Thursday, June 27, 2019


By Juan Montoya
With two credible and competent challengers to her 16-year tenure as Justice of the Peace 2-1, Linda Salazar has gone on a weddings binge at the county-provided wedding chapel in the new Levee Street county building.

Image result for JP 2-1 salazar soliciting weddings, rrunrrunOn Monday, we are told, Cupid Linda presided over 13 wedding ceremonies in her courtroom. At $250 a pop ($3,250), that should help nicely to fight off her challengers.

So, if you have any other business other than getting married (everyone should do it once, or twice or more, until you get  it right) you might want to seek another court.

Makes one wonder, though, where does she find time to do the business of the court aside from collecting her loot. Under Texas law, a JP is allowed to pocket all her wedding fees. The county gets nothing even though it provides the setting and pays the official (about $56,000 a year) who performs the ceremony.

We have posted Salazar's penchant to be Cameron County's Cupid (for her fee, of course) in the past. The response has always been that people gravitate toward her court and that she can't help it if they want her.

But then again, we have also posted her brazen soliciting caught on the building's surveillance tapes. See for yourself.

At one time early this last year (around Valentine's Day), she stopped taking civil cases and processes and directed servers to the other courts to concentrate on her wedding biz. Over the past few years, she has averaged some 600 wedding a year netting more than $120,000 from her side gig.

So far, Fred Arias, a retired federal lawman, and Cynthia Mendiola- Hinojosa, a Democratic Party women activist and currently  a law office office manager have said they will run for the JP 2-1 position.

It'll ultimately up to JP 2-1 voters this upcoming Democratic primary in March whether they want to keep this kind of self-dealing public servant or move on to better (albeit not bigger) things.


Anonymous said...

She hustles. Every wedding is $$$ for the county. What's your beef with that?

Anonymous said...

What part of " the county gets nothing for these weddings" didn't you get? Read much?

Anonymous said...

There will be a special price if you get married in the county parking lot. You will pay by a special wedding parking meter at ten dollars at minute. Must used at least 5 minutes and no refund.

baloney said...

y yo sigo senido la reyna de las bodas y ceremonias y que?

Anonymous said...

8:11 you are so uneducated. The county doesn’t profit all the license fees. Linda keeps all the marriage fees. She makes more from every wedding than the county. Then again, if people are so upset of Linda making a living off her office, then they should lobby the legislature and have them change the law.

Anonymous said...

Eat my shit, all of you!

Anonymous said...

senido? must be the campaign manager...

Anonymous said...

Let’s not forget that the county clerk sylvia garza Perra sends couples her way .... they use county employees county building to preform the marriage and the tax payers get stuck with the bill ..... change the LAW

Anonymous said...

OK, so she has challengers. What will they do with the wedding monies? Will they split it with the Boys and Girls Club? Maybe the Little League? Looks like the tradition will continue.....

Anonymous said...

Linda Salazar is incompetent, stupid, arrogant and greedy. She is not a public servant, she sees the public as her source of income. I have been tempted to get a sign for my vehicle that says "Anyone but Linda Salazar". Time for her to go home and stay out of our lives forever.

Anonymous said...

She has a clerk in her office that is completely disrespectful, discourteous, rude, impolite amd plain rude to the people. She works in the front office but not at the windows. If the JP wants to get re-elected she needs better clerts to respect the citizens that go there. This lady should get fired. With employees like that she will loose the election guaranteed...

Anonymous said...

Next time I will go to another JP not her just because of that lady that works there that is rude to all, and I may not even vote for her ANYMORE......
