Tuesday, June 25, 2019


By Juan Montoya
Before the Cameron County Commissioners Court even had a chance to deliberate and take action on the agenda item posted above, County Administrator David Garcia  - raking in a $200,000-plus salary - has resigned.
Image result for david garza, cameron county administrator
Courthouse sources say Garcia handed in his resignation today in executive session. There was no reason given for his resignation, although the harried administrator probably knew the end was coming as he polled the commissioners before the meeting.

As we posted yesterday on this blog, there were storm clouds in the horizon for Garcia. Today, the chickens came home to roost.

The same sources say that standing in the wings are his possible replacements said to be two former Gilberto Hinojosa administration colleagues Remi Garza and Jared Hockema.

Once the favorite of individual commissioners (Pct. 3 David Garza, for example), Garcia seems to have rubbed somebody the wrong way recently. Inside sources suggest that it may have been Pct. 4 commissioner Gus Ruiz who called for the item to be placed on the agenda.

Garza, meanwhile, did not attend the meeting and did not participate in the executive session discussion.

Garcia had earned the moniker of "Immunity David" because of his cooperation with the Cameron County District Attorney's Public Integrity Unit (PIU) chief George Delaunay in the prosecution of former Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez in the fiasco involving the hiring of his brother-in-law with the county's International Bridge System.

Part of Garcia's job duties was the supervision of the bridge system. Hernandez cut a deal with the DA's Office and resigned his position and  got deferred adjudication. Garcia stayed on as assistant county administrator.

Delaunay also granted Garcia immunity for his cooperation with the PIU in the prosecution of his former boss Pete Sepulveda, who was both county administrator and CEO of the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority.

Sepulveda copped a plea with the DA over the use of county materials on a non-dedicated road along the river near Los Indios as a favor to former Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez to belp in his run for county judge.

As a result of Sepulveda's prosecution, Garcia inherited his former boss's position and his $200,000-plus salary when Sepulveda left.

Just recently, the scuttlebutt was that he was going to cooperate (if not already cooperating) with Delaunay's PIU on the investigation on the "transfer" of palm trees that were on the property the Bence Trust after it donated the land for the construction of a new Pct. 4 county barn. The Bences had a tree nursery on the property. The palm trees were apparently donated to the City of La Feria without commissioners court approval.

In accepting the Bence land, the county had to pay for the extension of water and sewer lines to the new Pct. 4 county barn, and the Bences, who had land between the property for the new county barn and the water lines by the expressway, benefited from the donation with the infrastructure to develop it.

Did Ruiz simply get the jump on "Immunity David" before he spilled his guts to the PIU? Pct. 5 constable Eddie Solis is said to be helping Delaunay ferret out facts in the palm-tree caper. Solis, after all, is Delaunay's half brother and it's no secret there is bad blood between him the Ruiz.

It was Ruiz, after all, who made the motion to accept Garcia's resignation before the agenda item was considered, since accepting the administrator's resignation would make it moot. Garcia had met with the commissioners in executive session asked whether they would accept his resignation before voting on the agenda item. He was told he could and when the item came up, did not want to make a statement in open court.

The motion was seconded by Pct. 2 commissioner Joey Lopez and passed unanimously 4-0 with Judge Eddie Trevino and Pct. 1 commissioner voting to end Garcia's tenure at the county.


Anonymous said...

gilberto hinojosa-pure poison and his minions colleagues remi in the rear and jared multi-city administrator pura creama los tre cabrones. Lets make a deal with the current county commission.

Anonymous said...

Karma, what goes around,comes around plain and simple. This was a long time coming to finally see Garcia out of there. You reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

Pobre David. He tried his best. I wonder why the item was placed on the agenda? What did he do in order to be forced to resign? Did he commit fraud? Did he steal money? Did he violate any laws?

Ya no se que decir Juan. It’s time to DRAIN THE SWAMP! Hay mucho administrador que no debe de estar en posiciones de poder. Hay mucho fraude! El pueblo es el que sale perjudicado!

En esa nota, deben de contratar a un administrador con experiencia, a un visionario, a una persona que si sepa advancar y valorar al pueblo!

Attte. Robinhood

Anonymous said...

We heard that Eddie Trevino was asking for a certain new County Admin.

Shampoozie said...

that delauney guy looks like the shampoozie guy from Pueblo tires lol.

Anonymous said...

George Delauney is scum. His whole purpose in life is to destroy innocent people by making up conspiracy to ruin public officials life. Ever since his wife left him for a political man, he hates anyone that is elected. He thinks everyone is crooked and he will do anything to destroy you, even if it means making up fake charges. People here don't know any better and get scared because of the uneducated idiots we elect. The only ones that don't get indicted are the attorneys that are elected officials. Seriously look into how many attorneys have been indicted that are attorneys? Not even Cesar De Leon got indicted. I thought Doroteo Garcia was going to be indicted? you know why he wasn't because his wife is Erin Hernandez an attorney and she read him the law and George Delaney backe off.

Seriously... how many attorneys have been indicted? The list of thieves is long but only for the uneducated in the law.

Anonymous said...

Delaunay is a has been, he's only at the D.A.s to kiss Luis' ass. When was the last time this guy actually took a case to court?

Anonymous said...

So this guy was exposing corruption, so he is out? He's the bad guy?

Anonymous said...

looks county judge eddie trevino already has a CAMOTE AKA A SWEET POTATO already lined up, cafeful judge it might back fire on you cool arrow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To all those who are leaving posts criticizing Luis Saenz and Delaunay, we will find out who you are... just like we did with Doroteo Garcia’s fake FB account. No one posts negatively about Saenz and Delaney. We have all the tax-payer money to investigate IPAdresses and find out who you are. Los vamos a chingar.

Anonymous said...

@6:09...So what if they founded out who was posting the fake fb account...nothing was ever done to Doroteo Garcia. He is Still working at the Engineering dept. as an Assistant to Carlos Lastra. Why are there two assistants? Montoya needs to investigate that. Must be nice having an attorney as a wife.

Anonymous said...

someone put me up to speed please.

Last I remember criticizing even the President of the United State is legal, Freedom of Speech is what they call it, if I remember correctly from elementary.

You must be confusing the USA with Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

Manitas was not even qualified for thOSE positionS.NO more sucking on the County for.

Anonymous said...

Pobre dude

Anonymous said...

Pobre dude? You wish you had his bank account. Over $200,000 per year for a very long time. Not too bad.

Anonymous said...

i keep hearing Remi is the choice for this job ala county judge eddie trevino no doubt made a deal with gilberto hinojosa el trampa leader de los democrats in cameron county oh well. there goes the neighborhood
