Poor Arturo "Turi" Treviño.
If we are to believe him, he just found out this week (after a lifetime of living on the border) that there is no "Taco Tuesday" in Matamoros, or in Mexico, for that matter.
He posted this astounding new finding in his Facebook page and he was quickly assailed by a few local cyber wags (our buddy Ernesto Elizondo, for instance).
Turi and his bods have managed to convince local municipal administrators and elected officials that they will be the salvation of downtown by sponsoring (shall we say subsidizing) their faux 'celebrations" such as Beerfest, Noche de Garibaldi, and the latest gag, the ridiculous bash dubbed "Gringo de Mayo."
This latest brainstorm - which Turi and his buddies admit originated during a drunken bash between friends - chooses a deserving gringo and then invites local restaurants, a la Taste of La Frontera, to donate some of their wares to those who plunk down their $40 entry fee for a taste of their samples and his avocados.
Somehow, Treviño and his St. Joe bods convinced the city to donate the venue (the remodeled Market Square), labor, security, utilities, etc., and blocked off the streets around the area so they could party without being bothered by the non-paying rabble. Then the ingrates left greasy stains on the custom brickwork and blamed the contractors for not sealing the bricks when they installed them. They even said the venue was not of their liking, really, no AC, no canopies, etc.
What next in their bags of tricks to tap into the public cash? No Mames Martes? Sucker Sunday? Thursdays for Tarugos? Hopefully city administrators and elected officials catch on to this lunacy (Lunes Lunacy?) and nip this profligacy of the public treasury and assets in the bud.
Que no sea pendejo, Tuesday en Espanol es Martes.
Can you find out for sure if bisd rehired kent witamore. I never saw the posting for a new job for this person.
Pinches mojados mamones junto los pinche gringos haciendo pendejos a los politicos idiotas. Si vas a mata crees que los pinche politicos te vas a emprestar sus propiedades de la ciudad para que te pongas mamado - NO CREO
Juan, you are a man full of hate. You Trump, Oliveira, the Plasma Centers, AMLO, and even yourself for not being born white.
Focus on the big issue! The City of Brownsville is meant to be controlled by the biggest bidder! We have millions to spend on refurbishing old building in downtown, but we cower when it’s time to purchase bus shelters!
-El Guardian Del Pueblo
its like constructing drive ways and sidewalks on boca chica for the elite.
Trey Mendez, a lawyer, illegally fired the President of Texas Southmost College, costing those students a $13 million judgement. This after Trey destroyed UTB and sent it off to McAllen and Harlingen.
Is it true in a debate with Charle Cabler, he said he has no regrets, and would do it all again?
Vote for Trey. The college buster. With him, say good by to any more UT money. Let this shrewd lawyer pull off his legal shenanigans as your mayor. Will the last one leaving Brownsville, please
turn off the lights !!!
Hey Trevino, your events are shit. You are just lucky the gullible people of browntown are starved for any kind of entertainment. Wise up COB and stop working with this conman who pretends to assist charities. You are going to get caught Trevino. Even the idiots at city hall will eventually catch on to your bullshit. This is not Matamoros.
Arturo Treviño commenting again like his opinion matters. The guy was bitching about the city not having sealed the pavers he stained with grease. His “professional” opinion as an architect, or whatever he calls himself, proves worthless when you see how his Trevi drive-thrus are built. The stucco is falling off, the paint is low quality and faded, etc. The dude is a con.
than the city should hire him as the fourth engineer/architect at 200k a year plus unlimited usage of ALL city structures with in the city limits...
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