile teacher volunteered to direct the school's computer center, because the door was always locked to prevent theft

They usually accomplish molestation by gradual seduction, not sudden coercion

Anonymous said...

Will Bobby have a "spontaneous tent pitching" after reading this article? If so will he consult with McHale whom he believes has been on the receiving side of anal oral sex for his advice on how to pleasure himself while using dental dam and avoiding HPV. For further information on such topics please read Bobby's informative blog.

Anonymous said...

Let's get to the bottom of this, Montoya! Andale, andale!

Anonymous said...

Oye, Juan.....Erasmo is chatting on FB to the orange haired orangutag ...and he is telling him that he is not gay. Que, quueeee!? Why is Erasmo hiding his sexuality? He is pulling a Roman Perez, dude. Erasmo es mas joto que Liberace, Juan. He paraded his lover everywhere during his election...... he has made advances to many other men and his preference of young men is well documented on many past blog postings. Why would Erasmo hide his sexuality now? It’s just a lie to cover up another lie....we will see what other lies Erasmo has said to the private eye from McAllen....the great orange haired reporter.

La Rabia said...

cochino y un monstro, should be investigate and charged to the full extent of the law, even if the corrupt mustache DA Luis el joto Saenz wont do anything like we already know,, oh i have to step aside cuz he is my friend, change of venue like Rene ojete oliviera's case, pincho maricon el DA tambien. Muy Poco Hombre, no tiene huevos ponte una falda Luis.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@June 10, 2019 at 11:54 PM

YOu must be a teacher. Texas ranks #1 in teachers molesting students but TEA turns their back on the students and parents...

Anonymous said...

So what's the big deal, is E.C. the only gay and proud member of the B.I.S.D. School Board.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who knows him or his family, know that these incidents are just “rumors.” People know he’s been known to be predatory towards young boys. When evidence comes out, this story will be proven true. Just watch.

Anonymous said...

Every man in Brownsville over 50 years of age is Gay. Get over it, Valadez!

Anonymous said...

Como que le gusta limpiarse el culo con pescuezo de ancera?

Anonymous said...

ERASMO? No se si sera JOTO, pero se la tira bien sabroso ese puto.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo es Puto, siempre ha sido Puto y siempre sera Puto.

Anonymous said...

T.E.A is generally tasked with setting standards, they do not do a lot of enforcement, and that, that they do most of the time comes at the request of the school districts Board.
There in a nutshell is a problem.
Imagine this BISD School Board asking for TEA to come in and investigate itself.
So forget about TEA solving any thing wrong with BISD, most of the time The TEA solution to any problem is to throw money at.
If this shit is true about E.C. then I can only imagine how proud all of the people that voted for him must feel.

Anonymous said...

Jotos, lesbianas, y brujasa cristiana es lo que la mesa directive tiene BISD. Porfavor Minerva es una pendeja que la manipula la lesbiana. Que siga las mordidad....

Anonymous said...

Se dice que le gusta comer arroz con popote!

Anonymous said...

Se dice que le gusta el chicle.

Anonymous said...

Y el cheque que?

Anonymous said...

Congressman should get involved and call on the F.B.I. to sort it out.

Anonymous said...

Saca el pase, Quesito Moso!

Cantinflas said...

juan que onda, another scandal at the cameron county tax office? con tony the tiger yzaguiree? pos no que no. Does he only hire all this cheaters to see what he can learn from them? we all have to buy the car insurance, no safe guards i guess, check it out brother.

Anonymous said...

If he is a maricas he's in the right place.

Anonymous said...

Mt. Pleasant ain't going away.

Anonymous said...

She should have gone to CPS if the student was a minor. It’s state law to report any SUSPECTED abuse. She didn’t have to know for a fact if it happened or not, if there is suspicion— it is CPS’s job to investigate and determine that. And reports should always be anonymous, shouldn’t have gotten to this point.

connect the dots said...

The rumor is very believable.

This person you mention hangs out and is good friends with the openly gay President of the San Bene School Board Michael "Bow Tie" Anthony Vargas who announced in his facebook page that he is in a relationship with another dude.

Anonymous said...

Let me see...Montoya publishes a vile rumor, but want to squelch the rumor. The net effect is the rumor grows and spreads. The only way to squelch a rumor is to not repeat it. Some of us are smart enough to see the ruse.

Anonymous said...

I have a lead: Montoya is the real pervert

Anonymous said...

Lo q me sorpende es coml este tipo q se la pasa en internet toooooodo el dia, llego a gnar una eleccion, como es posible q la gente se base en tan bajos estandares para haber votado x el? La fotografia que publicl con el chavito donde aparece cachete con cachete es muuuuy desafortunada, el tipo es un cincuenton q se la pasa abrazando a chavitos y tomandole fotos, no es un comportamiento adecuado, no me pareceria mentira que estos rumores sean ciertos.... bravo brownsville x haber votado x elbravo

Anonymous said...

should of could of would of - sounds like a teacher...

Anonymous said...

You think w.garza helped him get elected???smh

Anonymous said...

@June 14, 2019 at 12:13 AM

Man that's VERY old news

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Incompetent Scandalous District BISD

Anonymous said...

Dale gas EC estamos con tigo puras vivoras Think of yourself as a Mongoose the natural enemy of ALL snakes including those with two feet...,

Anonymous said...

As any Educator knows, all allegations as well second information about incidents involving sexual relationships with minors and adults must be reported to Law enforcement.
