Monday, June 24, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio says that a lack of cooperation by Tamaulipas, Mexico law-enforcement officials are stymieing the investigation into the shooting death of  Miguel Angel Valdez Hernandez, 57, whose body was discovered Tuesday afternoon on the levee south of Riverside Road.

The sheriff has scheduled a press conference for 10 a.m. Tuesday to update the public on the status of the investigation.

His brother, Alejandro Valdez Hernandez, has posted a social media video that has gone viral, has vowed to press the investigation and find the culprits. He said the family was first told he had suffered a heart attack until the autopsy revealed a bullet wound around his brothers' waist.

River murderThe sheriff said the body of the jogger was found shortly after 4 p.m. by a farm worker driving a tractor.

Sheriff's investigators say they obtained film from the U.S. Border patrol of a white extended truck and that the bullet that killed the man  may have come from Mexico.

However, said they have no suspects in the shooting and have not said how the BP was able to obtain the surveillance video that coincided to the time that the man was shot. Investigators have not discounted that the bullet may have originated on either side of the river.

Authorities believe Hernandez died sometime after 3 p.m. and was found about an hour later. Brownsville EMS responded to the scene.

Chief Deputy Gus Reyna said several people were seen in the bed of the white truck.

“A this time we are currently looking at all possibilities, including that the shot that killed our victim may have come from Mexico," Reyna told news media at a previous press conference. "We have contacted Mexican authorities to assist us in this investigation."

Hernandez, who jogged on the levee sometimes twice a day, was wearing audio phones when he was found.


Anonymous said...

Let’s imagine that Donald Trump hadn’t summarily fired former Gov. Chris Christie and thus had binders full of candidates for high office, color-coded by area of expertise and by department: Does anyone believe President-Elect Trump would have even flipped open those 30 volumes?

Please. If you say yes, you probably believe Trump when he says he never even met his most recent accuser, journalist E. Jean Carroll (there’s a picture of them at a party), who told her story of staying after hours at Bergdorf Goodman to help real estate developer Trump find a gift of lingerie for whomever he was sleeping with at the time only to be raped by him in a dressing room.

Vetting, schmetting. Trump doesn’t give a fig about background checks, whether by Christie, twentysomethings from the RNC, or the FBI whose denial of security clearances he overrules. What cursory reviews—called “scrubs”—uncovered that should have been a turnoff actually emboldened Trump. If Trump cared about getting his choices right before starting, he wouldn’t be on his third try filling the position of wife.

Anonymous said...

lack of cooperation "is" stymieing. smh

Anonymous said...

He lived long enough at 57. Not like he was 15, Montoya. smh

Petronilo said...

Lusio sucio, dont be senile , those mexican cops want a bribe, you of all ppl should know how its done, no te agas pendejo quey, how many times have you done it yourself..

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the family of the man. I truly am. However, why is this man getting so close to the river? Some folks get close and the green men start questioning them. This guy get close even twice a day thru many miles and is never scrutinized. I guess the cameras were always following him.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
He lived long enough at 57. Not like he was 15, Montoya. smh

June 25, 2019 at 6:53 AM

*This person was a father, a husband, a head of household.
I hope this never happens to you at that age, if it does, I hope someone tells your friends and relatives, at 57 you lived long enough so hey, its ok if YOU died.

Anonymous said...

3:44, we scrutinized him. We all knew him, he exercises there often. Many people do that after a while we get to know them.

Anonymous said...

Its called using the media at any cost or reason just to get re-elected

Anonymous said...

Looks like a government truck.

Former RGV LEO said...

Gee Omar, lack of cooperation from the mexican authorities? Didn't Gus "on the wagon now" Reyna tell you that they wouldn't cooperate? Its Mexico pendejo and they do what the cartel tells them to do. If you or Gus were any kind of LEO, you'd know that! But, you want to be the hero and solve the murder on your own instead of using resources to get your suspect or answers.
Omar, let me tell you this! You need to retire before you ruin any more sheriff units with your accidents! I don't mean to be so direct and one day I'll probably be there BUT basta! Get out while you can and collect that retirement check! Oh, we LEO' present and former DON'T want Gus as sheriff! We want someone who will do the job and not let number 2 do the work OR pass the work to others!
