Saturday, June 15, 2019



Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The owner of the signs proclaiming "Viva Southmost, Vivan Los Cowboys and Viva Rick Longoria and Viva Michael Rodriguez" says that the City of Brownsville code enforcement officers have overstepped their authority by plastering his expensive signs (about $400 each) with red citation notices. 

The notice states that the signs violate Sec. 328 (11) which prohibits the posting of political signs that do not have a political disclaimer and must meet size requirements.

But, the owner of the property says, the signs are not asking anyone to vote or reelect anyone. And Michael Rodriguez is not even a candidate in in the ongoing elections. 

"Why did the city send someone to mess up the signs that have nothing to do with the elections?," he asked. "Those signs are on private property, just like the Cowboy signs are at Gladys porter High School."

The owner of the property says he will fight the violation charges in municipal court because he thinks that the city has been overzealous in the enforcement and - because they are not asking anyone for their vote - are not governed by the section cited.

The signs have also been the subject of vandalism in the past, with someone removing and cutting them the night when they were placed at the property. At the time there were no citations issued and police apparently have not made any arrests on the vandalism.

"We're fighting this," said the landowner who asked to remain anonymous.


Anonymous said...

They have not been elected yet and they are already ordering department heads what to do!!! and this is in the southmost area GO OUT AND VOTE JUST IMAGINE WHAT SHE WILL DO IF SHE WINS!!!GO VOTE GO VOTE GO VOTE!!!

Anonymous said...

What is it with Southmost voters? If it is not giving up their vote for a chicken plate, now they are giving up a vote for a sports team logo on a sign?

Some candidates must believe Southmost voters are so ignorant and easily influenced to vote for reasons that have nothing to do with the responsibility the candidates are being tasked with.

Why not use your vote for a qualified City Commission candidate? Now there is a bright idea.

Anonymous said...

I would like tell COB, give citations to ALL individuals NOT in the run off, if signs are on individual PRIVATE property then owners deal with it, BUT any signs that represent a driving distraction in such major areas of driving, like Southmost street, areas by the mall, on 802,Palm Blvd, they are not only driving hazards, but also eye sore. I am NOT taking sides, nor being political. If we want Brownsville to get better, it DOES NOT start with the politicians; it STARTS WITH US, THE CITIZENS. Brownsville FIRST.

Anonymous said...

I put up a small sign on my fence which read, "table and chairs " will the city of Brownsville give me a citation too?

Chon southmost said...

No pos wow honestly did never rhought city code enforcement would ever patrol the southmost area for signs??? how about reporting bad streets, dirty alleys, street lights that are out, like do you job, mmmm guess mayor tony is helping out galonsky and dad with this election in the southmost area, right mayor ?/

Anonymous said...

Can I put up a sign in my car? I have it parked in the southmost area. Will the 3 headed monster sent in the goon squad to ticketed my car???

Anonymous said...

I put a sign on my t-shirt will I get a ticket? Oh I live in the southmost area...

Anonymous said...

I saw 2 cats and a dog with big signs can they get a ticket?

Anonymous said...

Those inspectors need to be investigated who sent them? The city manager or his deputy dogs or they did it on their own - just like the engineers so highly educated

Anonymous said...

Notice the cited losers expressing terminal butt-hurt. Illegal signage is illegal signage.

Anonymous said...

Para el pendejo at 4:57 not when its selective enforcement estupido...Is that what we can expect for los tres gringos?

Anonymous said...

uuy uuuy andan enojados los pinches gringos junto con los mamones cocos...ha ha ha ha hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Butt-hurt and a red ass is what los tres gringos have right now

Anonymous said...

Con el southmost se chingan pinches gringos.
